Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 210 - A Bad Feeling

Dan replied to him : "The girls isolated themselves to assimilate the information contained in a white jade disc that Yann managed to unseal.

It seemed very important to them, so they have entrusted the children to me and it's been three days already, they should soon be over.

Liam left with Alec yesterday, they went to his main shop to set up the sale of the basic and evolved instant teleportation spells, and also put on sale the magic pills of Celia's brothers.

As for Tal and the others, they've been on Elementary for five days already.

Anthony briefly explained to us how the golden stone was protected, and he told us that Celia would have to come to see by herself as he had no idea how to break the force field around it.

And for the power the demons could have on Elementary, we will soon be fixed, because right now there is a big public meeting of the leaders of the most powerful clans, and of course our guys are watching it closely."

Aiden nodded, everything seemed to be going as they'd planned at the moment, he just hoped that Tal and the others would manage to keep a low profile until they joined them.


Tal had chosen to arrive early on purpose to be able to stand at the top of the bleachers and have a better visibility of all the clans.

Fortunately this little incident on the way to the palace had been handled very quickly, but since they had arrived, he had a rather bad feeling about this meeting.

Formerly the blue phoenixes presided over this meeting and they were seconded by the royal imperial phoenixes.

The third most powerful clan were the Thunderbirds, then the Sirens and finally the Snakes.

Tal wondered how the hierarchy had evolved but no matter how powerful these clans were, when Anaya would arrived they would all have to bow down to the golden dragon, the Empress of all mystical creatures and magic beasts.

When all the bleachers were occupied, the clans began to enter, it was always so pompous and ostentatious.

Tradition had it that five clans share the power over Elementary, and of the four clans that entered, three of them were not a surprise.

There were indeed the Imperial Phoenixes, the Sirens, and the Snakes clans, and the fourth apparently represented the humans of Elementary.

The clan that presided over this meeting had not yet arrived and Tal's bad feeling grew even stronger.

He patted Jeremy and Anthony who was in front of him lightly on the shoulder and said to them : "Open wide your super perception guys, I have this feeling that we're going to need your abilities soon."

Anthony said to him immediately : "No need to warn us, this place is teeming with demons, no need to be a genius to guess that it will probably be a demon who will preside over this meeting, now remains to be seen if we will have to face a general or a minion."

Jeremy continued : "At the moment there is nothing to worry about, none of the twelve demons that are present come close to Aiden's ankle, but there are these shadows up there that bothers me, what do you think Anthony, how many and how strong are they ?"

Anthony approved of his brother's analysis, he said to them pointing to a place with his chin : "Hidden just above the meeting, there are three presences more powerful than the others, I'm sure you've spotted them all."

Tal asked him : "I spotted them, but I can't determine their level, can you give me an estimation ?"

Anthony scratched his head and said : "Maybe, but I need to focus more than that ... Jeremy, keep an eye on who's about to come."

Jeremy nodded and Anthony closed his eyes, he focused on where the shadows were coming from and soon he found them, he distinguished not three but five demonic flames, he quickly opened his eyes and cut off the contact with these demons, he quickly said to Tal : "I think I got spotted, they are not three but five, three of them are simple demons with a purple demonic flame, the problem is that their flame is rather big, I would say that they are on the same level as Sky, Snow and Lilac.

The last two are warrior demons, fortunately their amount of darkness energy is negligible, less than ten percent for both, they must be of equal strength to Onyx."

Everyone frowned and got very serious, it was no longer the time to play, the threat had become real.

Tal's transdimensional communication stone lit up and he instantly created a force field around them, as well as an illusion of them remaining focused on the meeting, so that their discussion could not be discovered.

Aiden's face appeared above the stone and he asked : "Has the meeting started ?"

Tal was surprised to see him, he asked him : "If you know about the meeting, it is because you have already returned to Eben, haven't you ?"

Aiden nodded and he saw Tal breathe a sigh of relief, he said to him : "Does it look that bad ?"

Tal said to him : "Yes, it's much worse that what we imagined, the demons aren't even hiding, we are still waiting to see how powerful will be the one who will come to preside over this meeting.

Aiden asked surprised : "You mean a demon is going to preside over this meeting ?"

Tal said : "There's no doubt about it, you know what that means, don't you ..."

Aiden said : "That means they've taken over Elementary, how many are there ?"

Tal repeated to him what Celia's brothers had told her and Aiden after taking a moment to think about it said : "Celia wants Anthony to go to where the golden stone is, so that she can teleport there right away, and see with him if they can find a solution to be able to break this force field.

Chose someone to accompany and protect him, Celia will join them with Liam and Alec.

Dan, Anaya and I are coming to join you guys, make room for us, Yann and Flame will stay with the children in the dimension this time.

I don't think we will need any reinforcements, right ?"

Tal said to him : "Ya, you're right, no need for reinforcements, as soon as Anaya will show off, they all will fight alongside us, nobody will choose to fight against the golden dragon."

Tal's attention was drawn to a powerful and oppressive negative energy.

He said to Aiden before cutting off the communication and removing his force field and illusion : "Come here as soon as possible, this bastard is too strong for me."

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