Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 232 - The Demons Choice

Celia's brothers had been attentive to each step that she had made and once this one was done, Celia let them try to make the next ones.

All three of them successfully achieving the ultimate protection seal. Thanks to the green papers and their super perception, it was a piece of cake to reproduce what Celia had done.

Now that was when the real challenge began, the five of them were going to do something that alone she would have been unable to achieve.

Thanks to Yann's new communication stone, they manage to coordinate easily and fill all five ultimate protection seals at the same time and at the same speed.

Once filled, a rainbow dome with orange reflections materialized above all Elementary, and Celia tried to test the shield right away.

She could get in and out as she wanted, after all this divine protection shield only prevent the users of darkness and demonic energy to pass, the others could move freely.

They had taken eight hours to make it, and over five hundred green papers of universe energy mixed with regeneration energy as well as two hundred and fifty green papers filled with earth element.

The earth element was also serving to connecting the five ultimate protection seals together to give more power to the divine protection shield. 

Celia was quite satisfied with this result, she guessed that they could do it in seven or even six hours once they got use to do it.

She decided to go to Eben next, she still had enough green papers to make the divine protection shield in another world.

Then, they would have to go to Inferno because she would need Daniel to get more regeneration energy before she could continue.

So, they all went to Eben and teleported directly to the Northern Academy to see the Head Master.


Meanwhile, Caleb had received Tal's message, and it was time for him to make a decision, he decided to get all his trusted men together and explain the situation to them.

An hour later, when they arrived Caleb said to them : "I wanted you to come because the moment of everyone choice has finally arrived.

Celia will be arriving here soon to make a divine protective shield to protect us from the wrath of the demon god.

According to Basile, she is on the verge of breaking her seals which hold her prisoner, and Celia had a vision which confirms what Basile has said to us.

Celia is afraid that this demon god will come after us, that's why she is coming here with her brothers to protect us."

Caleb could see the stunned face of his men, indeed, why the legendary mage would come to protect them, same if they knew that she had given birth to a demon god, she had no obligation towards them.

Caleb continued : "She asked us to draw a map of Inferno and create a pentagram on the area we want to protect, she also let me know that once the shield will be in place, we will not be able to cross it."

Caleb then took out a map of Inferno with a pentagram on it that he had made with Daniel, while they were waiting for his men to gather here.

The pentagram was only protecting half of Inferno and the water and food resources had been evenly distributed.

One of his men asked him curious : "Why only half of Inferno is protected and why do you leave so many resources outside the shield ? You just told us that once in place, we will no longer be able to cross it ..."

Caleb smiled and replied : "As I said before at the end of the battle of the Northern Academy, nobody is obliged to participate during the last battle against the demon god.

If they decide to fight with us, we will of course rewarded them, if they choose not fighting, nobody will blame them, on the other hand if they choose to fight with our enemy then we will exterminate them merciless."

Caleb made a short break and then said : "I want you to let everyone know what Celia is going to do.

Tell them that they can choose to remain under the protection of the mother of our demon god, or they can choose to go to the lands that will not be protected by the shield.

But then, they will no longer be under my protection."

Another of his men said to him again : "Caleb why did you share the resources in this way, we won't have enough, you are aware of that, right ?"

Caleb smile widened as he replied to his old friend : "Don't worry about the resources, we can't go through the shield, but nothing prevents us from going to the other worlds using the red papers to make provisions, and if you are worried about the money, then don't be, Celia is more than rich so she will be happy to help us with that too."

After this declaration everyone had remained silent, they were still shocked by the good relation that Caleb had with the legendary mage, and they still needed some time to adapt.

Daniel intervened to remind them : "We only have a few hours before Celia arrives with her brothers, the demons must make their choice now.

If they want to go, let them go, those who will choose to join this demon god will be exterminated in the final battle that will take place on Stellar.

Once the demon god is killed, Celia will remove her shield and the sealing seals that surround Inferno, the demon world will be rehabilitated and we will be able to trade with other worlds again."

One of the men then said to him : "It's a beautiful dream, but will the legendary mage and the golden dragon really manage to kill this demon god ? I mean, do we really have a chance to win ?"

Another man then replied : "You say that because you weren't there during the last battle, the golden dragon killed four generals of the demon god on her own, and she slaughtered the evil creatures like they were ants.

As for the legendary mage and her brothers, thanks to them hardly anyone was killed."

Another said enthusiastically : "Ya, and don't forget that we will have Aiden with the Sword of Chaos with us, I'm sure he has become already even more powerful than the last time we met.

I truly believe in this victory."

Daniel smiled and Caleb then said : "To have stayed two months with the girls and to have seen them level up, there is no doubt, the victory will be ours."

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