Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 25 - The Wooden Chest Part 1

Celia replied : "Oh wow ! There are magic pills we can use for that, that's just awesome ! Could I make some magic pills that will help Anaya in her training, like boosting her stamina, or her speed, or increasing her chakra ?"

While discussing they arrived in front of a shop which sold a bit of everything.

Liam : "How about we talk about it later ? Let's finish our shopping first."

Anaya pushed Celia into the shop and took her by the waist to go around the shelves.

Liam finally said to them : "You can go around the shop I'll ask the salesman what we need directly."

The girls turned around and smiled at him, gesturing to him to don't bother with them. There were so many things in this shop, jewelry, jade discs, magic bags, chests, weapons, books, …. Anaya let go of Celia and took ten five square meter magic bags and ten green jade discs.

Celia asked her : "why do you want to buy so many of those ?"

Anaya explained : "The jade discs will be used to record our progress like Liam suggest us to do, we can use them as a diary, and the magic bags are sometimes handy for transactions.

You saw, the manager in charge gave you one with the magic herbs, and if one day we have to take out a large sum of money, we had better put it in a magic bag it will be less troublesome. These are just examples but I am sure they will be useful to us."

Celia : "In that case sweetie, take some more, we'll store them in the dimension."

Anaya after some thought decided to do as Celia had said and she took some more. She used one of the magic bags to store whatever they wanted to buy. Anaya took twenty magic bags of five square meters, ten of ten square meters and two of fifty square meters.

She also took the ten green jade discs, the amount that could be recorded inside was really huge, five each was more than enough at first. Right next to the jade discs were blank parchment sheets.

The blank parchment sheets were sold in sets of twenty sheets and on each set there was a weird item that looked like a miniature flashlight.

Celia asked : "Sweetie, do you know what this is ?"

Anaya : "No idea, but I wanted to buy sheets of parchment, to make copies of your high level magic pills scrolls. Considering what Liam said about the auction, it must be worth a fortune. What do you say ?"

Celia tended to agree with Anaya's analysis : "I agree with you. Take several sets of parchment sheets and for the weird item take two, we will ask Liam what it is. Anaya took ten sets of twenty sheets of parchment and two "small flashlights".

Anaya suddenly said : "My love, with your super perception do you see something interesting ?"

Celia gave her a mischievous look : "Oh i see, you want to use your wife to see if there are any hidden treasures there. Hmm interesting ... i m in ! Let's try !"

Celia found a good spot where she could see all the shelves of the shop, Anaya hugged her from behind and after Celia felt comfortable she froze and focused on the items in the shelves trying to don't miss any.

Right now she couldn't see anything of interest, but in the last shelf finally she saw a silver halo coming out of one of the wooden chests.

Celia told her immediately, she was whispering because she didn't want anyone to find out : "Sweetie i found one but sadly there is only one item with a silver halo."

Anaya was excited : "My love you are the best, show me which one it is."

Celia lead the way to the wooden chest, it was roughly sculpted, and didn't look like much, but when Celia showed it to Anaya, Anaya took it and examined it from every angle and finally her eyes widened in surprise.

Anaya : "My love, your flair is really infallible, just look there ! I would never have noticed it without you." 

Anaya was pointing at a symbol and it was the same as their mark, carved into the wood, surrounded by arabesques that strangely resembled the one on their bodies as their mark spread.

Anaya put the chest in the magic bag and asked : "Nothing else, you are sure ?"

Celia : "Nothing more ! Sweetie, let's go join Liam. Oh no wait, I forgot something."

Anaya looked at her questioningly and Celia took the opportunity to steal a long, soft kiss from her. She took her time and kissed each of her lips, staying a little longer on her lower lip, nibbling it and sucking it.

When she finally released Anaya's lips, Anaya's eyes were filled with desire, my god she was so beautiful, Celia couldn't help but add in a teasing tone : "Um, i m good now ! This time I have everything I wanted !"

Anaya answered her with a "um" which meant she will take her revenge later and probably make her beg for mercy.

They walked over to the counter where Liam was waiting for them. He had ordered two hundred hermetic bottles for Celia.

Each of the bottles could contain up to fifty magic pills, only one kind per bottle. The price of this kind of bottles was not very high, it was ten hermetic bottles for a gold coin, so twenty gold coins all together.

For the remainder of their purchase, four five-square-meter magic bags cost one gold coin, one ten-square-meter magic bag one gold coin, and one fifty-square-meter bag cost ten gold coins. The green jade discs cost five gold coins each.

Then they asked Liam about the item that looked like a small flashlight, and it turned out that this item was a copywriter. It was used to copy information that was in the jade discs on parchments. It was exactly what they needed.

A set of twenty sheets of parchment cost one gold coin and the copywriter cost twenty gold coins. Finally the wooden chest cost them only ten gold pieces. Anaya paid a total of one hundred and sixty-five gold coins and all three returned to the hotel.

While walking Liam asked suddenly : "Why did you buy this chest anyway ?"

Anaya was smiling from ear to ear : "We doesn't know yet ! When Celia uses her focuse state she can also see if some items have a silver halo around them or at least a slight halo.

She once found a dagger like this in an armory in the city of Lights. Whether it was the dagger or the chest they both looked completely unremarkable.

But when i checked the chest Celia found i saw our mark intertwined with patterns that look like the arabesques that form on our body when the mark spreads."

Liam scratched his head : "Celia, seriously, how many other hidden talents do you have ?"

Celia was confused : "I have no idea. All of these things that look amazing to you come naturally to me without too much effort, i m not sure what to say, sorry."

Anaya with a hint of pride in her voice : "My wife is a real genius, and she doesn't even realize it. It's so exciting to imagine what you'll be able to do in the future."

Liam was already getting use to Anaya comment but still he said : "Naya, I already know that you worship your wife, so don't add any more please spare me."

The girls laughed heartwarmthy and then Liam asked : "Could I see the dagger Celia found ?"

Celia : "Naya put it in the dimension, you'll see it later."

Liam without hidding his excitement said : "Let's get back quickly then ! We'll start with Celia's training, once you have grabbed the basics you could manage on your own.

Naya needs an opponent to progress faster so I will stay with her more. Does that suit you ?"

Celia enthusiastic : "It suits me perfectly !"

Anaya was also in high spirit : "Me too, can't wait to fight with you !"

Celia was watching her baby wife, sometimes she felt helpless to see how agger Anaya liked to fight.

Liam motioned for them to follow him and thirty minutes later they were back in the girls' suite. They formed the circle and found themselves in the dimension.

Anaya had led them into the hall, she had placed the dagger Celia had found on the strange items shelves. Anaya took the dagger and held it to Liam.

Liam, despite being a level twelve three grades, couldn't see any halo of energy surrounding the objects. Besides, he had never heard of anyone talking about such a thing.

He took the dagger Anaya presented to him and at first glance it was, as Anaya had said, completely unremarkable.

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