Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 259 - They’re Here !

The demon god had just received the bad news that the battle for the capital and the palace had ended in a massacre, she had lost four peak demon warriors as well as all the demons she had sent there.

She also learned that the Emperor of the red dragons that she herself had chosen because he was easy to manipulate, had run away like a coward as her demons were being slaughtered.

Well, she thought, she would use them as cannon fodder in the next battle.

Her spy has told her that he had taken refuge with his men in the Valley of the condemned, this place was vast and deserted, it was perfect to open a portal to access the Hellfire dimension.

So would be it, after coming to an agreement with her generals, she had opened a huge transdimensional portal to teleport her army to the Valley of the condemned.

Now, to open a portal to the Hellfire dimension, she was going to need several hours, and it was going to consume a tremendous amount of her darkness energy.

The sooner she would begin, the faster she could take revenge against this legendary mage, she would kill her family and her friends right in front of her eyes.

Let's see if she will be able to endure that mental torture or if she will just break like a poor doll.

Once all of her demons and mercenaries under her command had passed through her transdimensional portal, she immediately closed it and began making the necessary preparations to open a portal to the Hellfire dimension.

What she didn't know, was that this area had remained under active surveillance since the end of the battle of the palace.

Dan was already aware that the Emperor and his men had taken refuge here, and as soon as his men saw the demons arriving they immediately left the area to avoid being spotted.

The demon god had to ignore at all costs that they knew of their arrival.

When Dan got this information he immediately contacted Anaya to keep her informed.


Twelve hours had passed since the battle for the palace had ended, and Celia had been awake for two hours now.

Aiden and Basile had returned before Celia woke up which had allowed them to avoid the embarrassing questions that Celia would not have failed to ask them.

When Celia had just waken up she had seen that her children were in their adult form and they had explained to her that they had no intention of getting stuck in their child bodies again.

Celia understood them even if it broke her heart to recognize it, she would have wanted to see them grow and evolve like normal children.

Unfortunately for her, her children were a lot of things and obviously the normality couldn't be apply for them.

So she had decided to help them get what they wanted, after all she was still their mother, and she had to do everything to support them.

When her children told her about the Hellfire dimension and Aiden confirmed that it was true, she thought for a while before contacting her brothers and telling them to come join them in the dimension.

When Celia saw her brothers arrived with Flame and Sky, she decided to contact everyone for an emergency meeting.

Tal, Onyx, Arthur, Lilac and Snow arrived shortly after, followed closely by Caleb and Daniel, Liam and Alec were the last to arrive and they explained to her that Dan preferred to stay put in case his men returned with news from the Valley of the condemned.

They all gathered in front of the lake as usual, it was always here that they had made their biggest decisions and prepared their battle plans.

Once everyone learnt about the Hellfire dimension Celia said to them : "My sons want to take care of the evil creatures that will come out of this dimension on their own, but I don't agree."

Gabin tried to resonate her mother but she raised her hand and said to him with that terrifying look that only a mother could have : "Darling, I'm not done talking."

Gabin closed his mouth immediately, he knew better that it was pointless to talk to her right now, and he was also curious to know what his mother had concocted as a plan.

When Celia saw that her son was obediently listening to her, she continued her explanation : "Now that Gabin and Basile have decided to join the battle I will not stop them.

But if I understood correctly what they have told me, then the easiest way to deal with the Hellfire dimension and its inhabitants is to kill the demon god to close the portal.

So here is what I propose, we will put up a shield around the portal that connects Stellar to the Hellfire dimension to prevent anything that might come out of it from participating in the battle.

During this time, Basile and Gabin with Anaya and Aiden will be free to kill this demon god and her generals."

Basile didn't agree with this at all, if he followed his mother's plan he would never be able to absorb enough darkness energy to keep his adult form.

Celia saw that Basile was starting to sulk and yet he said nothing, her babies had grown up too much in such a short time, she said to him with a gentle smile on her face : "Basile stop sulking, and look at things from another angle, will you ?"

When she saw that he was looking at her taken aback, she said to appease him : "Darling, in your opinion, who between the evil creatures or a demon god has the most darkness energy, you will just have to provoke her a little bit with your brother to be able to absorb the energy you need, understood ?"

Basile's face lit up and said : "Mommy, you are really a genius !"

Anthony then asked his sister : "How do you plan to set up the shield ?"

Celia answered him honestly : "Alone, that would be impossible, I need the three of you by my side to be able to create a shield that is powerful enough to hold them back.

And that's not all, we will also be in great need of Sky, Flame and Lilac to cover our positions, your three attack shields will not be too much to keep our positions, if my plan works we will be targeted from all sides."

Tal then said : "With Onyx and Arthur we will help you hold your position, Arthur want to join us as well and i agree with it."

He saw Celia nodded her head in agreement so he added : "If we can prevent the evil creatures that are inside the Hellfire dimension from participating in the battle, then we have a great chance of winning this battle."

Celia winked at him to thank him for his support and then she asked everyone : "Does everyone agree with this plan ?"

They all nodded, and Gabin then said : "I'm fine with it, but I need a fuc*ing good weapon."

His moms said at the same time : "Gabin, language !"

He said hurriedly to them : "Ha, ya, ya, I'm sorry moms, I'm too excited."

Then he turned to his brother and said to him : "Let's go together brother, I guess you'll leave the Sword of Chaos with Aiden."

Basile then stood up and said to him : "Of course I will leave it to him, moreover, a weapon made with your energy can only be more powerful, come on let's go."

He turned to his mothers and said to them : "Moms, Dan should contact you soon, the demons have just arrived in Stellar."

He leaned over to Aiden and gave him a quick kiss on his lips : "Love, you can join the demons with Caleb and Daniel, I won't be long I promise, I'll come back to you as soon as I'm done here."

Gabin and Basile immediately disappeared leaving everyone speechless.

And right after they left Anaya's space time communication stone lit up and Dan's face appeared above it, he just said : "They're here !"

Anaya chuckled and said to him : "Basile just warned us about it."

Anaya looked at everyone and said : "Everyone is ready ?"

When she saw all their determined gaze she said to her father : "Wait for us, we're coming."


Gabin and Basile had teleported to the dimension hall where there were a lot of weapons, thanks to their father's knowledge, making a magic weapon no longer had any mystery for them.

But because of the limited time they had to craft them, they couldn't craft weapons that changed shape at will and had a fighting spirit, like their Mama Naya's daggers.

Basile therefore chose two short swords, and Gabin chose a sword with a broad blade.

Once their choice of weapons was made, they teleported near the waterfall's pool of their home.

The water of the pool was the lake water one, and Gabin needed to use this pure spiritual energy to create their weapon.

They both had the same goal, to absorb as much energy as possible so that they could keep their adult body, and of course kill as many of their enemies as possible.

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