Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 84 - Under Attack Part 2

Celia had come to tell Tal that the others had been attacked and that he would be better if he came to the dimension with them.

Considering the injuries everyone had suffered and even Liam and Alec had to flee, that could only mean two things, either they were too many enemies, or they had been attacked by someone much more powerful than them.

She said to Tal : "Go to the dimension, everyone is already there and they all suffered injuries."

Tal eyed her with a frown : "What are you going to do ? If Liam and Alec have been defeated by those attacking the palace you must take cover now !"

Celia looked at him, she was very serious for once and he could perceive in her that little extra something that made everyone follow her orders, she said to him : "Tal you have to protect Arthur, they absolutely must not find out that he's alive, if my guesswork is correct, and taking into account that Caleb and Aiden were beaten to near death, there's a good chance one of the two men Anaya drew is present.

I have to stay to get an idea of ​​what we will have to face in the future, I will test his strength and come back right away, tell Anaya to come and bring ... "

Celia did not have time to finish her sentence as Anaya was already there, the green papers in one hand and her dagger in the other, she smiled at her and said : "My love you weren't going to have fun without me, right ?"

Celia smiled at her, her baby wife knew her so well, so smart like always, she said to Tal : "Go on ! Nothing will happen to us I promise."

Tal disappeared immediately, he trusted Celia and now that Anaya was there, he was sure she would never put her in danger.

Anaya looked where Tal has disappeared and asked her wife : "My love, what did you do exactly when we weren't there ?"

Celia said to her : "A Suprise !"

Celia told her quickly because the shaking was getting stronger and they would be here soon : "Here, put that on sweetie, this bracelet also allows us to change shape, is there one of the men you drew over there ?"

Anaya took off her bracelet and put on the one she just gave her, she replied : "Yes, the one who slaughtered Arthur's clan."

Celia was jubilant with the green papers she could stand in front of him for a little while, although she couldn't probably defeat him, but she intended to play well with his nerves, she explained her plan to Anaya : "My baby wife, we have two hundred and fifty green papers to do an unbreakable shield, at least for few minutes, and four hundred to attack them, we'll be able to piss them off a little, what do you say ?"

Anaya nodded in satisfaction and asked : "Why only two hundred and fifty for the shield, usually when you use your green papers you reload them right after ..."

Celia said quickly to her : "These fifty green papers are not usable at the moment, it is the energy of the cursed seal that is inside and I don't know how to use it."

Anaya just said to her : "I see ! My love I know you well enough to know that you didn't give me this bracelet just to look pretty, what do you have in mind ?"

Celia couldn't help admiring her beautiful baby wife : "Ah sweetie, sweetie, the woman of my life, if i were not already fond of you i will have fallen now for sure."

Anaya pinched her cheek and said seriously : "Stop messing around, be serious !"

Celia became serious again and explained : "As I told you, using these bracelets we can now change shape, we will play a little with their nerves, when I will give you a sign we will first transform our daggers into long swords just like in your drawing, and after that we'll turn into Clara and Anna, this man had to fight against them before and he has been beaten up and sealed I don't know where all this time, but he should have kept a very strong memories of both Clara and Anna. What do you think ?"

Anaya had that mischievous smile on her lips, she said to her : "My love, I think your plan is evil, I love it !"

Anaya looked at the entrance to the palace, the shaking had stopped, she said to her : "Here we are, my love, they are coming, I will wait for your signal and follow your orders."

Celia had also suddenly become very serious : "Good !"

Celia was really, really excited about this fight, even though she knew they had no chance of defeating them, at least the information they will get from this fight will be very useful to them.

She sensed danger and she immediately used hundred green papers to create her shield, at least ten layers of her shield were easily broken by this sneak attack, impressive she thought.

Fortunately, now a green paper was the equivalent of one layer of her shield, in fact, now she was drinking the lake water as she introduced her spiritual energy inside the green papers, so she could completely fill the green paper with her spiritual energy, which gave this result.

Eighteen men and women appeared in front of them, the man who was Celia's target was at the back, she said to Anaya in a loud and clear voice : "My baby wife take care of the flies in front of our targets, he is hidding behind them like a coward, let them taste our specialties."

Anaya's eyes had turned entirely golden, her dragon apparently wanted to play too.

Celia saw the men and women staring at Anaya with their mouths wide open in disbelief, she said playfully to them : "What ! You have never seen an angry golden dragon before, don't worry we will fix it, isn't it sweetie ?"

Anaya had a smile on her face that could have made any reasonable person tremble with fear and some enemies in front of them backed off out of reflex which only made the smile on Anaya's face grew bigger.

She said to them : "I hope you are ready to die !"

Anaya first cast on the shield eighteen green papers, the attack spell that Celia had especially created for her, it was called Thundering Fire, an arrow of sacred fire surrounded by the lightning element, she put her hands on the shield and said "Disperse", she controlled the spells with her mind so that these arrows all aimed at vital points, and while their enemies were parrying this attack she immediately released eighteen more other spells on other vital points to disturb them, these two attacks with just seconds apart claimed the lives of five of their enemies, the sacred fire had devoured them entirely, even their bones had turned to dust.

Anaya had a satisfied smile on her face and asked her wife : "Did you like the show my love ?"

Celia replied with a playfully  tone : "My baby wife you were so damn sexy just now !"

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