Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 241 - Getting Supplies Part 2

Celia still remembered the feeling she had felt when she had taken the Sword of Chaos in her hands, such power was locked inside that sword that it was frightening.

She had wanted to see it when Aiden told her that Basile had said that the Sword of Chaos was now ready for the battles but not her and Anaya.

Celia had then seen the pentagram on the pommel of the sword's hilt and when she had taken the sword in her hands it had turned blue with golden reflections as the color of her spiritual energy.

Celia had felt connected to this sword and black blue gold flames had appeared on its blade.

But she also understood what Basile meant when he said that they were still too weak.

Celia had had to ask for Aiden's help in order to be able to control and make these strange flames disappeared from the blade.

Aiden had grown as powerful, if not more powerful than the demon god's generals.

His percentage of darkness energy in his demonic flame had increased to eighty percent, and his demonic flame increased further in volume.

Once back on Stellar, Celia absolutely had to find a way to level up till the twelfth level, and she had to find a way that Anaya could use as well.

She didn't know what Basile had planned, but it was obvious that it would involve all three of them.

A mage, a fighter and a demon, joining forces to fight a demon god and save the universe.

Celia had just remembered the prophecy that Liam had told them at the beginning of their adventures, and it did not mention the help of the demons in those battles, and it is precisely because of this that Celia was convinced that this time they would manage to kill this demon god.

Celia had still one important thing to do here before returning to Inferno, and preparing with her children, Aiden, Caleb, Daniel and anyone who was willing to fight with them to go to Stellar together.

She had said to her brothers and Flame to meet her in the talisman papers shop because as the number of fighters and mages who had joined them continue to increase, Celia needed a lot more green papers to help them to fight.

Inside the shop as agreed, her brothers and Flame were already there when she arrived, and nine other mages were there too, waiting to find out why they had been summoned here.

These nine mages were of different levels but it didn't matter, what mattered was that they were the only ones who could link the energies with the green papers and thus help them to fill the green papers with spells.

Celia had asked the owner of this shop how it went after they left last time, and he had told her that as she had guessed it, the green papers had been selling like hot cakes just after the tournament.

But that contrary to what everyone had imagined, only nine mages had managed to fill them with the energy of the elements.

So she had asked him to try to contact them and get them to come here while she was putting the divine protection shield in place and luckily, he had managed to get them all to come.

Celia took the time to explain the situation to them and answer their questions, only two terrified mages refused to follow them, but the others were just too curious and really impatient to participate in this battle.

After all, they would only have to fill the green papers with energy and in return they could go and visit other worlds and help in this great battle.

Moreover, Celia had promised them to take care of them personally and to become their master if they wanted to stay with them after the battle.

It was an opportunity that none of the seven mages who had chosen to stay wanted to miss, who would refuse to have the legendary seven spheres mage as Master ?

After having bought all the stock of green papers they all returned to Inferno.

Aiden was surprised to see strangers coming back with Celia but when he realized why they were there, Aiden finally understood why Celia absolutely wanted Anaya to use the green papers at the tournament.

It was to get everyone to buy them and see who would be able to use them, 'what a great plan', he thought.

Indeed Celia had already guessed at that time that very few people will be able to use the green papers, what she did not know, however, is that even high level mages like those of the Lys Alliance would be unable to use them, it had been a blow when she had realized it, the perception that everyone had no matter their level was really different.

And only those with extraordinary perception were able to fill the green papers.

Celia was also sure that despite their potential, the mages she had found would all be able to produce magic pills with a hundred percent purity level.


Everyone was ready, it was now the time to return to Stellar.

Aiden had contacted Liam to find out if he was at the base as they were all coming.

Caleb along with Aiden and his trusts men had chosen among the volunteers, the five hundred best soldiers to accompany them and the others who could not accompany them were responsible for maintaining the peace and the power in place on Inferno.

Liam was waiting for them with Alec outside the underground galleries and they were really surprised to see the impressive number of demons his brothers had brought with them, and they were all elite soldiers with that.

Liam told his brothers to follow him to install the demons in the undergrounds but Aiden declined his invitation saying that he preferred to stay with Celia.

She was waiting for Tal who would soon join them too, it was very exciting to all gathering again together to fight. 

The mages who had decided to follow Celia were led inside by one of Dan's trusted men that Celia knew well.

Soon only remained Celia, her brothers, Flame who always stayed near Yann, Aiden who always keep an eye on Basile who was playing with Gabin around them in the forest.

While waiting for Tal to arrive, Celia took out a communication stone and contacted her beloved baby wife, when she saw Anaya's face above the stone her smile widened and she said to her : "I'm back my baby wife."

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