Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 251 - Last Preparations

Aiden left and returned a few seconds later with two swords, one could use the lightning element and the other the fire element.

Only, Celia could feel that the sword that could use the lightning element was much more powerful than the other.

Gabin then said to her, 'Mommy, I will do it now, look carefully, this is exactly what you have to do with the Sword of Chaos and Mama Naya's daggers.'

Celia concentrated and Gabin began, he surrounded the swords with his electric blue energy and created a link between them, Celia then understood what her children really expected from her.

They didn't want her to mix the energies of the weapons together as she had initially thought, no, Gabin was using his link to send half of the silver halo that surrounded the swords to the other one.

This halo that she could barely perceive at the beginning when she had just arrived on Eben was now perfectly visible to her.

When Gabin had finished Celia had expected the sword that used the lightning to lose some of its power as half of its silver halo was send to the other sword but she was wrong, so wrong.

As Gabin had told her, this link was used to share their power and the sword that used lightning was much more powerful than before, its power had doubled, as for the sword that used the element of fire, its power had been multiplied by six, completely astounding.

Celia still needed to ask one thing to be sure of what had happened, 'Darlings, I have gotten what Gabin has just done but why the sword using lightning element has doubled its power ?'

Basile said to her, 'The silver halo, as you are surely already guessed, represent the power of the sword and it works like your spiritual reserve energy, the half that was taken away by Gabin has already been replenished.'

Celia said before cutting the telepathic link that allowed her to communicate with her children, 'I understand better now, thanks my darlings.'

She said out loud for Anaya and Aiden : "It's okay, I know what I have to do, but I don't know how long it's going to take so I have to start right away."

Celia looked first at Anaya and told her : "Sweetie, you have to stay with me, I need you so that the power of the seven golden dragon hearts will be revealed."

She then looked at Aiden and said to him : "Brother, leave me the Sword of Chaos and if you have things to do before the battle start you can do it, it's now or never."

Aiden just said to her : "I'm not going anywhere, I will stay with the children, Arthur is still resting, once he will wake up I'll go see how Liam and Alec are doing and see how the battle's plan has evolved."

Everything had been said, Celia really wondered which of the two weapons was the more powerful and which one would benefit the most from this sharing of power.


A few hours later, they were all gathered outside the city gates.

Celia had finally succeeded in making the Sword of Chaos and Anaya's Daggers much more powerful.

Oddly enough, it was Anaya's daggers that had benefited the most from this sharing of power, they were now three times stronger than before.

As for the Sword of Chaos, it had barely doubled, Celia at first would have thought quite the opposite but after she thought about it, Basile had already increased its power so much that it wasn't that surprising.

Anaya and Aiden were ready to do a massacre and they were so excited to take care of the demon god's generals on their own, that it was hard to restraint them.

This time, they had to kill the maximum of their stronger ennemies so that the next battle will be easier to handle.

Celia was unfortunately exhausted, she had had to draw on her energy reserves and she had used a lot of her willpower to be able to finish preparing their weapons in time.

After that, she still had taken advantage that Arthur was with them in the dimension to prepare more green papers with its Absolute Zero energy.

Then Celia and Aiden had joined Liam, Alec, and the others while Anaya joined back her father.

An hour after separating they were all gathered again in front of the city gates where two protective shields had been put in place.

The first one surrounded the city, which was exclusively filled with soldiers under the command of the Emperor of the red dragons, and demons under the command of the demon god's generals.

The second shield was much more powerful and it only protected the palace where the Emperor and four demon god's generals of the same level of Aiden were.

Of course, that observation had been made only comparing their demonic flame, Celia had no way to compare their weapons, and inside the palace the soldiers seemed all elite ones.

Celia knew that she just had to help to destroy the shields and make sure to protect as many people as possible, her baby wife had strictly forbidden her to get involved in the fights.

Fortunately the adrenaline of the battle was enough to give her enough strength to finish what she had to do otherwise she would have already collapsed.

In reality, Aiden and Anaya could have pulverized the protective shields, but Celia had told them to keep their newfound power hidden until they had to face those powerful generals.

Before attacking, Celia had reunited one last time everyone who was going to lead the attack, Dan, Liam, Caleb, Tal and Anthony were there.

Of course Anaya and Aiden were also present, Celia then asked Liam half-amused, half-serious : "So brother, you don't ask me our ritual question ?"

Liam looked at her puzzled, he had really wondered why she had asked to see them instead of directly launching the attack, but he had long since learned to trust her so he asked her : "How many and what level are they ?"

Celia was smiling and she spread a map that Dan had provided her in front of her on the table.

It was a detailed map of the city and the palace.

She did not go into full details but she said to everyone where their enemies were located, she pointed to the places where the soldiers were concentrated, the places where the most powerful of them were and finally where their main target was.

Liam was stunned and he wasn't the only one, the information that Celia had just given them was crucial and it would allow them to adjust their strategy to hit hard and fast, greatly reducing the risk of casualties from their side.

Aiden then said to make it clear to everyone : "With Anaya we will take care of all the generals, the six from the city and the four from the palace.

You all have to take care in priority of those that Celia has pointed out, they are the stronger ones and the ones who could cause many casualties to our army.

Don't act alone, we are at war, all means is allowed, use diversions and strike when they are not expecting it, got it ?"

Anthony stepped forward and scanned the map onto one green jade disc.

Then, he used a copywriter and he copied the map onto about twenty different parchments, he kept ten for himself and left the others aside.

He finally pointed places on the map that Celia had spread and said to everyone : "This is where I will place the mages who can used the attack shiel to support you.

With my brothers, we will participate with the main force in the assault on the palace, Dan I will stay with you, Jeremy will go with Caleb and Yann with Tal."

Celia then said : "I will stay above the city and make sure to protect as many people as possible while causing as much damage as possible."

She added : "Everyone take a communication stone, I will keep you posted if there are new arrivals or something suspicious from their side."

Once she was done talking Anaya hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear before kissing her on the neck : "Don't overdo it my love, you've done enough already, it's our turn to fight now."

Celia was aware that other than using her green papers, she couldn't help them much and she absolutely had to save herself for the final battle against the demon god.

She kissed her baby wife tenderly on the forehead and said to her : "I will be careful, and once you get rid of the six generals who protect the city, I will destroy the shield that surround the palace and I will only act in support, I promise you."

Anaya grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her passionately, she told her with a threatening tone : "You better behave or I will ask your children to prevent you from participating in the final battle."

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