Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 64 - The Power Of The Daggers Part 1

The girls decided to return to Alec's shop a day and a half before the official opening of the Isle of Death.

Alec had finished doing his business and with Liam they had decided that from now on they should all wear disguises permanently when they were outside, moreover these disguises would have to change regularly so as not to be found out.

To go to the Isle of Death, they had decided to dress in camouflage clothes and that despite a hood, they should always wear their shapeshifter necklaces which allowed to alter their faces.

As they wanted to try the power of the daggers, they set off without further delay in the open sea. The other participants should not go through the place they had chosen because they had moved away from the quickest route on purpose to be sure to be quiet.

From where they were there was only the vastness of the sea as far as the eye could see. The boys weren't too worried that they had strayed so far away, as he could simply hunt down the energies of the other participants to find their way back towards the island.

Anaya took out the two daggers and handed one to Celia, she said to her : "Here my love, try to free its power, with the boys we will give you some space to do it without you to be worried that we could get hurt, okay."

Celia just nodded and focus on the dagger in her hand.

It didn't please Anaya too much to leave her wife alone to face the power of that dagger, but as always Celia looked confident in her abilities to tame its power, which reassured Anaya.

Celia, after checking that everyone was far enough away to avoid any danger, began by positioning the dagger at eye level with the help of her spiritual energy.

She wasn't sure how to release its power, so she did what she had done with Anaya when they had absorbed the energy of their orgasms, she drew this powerful energy right into her sea of consciousness.

Then something really unexpected happened. Celia was forcibly drawn into her sea of consciousness and a woman appeared in front of her.

This woman looked like an angel, she was dressed in a long white dress, her hair was a very pale blonde almost white and went down to her waist, she had the same blue eyes as Celia, three different shades of blue with a golden spot near her left iris.

Celia thought : shit I hope Anaya will never meet her, this woman was really too beautiful.

Celia ended up asking her : "Who are you ? Are you the owner of this dagger ?"

If what Celia was thinking was real, then this woman in front of her was really, really, much more powerful than she was.

The woman answered her : "Indeed I am the former owner of this dagger and its creator. When I created it I had introduced some of my vital essence inside, I suppose that is why I am able to communicate with you."

The woman looked around and observed the seven spheres of which five were now colored, the fourth had turned green while the fifth had turned blue.

This change had taken place thanks to the moment of pleasure spent with her baby wife, and thanks to the absorption of her own energy through the green papers.

The woman continued : "Really very interesting, such a young soul and yet you have already managed to unlock the first five spheres, really very impressive."

Celia after thinking a bit was eighty percents sure of the identity of this woman so she asked : "Are you Clara ?"

The woman smiled and replied : "Smart, indeed I am Clara, and as i can see the silvery filaments which dance all around your color, you have already found my Anna, my golden dragon."

Celia smiles in spite of herself : "My golden dragon is called Anaya, and yes our Union took place two months ago now."

Clara smiled back at her but said nothing else, so Celia ended up asking the question they all wanted to know the answer : "Clara, your energy attracted me to these daggers, we found two identical daggers in different places, can you tell me how to use the power that is inside them ?"

Clara looked at her puzzled : "You could feel my energy through my daggers ... I would like to say that it is impossible since I sealed them myself and that normally no one would have been able to detect an ounce of my energy but you wouldn't be in their possession if you were lying to me, it's really very surprising."

Celia waited for Clara to come to the point and Clara finally began her explanation : "These daggers are very special, they are weapons that can change shape to adapt to different combats, they can literally change into anything you want, sword, saber, staff, tridant, scepter, shield ... you will also be able to freely use all elements with any of the weapons you choose without affecting your reserve of spiritual energy.

I prefer to warn you that sometimes the dagger will choose itself which weapon you need the most according to the situation in which you will find yourself, let it do if it changes on its own, it is because it is sure that its choice is the best for you. And same if you don't have any skill to fight, the fighting spirit inside the dagger will help you to handle it."

Celia was blown away, how could someone create this kind of weapon, she said to her : "Clara you are really impressive, I can't match you, my baby wife will be very happy with this weapons."

Clara winked at her and said : "I had created it for my dragon. Anna finally asked me to make another one and she introduced some of her dragon's energy inside the two daggers, that's where the fighting spirit came from, my wife wanted me to be able to protect myself and fight under all circumstances."

Celia smiled at her and ended up saying : "I have to leave, my baby wife must be worried, will we meet again ?"

Clara thought about it and said : "I don't think so, after all I have been dead long ago, and knowing that you have found your golden dragon will allow me to leave in peace."

Clara started to turn transparent and her last words before disappearing completely were : "Protect her, love her, take care of her."

Celia eventually returned to the real world and she was in Anaya's arms, tears had run down her cheeks and she was pale, she asked her : "My baby wife, how long have I been unconscious ?"

Anaya buried her head in her wife's neck and breathed in her natural scent to calm herself.

When Celia had started wanting to unleash the power of the dagger, the symbol of the divine door had appeared between her eyebrows, her eyes had become totally silver then she had caught the dagger, the dagger had turned into a scepter that was Celia's size, and at the end of the scepter she could clearly see the same pentagram as their mark on her and Celia.

A storm was then unleashed, the sky had turned black and lightning had fallen all around Celia, that was really very frightening.

Once the storm was over, Celia had collapsed head first into the sea, Anaya had gone to retrieve her but Celia was unconscious, Anaya had tried to take the dagger out of her hands but Celia was clinging to it as her life was depending on it.

Anaya had never been so afraid of losing her as she is now, she was still shaking and tears had started to roll down her cheeks.

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