Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 256 - Warrior Spirit

Meanwhile, the demon god who had been locked up for so long dreamed of seeing her loyal demons kneel down to her, but she was surprised to find out that the legendary mage had dared to put a protective shield over half of her world.

She asked to her most faithful man, the commander of her generals : "What does this mean ? Do you have an explanation for me ?"

Before to reply he gave a nod to his men who immediately disappeared : "My goddess, it seems that the demons of Inferno have chosen to follow this demon god who appeared in the dimension the other day, the son of the legendary mage."

After hearing that, her eyes turned fully black and she said with a rage that she couldn't restraint anymore : "Let's see how powerful this legendary mage is, if she believes that a simple shield will stop me she is too naive, I will slaughter all these traitors."

Then, a terrifying aura escaped from her body and she rose in the air, arriving halfway up the shield, she first used her Divine Dark Flames to test its resistance.

To her surprise her Divine Dark Flames were quickly dissolved by this rainbow energy and the shield had suffered no damage.

She frowned and condensed twenty percent of her darkness energy into a ball in her hand.

Once this ball of pure darkness energy concentrate was done, she threw it at the shield, the ball managed to pierce the shield but was stopped halfway failing to cross it.

She opened wide her eyes completely stunned, that was unbelievable, pentagrams had just appeared on the shield and they were sucking her darkness energy inside.

Once her darkness energy ball has been fully sucked into these pentagrams, the damage to the shield was completely gone and the shield seemed to have used her energy to strengthen itself.

Despite this failure she decided to retry the experiment with a concentration of fifty percent of her darkness energy and attacked the shield once again.

The same happened again, her ball of darkness energy was stopped, then sucked into the pentagrams and the shield strengthened so much that darkness energy was now visible on the surface of the shield mixed with that rainbow energy.

Her fury was such that she let out a murderous aura and let out a howl that brought her men to their knees, unable to endure this pressure.

After calming down, she went back to the ground and saw that her generals' commander's men had returned.

She immediately asked him : "So what is the situation outside the shield ?"

He then explained to her what his men had reported to him : "Only our spies are outside the shield.

It seems that the legendary mage came to set up the shield and that at the beginning twenty percent of the demons had chosen to stand outside of it.

But the ground inside the shield began to change and became fertile, the demons then asked to come back inside and the legendary mage made an opening so that they could return with the others.

Our men outside were sent there after their demon god identified them as dangerous."

She looked at him stunned and said : "You mean that we no longer have spies infiltrating the demons ?"

He nodded with a grave face, he said to her : "This demon god is too powerful, we need to get rid of him."

She nodded and said thoughtfully : "Indeed !"

She turned around and opened a large transdimensional portal, she said to all her men with a machiavellian smile on her face : "Let's go teach a good lesson to those who dared stood up against us."

But unfortunately for her, her plans for revenge were doomed because wherever she teleported with her men, she found herself facing that impassable shield that the legendary mage had created.

She finally decided to return to Inferno and with her best generals they would work on a attack's plan, she wanted at all costs the head of this legendary mage and the one of her offspring.


Celia had fallen asleep peacefully near the lake with Anaya and the children, completely unaware that her plan to make the demon god mad with rage had worked perfectly fine.

And that the latter was right now plotting a major attack on Stellar to get her revenge.

Gabin had finished to listen to his little brother and they had both taken a small nap.

Then, when they had woken up, seeing that their mothers were still sleeping, they had decided to meditate to be able to increase their transformation time.

Ever since Gabin had awakened his warrior spirit during the attempted assassination, it was as if his mind was functioning like the one of an adult but that he was stuck in this child's body.

The same thing had happened to Basile when the Sword of Chaos tried to hurt them in this strange dimension in their world, his demon god spirit had fully awakened to protect his sacred bond and his family.

And since Gabin had awakened his warrior spirit, their telepathic link had appeared which made it much easier for them to communicate with each other.

Thanks to the knowledge they had gained from their father's death and the fact that their various energy reserves were all opened due to their trauma of what had happened to their mother, they both had the power to change things in this final battle.

Gabin chose to share with Basile his uneasy feeling that he felt when he were thinking about this battle, and his little brother had confessed to him that he too had the same feeling, something terrible was going to happen, but they had no idea what it could be.

All they could do was to protect the people they loved, to the best of their abilities.

When Anaya woke up the first thing she saw was Celia who was still sleeping peacefully next to her.

She was feeling great and her mental exhaustion from the prolonged use of the power of the seven golden dragon hearts was gone.

She turned her head to look for the children and what she saw left her speechless.

Basile was sitting cross-legged on the floor and he seemed to be absorbing the balls made of darkness energy that was circulating around him.

As for where all this darkness energy was coming from, Anaya didn't need to look very far to find out because there was a whole bunch of green papers on the ground in front of him.

But Basile was not the one who shocked her the most, no, the one who shocked her the most was definitely Gabin.

He was also sitting cross-legged but he was in the middle of the lake on the surface of the water.

Anaya used her super perception as she wasn't sure of what he was doing.

And she saw him absorbing the pure spiritual energy of the lake water into his spiritual energy reserve and his chakra reserve.

Anaya who was observing Basile and Gabin discovered that they had both increased all their energy reserves significantly.

Anaya was really doubting, she couldn't have slept that long, did she ?

In a sudden panic she decided to call her father to find out how long she had slept and what had happened since they had left.

Anaya took out the space time communication stone and Dan's face immediately appeared above the stone, he said to her with a benevolent smile on his face : "Hey sweetheart, already awake ? How are you feeling ?"

Anaya before answering him first asked her own questions : "Tell me daddy, how long have I slept and have you got some news of the demon god ?"

Her father answered her knowing that as long as she did not have the answers to her questions she would not answer his, she was as stubborn as her mother.

He said to her : "It's been six hours since you both left, and we have received messages from Inferno, Elementary and Eben to let us know that she had tried to break the divine protection shield that Celia, her brothers, and Flame had put in place.

They also told us that whatever she tried the shield didn't give way and only got stronger."

Anaya looked at him in astonishment and asked him : "How that got stronger ?"

Dan laughed and said : "It looks like your wife's shield can absorb the attacks launched against it, and use the energy they contain to strengthen its defenses, thus becoming more and more impenetrable, brillant right ?"

Anaya smiled and gave her wife a look filled with love and pride, she told him : "Brillant indeed, but not that surprising coming from my wife."

Anaya now that she had gotten her answers told her father that she was doing much better and after making him promise to keep her informed if the demons appeared in the Valley of the Condemned, she cut off the communication to immediately contact Aiden.

She just told him that he had to come to the dimension immediately and as she had expected it, she had barely had the time to finish her sentence that Aiden was already there with a worried look.

Anaya pointed to Basile and Gabin and like her, she saw him widen his eyes, completely stunned.

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