Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 44 - Life Partner

Liam asked them : "You understand our reaction better now."

Celia replied : "Honestly, I'm glad there was a survivor for the blue phoenix clan even though it puts him in great danger, I hope Tal is powerful enough to protect him."

Celia stopped and frowned : "Is the alliance between the demons and, I guess, the ones in power of the red dragons still valid, because if it is and they learn that Anaya is not only the golden dragon but that she can also use the five natural elements, I do not give much of our skin."

Alec replied trying to be reassuring : "Their alliance was officially broken after the great war, otherwise the red dragons traitors could never have taken the power, but unofficially it is still relevant, the demons take advantage of the resources that they can only find on Stellar and the red dragons use the demons as mercenaries to do the dirty work."

Anaya couldn't help but comment : "This is not good for us."

Celia asked : "I m not so sure about that, what kind of resources the demons need ?"

Liam replied to Celia : "Demons are fighters, however they cannot use natural elements, so there are only two things they are interested in, bewitched weapons that can attack with energy from one of the five elements, and otherwise magic pills, especially those which are used to cure any wounds and to increase the physical strength of the fighters.

Anaya looked at Celia and asked her : "My love, what do you have in mind ?"

Celia answered honestly : "Well, there's no point in hiding, sooner or later we will have to face them, and if what Liam said is true, then we might have a way to turn this situation around our advantage."

Celia asked Alec thoughtfully : "Alec, is your group shops only in Eben or did you open up in other world too."

Alec replied : "I have shops in all the major cities of Stellar, why, where are you going with that question ?"

Celia was very impressed and did not hide it : "Wow, Alec you are really very impressive, Liam hit the jackpot with you, ah, ah, ah Liam, you don't need to be so piss off I stop there, I promise.

Alec to be more precise do you know how the transactions between the red dragons and the demons go ?"

Everyone was starting to see where Celia was going, Alec told her : "I've never been interested in that stuff but the man who was sitting next to me at the auction is my childhood friend, and the right hand of the leader of the red dragons resistance, I think I could easily get that kind of information."

Celia continued : "That's great ! My plan will only be put in place when I become stronger, but tell me both if I'm on the wrong track, for me the real threat are those who exterminated their own clan to take power, demons only need resources, these are things that we can offer them, if we take this market and sell better goods to the demons, well, we will remove the threat of mercenaries and we could even make allies at the same time.

Is it worth a try right, what do you think ?"

Anaya hugged her wife from behind and told her : "I think you're still the most talent genius, and that I wouldn't like to be your enemy."

Liam and Alec laughed after Anaya thought.

Alec looked at Liam and asked him : "What do you think ?"

Liam replied : "Celia is right, demons are exceptional fighters but generally they don't interfere with other worlds drama, if we could become their supplier, the powerful red dragons in power would lose a big trump card, this is completely worth a try."

Alec was thinking the same : "I agree too, I'm going to ask my friend to find us this information while being as discreet as possible of course."

He took Liam's hand and asked the girls : "Can you send me back to my office, before I can go with you I need to sort out some final formalities, I also need to send my men to pick up those magic herbs you miss and contact my friend before he leaves for Stellar."

For the girls this discussion was also done and it was time to go shopping a bit before leaving for the Isle of Death.

They formed a circle again, and they returned to Alec's office, the girls quickly slipped away and Alec held Liam by the arm telling him that he needed to talk to him and that it was important.

Liam was waiting for Alec to speak but Alec seemed to hesitate so he ended up telling him : "You are aware that the only means of transport to get to the Isle of Death is the giant flying bird, right ? The departure is scheduled for in approximately four hours, will that be enough for you, or should we postpone the departure until tomorrow ?"

Alec couldn't muster the courage to tell him the truth he was too afraid of being rejected, so he simply replied : "That should be enough."

Liam finally asked him : "What did you want to tell me ?"

Alec was frustrated but he was too scared so he just said with a fack smile : "It's okay, we'll have time to talk about it later don't worry."

Liam preferred not to force him to confess so he asked instead : "I have a question for you about the red dragons."

Liam took his hand which was still on his arm and with a slight pressure pulled him to his embrace, he put his free hand on Alec's waist, to keep him close to him, his lips almost brushing Alec's lips and he said with a seductive voice : "Why do you smell so devilishly good, your energy is stimulating mine, it's like a call and trust me I have a really hard time refusing it. If I didn't have so much experience and self-control, you would already be lying on the floor moaning with pleasure, and listen well to my word babe, i can guaranty you that you would ask for some more and more."

Liam knew he had no chance of overpowering a red dragon, but Alec's sudden shyness was driving him crazy.

Liam bit Alec's lower lip, then kissed him still a little to harsh but he wanted him so badly, Alec finally open his mouth and let Liam played with his tongue till they were both breathless. It was Alec who interrupted their kiss first, he tried to distance himself, but Liam held him tight and Alec couldn't ignore how much Liam wanted him, he had felt it grow against him and he was himself hard after just one kiss, so well, he was going to have to confess everything to him.

Alec decided to answer him : "A red dragon have only one life partner, it is the same as soulmate, but to us the bound is more powerful. There is no heat period for the dragons, there is no desire until that life partner is found.

On the other hand, when a red dragon has found his life partner, he will do anything to seduce him and even things that he is not aware. What you just described, I didn't do it on purpose and I don't know how to control it."

Liam was shocked but really please : "You mean that I'm your life partner ? And Alec, seriously, you never had sex ?"

Alec had turned red right down to the roots of his hair, but he still confessed : "Not only i have never had sex, but it was also my first kiss earlier."

After this revelation, Liam had only one thought and it was to do exactly as he told him, throw him to the ground and initiate him into the joy of having sex. But if they were truly soulmates or life partner like said Alec, and they consummated their Union, there would be no turning back, he will have to stay with Alec for the rest of his life, was he ready for that ?

Liam released Alec after kissing him gently on the lips and said : "Babe, may be we can take it slow, give me some time to think about it, okay."

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