Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 74 - The Way To The Palace Part 4

Anaya really didn't expect that outcome she said to Liam : "Next time if you could pick up their magic bag before throwing them to me it will be better."

Liam just after sent that man to Anaya came back to Alec to watch the show together, he put up a shield around them to be sure to avoid sneak attacks.

Liam had already seen the sacred fire energy of Alec in action during their training in the combat ring simulation, so it was not a surprise for him.

He took out of his pocket a magic bag and showed it to Anaya, he said : "Are you looking for that ? why do you think i have warned Alec not to burn everything."

All of the sudden Celia appeared just next to Anaya, she looked at her baby wife who had a long icy shield in one hand and a scimitar full of fire sacred energy in her other hand, her eyes were fully golden, she was magestic thought Celia.

Celia said to her : "Sweetie you look like of the war goddness so sexy."

Anaya smiled at this compliment from her wife but soon she frowned again : "Cel what are you doing here, you promised me ..."

Celia who forgot why she had come for told her : "Right my baby wife, i just came to tell you that the beasts were safe so if you could end this fight quick it will be great i miss you."

Liam laughed at Celia, he said to her : "How can you miss her already, it's not even ten minutes since you've been separated ?"

Celia smiled and winked at Anaya, she said to Liam : "Really ! Why does it feel like it's been forever then ?"

With these words Celia gave a ligh kiss to Anaya on her lips and disappeared again.

The participants could only wait for their deaths, they were like the magic beasts they had hunted down and killed for their mere pleasure, they didn't understand what the girl meant by the magic beasts were safe now, but apparently this was not a good thing for them.

However, they did not have time to ask themselves too many questions because both of the men took out some green papers out of nowhere and threw them in front of them, they heard them say "Disperse" and then hell swept over them.

After Celia disappeared Liam looked at Alec and with that look they understood each other, they each pulled out five green papers that Celia had made on purpose for them, Alec's ones contained sacred fire energy with lightning energy, Celia had succeeded in creating an attack spell called Thundering Fire, inside each green paper was an arrow of sacred fire surrounded by the lightning element.

As for Liam's they contained the energy of water and wind, and inside each green paper was a meter-long ice spike sharper and stronger than a blade this attack spell was called the Ice Blade.

They have cast their spell at the same time saying "Disperse" and the ten remaining participants who had never seen such weapons were died in seconds.

Anaya started sulking too she wanted to fight and the boys had just killed the ten remaining participants just like that with a snap of a finger or rather they had just killed them with one word, Celia's talisman papers were really super powerful.

Even with a low level everyone could protect themselves or fight against stronger people, of course using these talisman papers consumed energy but compared to the benefit of being able to use them it was well worth it.

Anaya returned to find her wife and reappeared with her and the three magic beasts.

The boys were rummaging through the corpses and taking all that was valuable, when they saw them come back with the magic beasts, they finished what they were doing and once it was done Alec set all the bodies on fire and they disappeared without leaving a trace.

The boys returned to the girls and each gave to Celia a magic bag with their finds inside.

Celia was a little surprised by their behavior, when she told them to return the favor, it was more to impress their opponents, she didn't really think they would take her words to heart.

Well anyway she absolutely had to talk to them about this purple thread that wrapped around the flame of the magical beasts chakra.

As she wasn't sure which of the two was more likely to answer her, she asked them : "Guys, I have a question for you ... When I observed the inside of the magic beasts, apart from the golden chain that connected them to their master, they all have a purple thread that is wrapped around their chakra flame, do you know what that is ?"

Liam and Alec looked at each other but apparently neither had any idea what that purple thread might be.

Anaya then asked the magic beasts if they knew what her wife was talking about and oddly the magic beasts knew exactly what it was.

Anaya took her wife's wrist to mix their energy and thus allow Celia to communicate with them, Alec did the same with Liam and they all found themselves connected to the same communication link.

The wolf spoke up and explained : "The purple thread you saw is a seal that keeps us from evolving higher than level nine, as you must know only magic beasts that can reach level ten can transform in human."

Celia asked him : "Is this generalized ? Do all magic beasts have a seal that prevents them from evolving ?"

This time it was the panther who answered : "There was a time when the magic beasts were more powerful and more numerous than the humans, a war broke out and the humans despite their outnumber won the war, this cursed seal would come from this period, it was a punishment for trying to gain power over other races, since that day all magic beasts without exception have this cursed seal from birth.

Celia thought carefully, this story has probably involved a golden dragon and someone like her, as Clara and Anna had sealed Inferno world, it was too similar with that cursed seal.

Anaya asked them : "Why are mystical creatures not affected by this seal ?"

The wolf replied : "Because the mystical creatures fought alongside the humans against the magic beasts."

Celia asked them out of curiosity : "If I ever manage to remove the seal from you, do you know your true potential ?"

The beasts answered her negatively, they had no idea of their true potential.

Celia continued : "If I can take this seal away from you will you fight with us ?"

Alec answered instead of the magic beasts : "Of course they will fight alongside us, Anaya is the golden dragon, even without a bond they will be willing to sacrifice their lives for her."

The three beasts turned their heads in unison and looked wide open at Anaya.

Anaya took off her bracelet and showed her birthmark and for there to be no doubt she released some of her golden dragon's energy and her pupils turned golden.

The magical beasts stepped forward right in front of Anaya and bowed to her.

Celia clicked her tongue in annoyance and said to them loud and clear : "What did I already tell you, lift your head, if you want to express your respect just say it, don't do that ever again."

Celia added immediately after : "I'm going to try to take that cursed seal away from you."

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