Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 71 - The Way To The Palace Part 1

Before heading to the palace, Celia offered to go put all their finds in the dimension and let AVA sort everything.

Once in the dimension Celia called AVA and she materialized in front of her, she asked her : "Mistress Celia how can I help you ?"

Celia answered her with a smile : "I brought you a lot of magic herbs, can you store them for me please, if there are some that you do not know just continue with the new classification system that I asked you to do."

Alec looked at her oddly and asked her : "You changed the way to classify magic herbs, they were well listed already, no ?"

Celia laughed in front of his confused look : "I didn't change their classification, I just chose a new system to name them, all these different names to remember made my head feel dizzy, it was too annoying, I attributed to each magic herbs an alpha numeric code.

For example for level four magic herbs it gives this, L4.1 to L4.54, I of course kept their name on their compartment and added my codes in the red jade discs, so that nobody will get confused."

Alec looked reassured as he told her : "If it's just that then it's okay."

Celia wasn't sure what Alec had been thinking so he could breathe a sigh of relief, but hey she had other things to do and think over.

She asked AVA again : "Baby girl, we also brought you a lot of magic bags with lots of different currency inside, could you sort them and store them with the currency we already found in the different chests behind the library ?"

AVA looked at the magic bags that the men had just placed at her feet and answered her : "Of course Mistress I will do it, where are the magic herbs that you asked me to list and store ?"

Celia slapped her forehead and replied : "Ah yes the magic herbs, guys, we are going to take them out near the lake, there is more room to do it there, I am also going to make a natural pool to store the spiritual water of the cave, we will need all those blue papers for you to pick up the magic herbs we will find out while going to the palace."

As soon as she said that, they immediately went to the lake and done all the tasks given by Celia, everything went smouthly and were quickly finished.

Before entrusting the rest to AVA Celia recorded in a red jade disc the information concerning the permanent engravings of the runes, how to use the necessary material to make them and of course the dictionary of the most used runes, she also kept with her about ten virgin communication stones, a dozen bracelets and more than twenty of these onyx sticks which were used to engrave the runes on the materials, because one onyx stick could only do one engrave rune before becoming completely useless.

She put everything she needed in her magic bag and let AVA take care of the things that was left as well as the books about the magic herbs that she will have to look when she will get times to do it.

It was all over quickly and Anaya teleported them outside the cave. Liam led them back through the island and told them that it would take about five days to get to the palace. To go there, Liam explained that they would have to cross the most dangerous place in the Isle of Death, the Forbidden Forest.

In this forest they had a good chance that they would encounter high level mystical creatures and magic beasts, these creatures generally knew the surroundings well, in the past, Liam had often spared these magical creatures or beasts against the location of rare magic herbs or sealed cave that may contain treasures.

Before arriving at the palace they would probably have a lot of opportunities to fulfill their first goal which was to collect as much magic herbs as possible and they could also try to looking for bodyguards for Celia and Anaya.

Celia sensed that Anaya was tense when Liam spoke about the bodyguards, yet she thought they all agreed on that.

As she was in doubt she ended up asking Anaya to be sure she was fine with it : "Sweetie why are you so tense, are you not willing for us to have bodyguards ?"

Anaya replied, aware that the boys would overhear their conversation, but she absolutely had to tell Celia what she had on her heart : "I'm not against having bodyguards, I'm against you having to create a bond with them, its makes me feel sick with jealousy just thinking about it."

Celia could see that Anaya was very serious about it, she had even started to sulk, she was just too adorable.

Celia told her without any hesitation : "My baby wife, if you don't agree that I have to bond with these mystical creatures or magic beasts then don't worry I won't do it."

Celia said to the boys : "Guys, you heard it right ? so forget the bodyguards, after all, both of you are already there with us, so there is nothing to fear much."

Celia caressed her baby wife face and asked her : "Is it better now sweetie ? don't tense for such a thing i also want you to be the only one i will bond with."

Anaya didn't know how to react to her confessing, she had been scared that Celia would scold her and tell her that she was childlish and may be selfish to think like that, but she again had underestimed her wife, fate had really done a good job to make Celia her life's partner.

Anaya was more than please she just said to her wife : "Thanks my love, i couldn't bear the feeling to share our bond with others, and i m sorry, i should have told you earlier about it."

Celia took her face in her hands and gave her a very long and deep kiss, she said simply : "I love you my beloved baby wife, there is no need to say thanks and sorry to me, but you could make it up with me while we will do our training session in our bedroom, what about it ?"

Anaya sighed helplessly : "So shameless ... but hell ya no problem i will give you a special training session then."

Anaya crushed her lips on Celia's lips to seal their deal. Celia was chuckle happily while the boys tried hard to don't laughed at their behavior.

Celia was definitely back this time.

Liam and Alec suddenly stopped and positioned themselves in front of the girls to protect them.

Celia immediately asked Liam : "How many ?"

Liam replied : "Twelve."

Celia was shocked, twelve, why a group of twelve would be interested in them, there was so much to hunt in this island, why hunt other participants.

Alec asked her : "Cel, before going to the dimension, if you feel good enough, tell us their true level okay ?"

Celia looked at Anaya : "Sweetie I swear I just look at their level and then I'll let you fight and I leave right away."

Anaya frowned : "My love, no matter what their levels will be, you leave right after that."

Celia nodded to reassure her and Anaya kissed her one last time before returning her full attention to the danger ahead.

Celia added just in case they forgot in the heat of the moment : "If they're really there to take our possessions, don't forget to return the favor."

All three of them smiled at her and seeing those scary smiles Celia felt sorry for those who would soon arrive.

One after another the twelve participants were right in front of them, it was one of the independant groups, three mages and nine fighters all together.

Celia used her abilities to check their true levels and soon enough a smile appeared on her face.

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