Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 227 - Bear The Consequences

Aiden was eager to fight, ever since he had taken Basile's magic pill and that Celia had told him that his demonic flame now had sixty percent of darkness energy, he had been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to test his new powers.

It seemed that the Sword of Chaos had grown stronger as well, it was heavier than before and he could feel its desire to annihilate their enemies.

Even though Dan had used Celia's protective shield, the fighters in this room weren't men to be taken lightly, he told him one last time : "If things get too dangerous, get the hell out of here immediately."

Then without waiting for an answer he finally rushed into this room, he would attack the weakest first.

If what he thought was correct, these red dragons would be arrogant and confident with their own power and the stronger ones should watch the weaker ones get themselves exterminate by snorting with disdain.

Dan's thoughts in the other hand were much simpler, even with the lightning element he was only a level twelve grade four fighter, already if he could help Aiden to get rid of the ones with a level twelve grade five his honor would be safe.

He had seen Aiden dashing straight ahead, and already five grade five red dragons were fighting against him.

The four who possessed the most powers had gathered around the force fields that protected the golden stone, so he had only to face three level twelve grade five fighters, but what he was thinking when he had chosen to follow Aiden in his madness.

Aiden was really enjoying himself, his opponents' fire attacks were immediately devoured by that black layer of darkness energy that covered his skin.

One of his opponents had tried to subdue him but he had come into contact with his skin and had been reduced to ashes by gigantic black flames.

'This is really too cool', thought Aiden, finally he felt strong enough to deserve to be the owner of this sword and to be the sacred bond of a demon god.

His opponents who had been reduced to four had only one solution left to attack him, as magical attacks were ineffective against him and coming into contact with his skin meant instant death, all that was left was fighting with their swords.

Aiden smirked at his opponents while still keeping an eye on Dan to see if everything was alright for him, now that Anaya had reunited with her father and had accepted him, it was out of the question that he would let anything happen to him.

Dan meanwhile remained focused on his own fight, thanks to Celia's green papers his defense and attack could rival with those of his opponents.

They had stopped smiling when they found out that he was protected by a shield that prevented their fire spell attacks to touch him.

All the red dragons in this room knew who Dan was, it was such a golden opportunity for them.

The leader of the rebels had come to throw himself in their feet, his head alone worthed a fortune, not to mention the rewards that the Emperor would not fail to give them if they succeeded in killing, once and for all, the one who had been fighting against him since his seizure of power.

Aiden immediately felt the change of atmosphere in the room, and he instantly came to stand in front of Dan.

He parried the attacks of these two level twelve grade six red dragons that were aimed at him.

He had stopped one of the attacks with the Sword of Chaos and for the other one he had used his left hand to grab the blade of the sword that was about to pierce Dan's heart.

He said to him without hesitate : "Get the hell out of here !"

Dan didn't hesitate either and used an instant teleportation portal spell to escape.

Before following him, Aiden had to vent his anger so he yelled : "You dared to attack the father of the golden dragon, so bear the consequences for your actions."

Before they realized what was happening to them, the man who had intervened in their fight and who had just threatened them, stood in front of them and had a human heart in each of his hands.

One of the men had just enough time to look at his chest to see a gaping hole in it before collapsing, dead to the ground.

The other followed him just after, and Aiden threw their hearts on their corpses and burn them with his black flames.

He said to those who remained, before disappearing to join Dan : "You have chosen the wrong side, you are all going to pay dearly for it."

When he was gone, the red dragons that remained after being sure that he was gone, heaved a sigh of relief, but it didn't last for long.

Now that they had stopped fighting they could hear explosions coming from all directions in the palace, there were also sounds of fighting and screams of terror.

They had been ordered not to move from this room no matter what was going on outside, but one of them finally exclaimed : "What the hell is happening ?"


Liam and Alec also found this assault quite amusing, after fighting and killing about thirty poor soldiers, Liam had asked Alec to show him his room when he was still living here, he was curious to see where Alec had grown up.

Alec had smiled and teleported to his old room, Liam had followed him right after and he saw him frown and his eyes for the first time turned almost black.

Liam exclaimed furious : "Fuck Alec, weren't you supposed to be some kind of prince, don't tell me you have grown up here."

This room was tiny and dingy, there was no window, the only source of light was from the fireball Alec had created, this room was probably worse than the one for the servants.

Alec nodded and said : "My father never recognized my mother, and even though I was his only son, I was just a bastard.

When he forced me to learn to become a fighter from the age of eight, I started to rebel and ended up here.

I stayed in this room until I was strong enough to run away and it was Dan who saved me from this hell."

Alec was starting to see black flames appear on Liam's body, so he took his face in his hands to appease him and said : "Calm down honey, this is all in the past and it doesn't matter anymore."

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