Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 261 - The Last Battle Began

Celia hugged them once again and said to them one last time : "Be careful, brothers."

Alec then said : "Don't worry for us, we will be careful."

Celia moved away from their group a bit and Anaya and Aiden joined her, they had decided to do one last thing before leaving for the battle, it was Aiden who had had the idea.

Celia and Anaya then transformed without further ceremony.

Celia transformed into an Angel again, her eyes turned silver and on her skin could be seen the rainbow reflections of the universe energy.

Her long white wings also reflected the rainbow color and she had already turned her dagger into a scepter, her silver pentagram with rainbow color at the end of it was intertwined with a golden dragon.

Anaya used her final transformation directly, her eyes turning golden, and golden scales covering her like a second skin.

Her wings, horns and sharp tail appeared making her look like a goddess, half human, half dragon.

Anaya and Aiden both had also taken out their weapons and all three of them rose above the army.

Anaya then began, she drew in the sky with the help of her light energy a giant golden pentagram.

Once she was done, Celia drew another pentagram made of universe energy which she overlaid with the left part of the one of Anaya.

And finally it was Aiden turn to create a giant pentagram with his darkness energy and overlaid it with the right side of Anaya's pentagram.

For everyone the message was clear, this drawing was a symbolic one and it represented the unique alliance between, magic beasts and mystical creatures represented by Anaya, mage and fighter humans represented by Celia, and the demons represented by Aiden.

Their symbolic message was greeted with enthusiastic exclamations and pentagrams of all colors appeared in the sky all around them mixing with each other.

Celia said to Aiden : "Aiden, brother, what a great idea you have had, I think we can go now, the morale of our army has never been higher."

Aiden wanted to answer her but he felt a familiar sensation, it was Basile telling him that they were coming, a smile lit his face and he said to Celia : "Let's wait a little longer."

Celia looked at him taken aback but understood quickly when seeing the smile he had on his face, he really didn't look like someone who was about to leave for a battle.

She couldn't resist the sudden urge to tease him so she said to Anaya : "My baby wife, do you think we too have that stupid smile on our face when we know we are going to meet each other again soon ?"

Anaya followed her wife's gaze and couldn't help but giggle at the look of Aiden who had just realized that it was him who had a stupid smile on his face.

Celia didn't have time to continue teasing him because Basile just appeared next to him and he was already putting his arm around his waist in a such possessive way, looking at her with that look that clearly told her 'stop bothering my man'.

Gabin appeared next to her and he carried in his hand a sword which had a long and broad blade, symbols were engraved on it but despite the rune of the Universal Language, Celia had no idea of ​​their meaning.

Gabin put an arm around her shoulders and said to her seriously : "Mommy, it's time to go, the portal between the Hellfire dimension and Stellar will open soon, teleport everyone, don't waste anymore time here."

Celia nodded and went to position herself in front of their army, all the groups for the different battlegrounds were already formed, and they were only waiting for the orders to go and fight.

Celia concentrated and opened five large portals to teleport each group to a different location in the Valley of the condemned.

Once they will go through the portals, the battle would begin.

Gabin was the first to go through the portal that had opened in front of him, followed closely by Anaya, Aiden and Basile.

Celia immediately closed the portal and then it was the turn of the groups that would fight demons, evil creatures and mages and fighters who support the demon god, they all also crossed their respective portals and she closed them right after everyone went through.

The last group was her group, with her brothers they had very little time to secure the area around the portal.

It had been decided that they would appear last, when the attention of the demon god and that of her army would be monopolized by their assault groups.

Celia didn't have the time to wait anymore so she let Tal, Onyx, Arthur, Sky, Flame, Lilac and Caleb's men go through first, then it was her turn to cross, and finally she would warn her brothers when they could come too.

When she arrived on the other side, the battle was raging all around her, in these conditions it would be impossible to secure this area, luckily she had already thought of this possibility and she was prepared.

With her universe energy she made a shiel around her, it should be enough for what she needed to do.

She then focused on the energy of her friends fighting within fifty meters around the portal, and she created a shield around them.

This shield would protect them as she had planned to sweep an area of fifty meters around the portal with a powerful wave of universe energy.

Celia held her scepter firmly in both hands and opened her divine door to directly send her universe energy into the scepter pentagram.

Her friends throughout this process had kept her safe, and only harmless attacks had reach her shield.

When she had gathered enough energy, she first raised the scepter high and then with all the force she had, she hit the ground with it.

A shock wave made of universe energy swept over a fifty meter radius around the portal, killing anyone who hadn't been protected by her before hand.

When the area was cleared, she immediately deployed a large amount of green papers filled with universe energy and regeneration energy and now everyone could see a giant shield surrounded the area around the portal that was about to open.

However, this shield was only a temporary one, it was to make sure that her brothers would arrive safely, and that the all four of them would settle down quietly to be able to block the portal of the Hellfire dimension.

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