Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 82 - The Universal Runes

When Celia had discovered the dictionary of the runes and the material for making permanent engravings, she immediately thought that this was exactly what she needed.

There were several things that bothered her, and those runes might be the solution to her problems. Her biggest problem was giving free access to the dimension to the boys and now to the magic beasts. Then these shapeshifter necklaces didn't suit her at all because she couldn't choose what she was going to look like, at least her face because the rest of her body remained completely the same, so she wanted to find a way to improve their disguises.

And then there was the problem of the communication stones, it was not working when they were in the dimension.

After scrupulously studying all the runes and after reading all the notes that the cave mage had left all over these books, Celia was sure that she could sort out all her little problems with them.

In fact the use of this onyx stick was quite simple, you just had to introduce enough spiritual energy to it for it to work. Depending on the amount of spiritual energy that will be introduced to it, it will become blue, red or purple, purple being the maximum level and which allowed the most complex runes to be engraved.

The runes were therefore divided into three categories, blue, red and purple, and an onyx stick could only engrave one rune.

With all of this in mind Celia began with a communication stone, the rune she had chosen was a purple level and was called the Space Time Communication rune. All dimensions were created in an opening of space-time, their dimension was no exception to this rule, so it should work.

She took out a stack of green papers with her spiritual energy inside and began to introduce it inside the onyx stick, she needed three green papers for it to turn blue, six for it to turn red and twelve for it to turn purple.

Celia couldn't believe it, twelve green papers were the equivalent of a regular level twelve grade five mage's spiritual energy reserve, thereby implying that the mage's spiritual energy reserve could be increased at each level only by twenty percent and not fifty percent as for Celia.

No wonder these communication stones were not in the trade, there were very few level twelve grade five mages and not a single one in Eben, she took the now completely purple onyx stick and started engraving the Space Time Communication rune on the communication stone.

Once the rune was engraved, Celia had to wait for the onyx stick to pour all the energy that was inside it into the rune, and for it to turn completely black again.

The rune glowed with a purple glow for at least ten minutes and once the onyx stick turned black again, black flames surrounded it and it vanished just like that.

On the communication stone was engraved the symbol of the Space Time Communication rune, the rune was purple, the same color as the onyx stick when she had engraved it.

Celia was eager to test this stone so she quickly made a second one and returned to the palace.

Tal was still in a meditation state to unseal the white jade discs and Arthur who was awakened was still in his lap.

She approached him and whispered close to him so as not to disturb Tal : "I just created these communication stones, normally we can use them when we are in the dimension now, when Tal will have finished with this white jade disc tells him to try to reach me with that stone, okay ?"

Arthur nodded and Celia stroked his head before going back to the dimension.

The communication stones were a piece of cake compared to what she had planned to do right after it.

All the runes Celia wanted to use were purple one, she had planned to create bracelets for everyone with not only the Universal Language rune in them but also the Universal Disguise rune, the Universal Transfiguration rune and the most important one, the Space Time Portal rune.

The first three runes although being purple one were simple to create and would allow everyone to be able to communicate in all known languages, they will be able to dress in the outfit of their choice no matter what world the outfit would come from, and they will be able to completely change their appearance, man, woman, child, old man, fat, tall, hair color, eye color ... that was just too cool, Celia thought.

The last rune was more complex and she needed to engrave one in the dimension and then in each of the bracelets.

This rune also had an additional security, as it had been created on purpose so that other person could have access to a dimension, the owner of the dimension had to seal some of the energy of those who were allowed to enter to the dimension, inside the rune that was in the dimension.

This way, if the bracelet was stolen, no other than the authorized ones could enter it.

Celia had about two hundred green papers of spiritual energy, she would need more than double if she wanted to make bracelets for everyone, she and Anaya only needed three runes, but everyone else would need four runes.

She had planned to do it not only for Liam and Alec but also for Tal, Arthur and their five magic beasts.

Celia had seen with her own eyes the width of the meridians in the bodies of the magic beasts and she had no doubt that they could all transform into human before long, it will be better to be prepared when this time will come.

Likewise she should probably do at least two more, no, three more, one for Dan, and the other two for Caleb and Aiden, Celia was not sure yet of this Aiden but in Anaya's vision he was fighting by their side, so she was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and reach out to him to make peace.

Celia wasted no more time and began to engrave the bracelets, she would need three full days to make them, as she would have to take a long break to recharge her green papers with spiritual energy.


Three days later, Celia returned to the palace with a magic bag filled with bracelets and communication stones.

Tal was there and waiting for her, he was taking a break before unsealing the last white jade disc.

They had been able to communicate thanks to Celia's new communication stones and although Celia was pretty sure of herself, she had been really delighted when Tal first communicated with her through the stone she had just made, and now she still needed him to test her bracelets.

She had been able to test the Universal Disguise rune and the Universal Transfiguration rune herself, but she could not test the Space Time Portal rune.

She took Tal to the dimension and asked him to introduce some of his chakra inside the giant rune she had created on the ground near the lake.

She had chosen this location because if someone was injured they would be close enough to the lake to let them drop in and let the spiritual water in the lake regenerate them.

After Tal introduced some of his chakra inside the rune she brought him back to the palace and asked him to try to teleport back to the dimension.

Tal disappeared immediately and returned not long after with a big smile he said to her really impressed : "You really are not an ordinary girl, what you just did is downright extraordinary, everyone will be delighted."

Cel laughed with joy she asked him : "By the way, do you know where the others are, the magic beasts are not there ?"

Tal replied : "They wanted to go hunting, so I took them to Liam and the others, since they have no bond with you, we never know I preferred to put them under the protection of the boys."

Celia smiled at him : "You did very well ! If you don't mind, I will go around the palace."

Tal replied : "Make yourself at home, I need another day to finish unsealing the last white jade disc."

Celia nodded to him and left to roam the palace. She was using her special ability to see the silver halo around objects, when an hour later she finally discovered something.

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