Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 229 - The Countdown Has Begun

Aiden finally returned to the base and found everyone in the meeting room.

Liam saw right away that the sword he was holding did not belong to him, he frowned and asked : "Is it the owner of this sword that delayed you so much ?"

Aiden nodded, this fight had completely exhausted him, he said to them : "A general of the demon god was on his way, I waited to welcome him."

When Aiden saw his brother's disapproving look, he confessed : "The final battle is approaching, I wanted to know if I was powerful enough to be able to kill a general on my own."

Alec asked him curiously : "So did you kill him ?"

Aiden shook his head : "At first it was fine, but after a long fight, at the end, I made a little mistake and if the mark that Basile made on my neck had not intervened to stop this sword, it would have pierced my heart, and i would be dead."

Aiden put the sword down on the table and everyone started asking him questions : "Is this really the sword of the demon god's general ?"

"What do you mean the mark on your neck stopped the sword ?"

"What happened to the general ?"

Aiden raised his hand to silence them and answered them as best as he could : "The general has run away after turning pale when he saw what my mark on my neck had done.

I hurt him but not enough to cause a lot of damage to him, he will be healed in a few days, the only good thing I got is his sword, I think I will give it to Caleb.

He needs a new sword to rule Inferno, this one is a very powerful one, it will be perfect for him."

Dan asked him as curious as the others : "What exactly did the mark on your neck ?"

Aiden before answering asked him : "Where are the girls ?"

Dan immediately said to him : "They left to rest with the children in the dimension, in a few hours they will have to separate for a few days, let them enjoy this moment."

Aiden nodded and answered Dan's question : "Actually I didn't feel anything and the mark did it on its own, so a hand made of darkness energy came out of it and gripped the blade of the sword just when it was about to pierce my heart, the general tried to retrieve it but that 'hand' was holding it too tightly, he has preferred to abandon it and flee."

Apparently no one had expected that kind of answer because they were all wide eyed in astonishment.

Aiden then said gravely : "I learned something else by fighting him, he told me that demon gods always chose their sacred bond, so if I die, Basile will die too."

Liam paled and said : "You know what that means don't you ?"

Aiden nodded and Liam said to him to be sure that Aiden really had understood the danger of this revelation : "It means you've become a priority target for them as much as the girls.

This demon god will do anything to eliminate you and kill the threat the existence of another demon god represent to her."

Aiden said to him : "I have realized this, and the only thing that I can do now it's to get stronger as fast as I can."

Dan was worried for Aiden too, but if someone was strong enough to defeat the generals of the demon god it was him.

He said to him : "You should ask Basile about this mark on your neck, if the general fled after witnessed it, then you can surely use it against them."

Aiden had come to the same conclusion, that's why he wanted to know where the girls were, it was because he had to talk to Basile about it.

But as Dan had reminded him, Celia was leaving soon, and he would be the one to stay with Basile, so he would have plenty time to ask him about this mark.

Dan then changed the subject : "You all know that after tonight's attack, the Emperor is going to lock down the city and bring all his troops back to the capital.

For the next raids you will have to be extremely careful and don't approach the golden stone."

Aiden looked at his brother and Alec and said to them : "Dan is right, when Celia will get back I will go with her to get the golden stone, there will probably be one or more elite demons to protect it after the massacre that we have done."

Aiden then told them what happened and how it ended, the death of two level twelve grade six red dragons was going to be a big blow to the Emperor, that's why he will probably replaced them by demons.

Dan said to them : "The first battle will take place in the capital, once we have retaken the city and the imperial palace, if the vision of the girls doesn't change, the Emperor will manage to escape with his men and regroup with the demon god in the Valley of the condemned."

Dan added : "During the raids that you are going to carry out, my men will take care of evacuating as many people as possible from the city.

In five days we will join you there with an army to take back what is rightfully ours, I guess the countdown for the final battle has really begun this time."


At the same time, the Emperor of the red dragons had just killed his soldiers who had reported to him what had happened in the imperial palace.

His bastard son was back in Stellar and he had once again chosen to fight with the rebels to create chaos.

His men had said that they had used some sort of portal to disappear and reappear instantly in totally different places, which made them totally unstoppable.

These rebels had engraved golden pentagrams all over the palace, that was not good, before the only symbole of the rebellion was Dan, he just had to kill this man and everything would have been over.

But now, this golden pentagrams meant that the rebels had found a symbol to believe in and that only made them more dangerous.

One of his trusted men suddenly arrived in front of him and handed him a drawing, he said : "There are plenty like this one, they have been found all over the city, people say that the golden pentagram represents the legendary mage and the golden dragon who unite their strength to fight against the evil.

A rumor is already circulating that the empire will soon collapse and that the golden dragon will kill the demon god."

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