Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 88 - Counterattack Part 2

Anaya was the first to speak : "Brilliant, we will do as you just said my love."

Everyone nodded, to tell the truth they all wanted revenge for different reasons.

Tal because this man was the one who had slaughtered those who lived in his home planet, for Caleb and Aiden it was the tortures they had just suffered and because this man was after their little brother, Liam wanted to make this man pay for what he had done to his brothers, for the others these men were just a threat to the people they loved and had to be eliminated.

Celia preferred to remind everyone : "According to Anaya's vision this man will still be alive in the future, so I don't know what the outcome of this fight will be, but if we can kill him, then that will mean that we can change things."

Celia looked at Liam and Alec and said : "I will do whatever it takes to make this vision not come true."

Liam said to her : "Don't worry about that just yet, Alec and I will be with you until the end."

Alec took Liam's hand and intertwined his fingers with his, he looked at him in the eyes and just said : "Until the end."

After that they split into two groups, Celia needed Anaya's light energy to try some things on the magic beasts, so they both stayed with the magic beasts.

Tal who was here to help the magic beasts stayed with them and Arthur who was constantly on the Tal's shoulders was here too.

Celia with the help of Anaya prepared fifty green papers filled with light energy and she asked Onyx, the black tiger who was originally at level eight and had already leveled up to level nine, to approach.

She explained to him : "Using the light energy I will try to give you back the power that should have been yours if you had not had this cursed seal.

When I removed the cursed seal from you I also helped your chakra to flow normally through your meridian channels, the problem is that this cursed seal restricted your growth so much that your chakra flow did not even fill half of what he should be.

With the help of this energy I hope I will be able to fill this void, are you ready to give it a try ?"

Onyx was more than eager to try and like Celia did not understand him, he rubbed his head against her hand and he heard a threatening voice : "Back off if you still wanna live."

Ah damn, he had forgotten how Anaya's jealousy was terrible, he backed off and was waiting for Celia to begin.

Celia looked at Anaya and said : "My baby wife there is really no point to be jealous here ..."

Anaya just said to her : "I have already warned them, no one is allowed to rub against you."

Celia just gave up she will take care of Anaya later : "Okay, let's start !"

Celia really thought that the light energy will do the same for the magic beasts as the darkness energy had done to Caleb and Aiden.

So without to much thinking she sent the light energy straight to the chakra flame, the flame grew bigger and bigger and finally the flow of chakra began to increase. Celia had needed to use totally four green papers filled with light energy for the Onyx chakra's flow to be has it should have been.

Onyx after receiving all this light energy walked away when Celia told him that she couldn't help him anymore and that it was up to him to do the rest.

Onyx felt a drastic change in his body, he felt stronger, lighter, faster, and he had just leveled up to level ten without even having to put in any effort, which he meant that he could now change into a human, just after that thought crossed his mind he did it without delay.

He turned into a young man who looked eighteen or nineteen, he had black skin and his jet-black curly hair fell to the back of his neck, his eyes were green like an emerald and he had a luscious mouth for a man, which gave him a crazy charm, he was really handsome.

They were all shocked to see that the black tiger had turned into a young man just like that, Anaya couldn't help but compliment her wife : "My love, you really are the best ! Welcome Onyx."

Anaya looked at Tal and said : "I think the best thing is that both of you go to see Liam, he will show you how the combat ring works and Tal you can start his training, he has to get used to his new body very quickly."

Tal nodded and motioned for Onyx to follow him, when the two were gone Celia asked : "So guys, do i have a volunteer ?"

Celia continued to take care of the magic beasts and Anaya while waiting for Celia to finish was scanning the old scrolls found in the secret chamber of the palace inside a red jade disc.

When Celia had finished, Onyx was the only one who could transform into a human, but Sky, Snow and Lilac were almost ready to break through the tenth level so it won't be long for them to change into humans as well, only Flame was at level eight, it was quite normal like he was the younger along all the magic beasts.

After that, the magic beasts left to train with Tal as agreed before, and the girls began their training.

Celia and Anaya both agreed that their best weapon was their shield because they were untouchable inside it and they could attack thanks to the talisman papers with it, so Celia needed to prepare a lot of green papers with her spiritual energy inside to hold their shield for a longer time, right now one layer of the shield could last five minutes, so she needed plenty of it to replace the first one when they would disperse after five minutes of fighting.

During this time Anaya would be training with the daggers and use them to test how to use the light energy.

Then together they would try to create more attack spells, they will focus only on attack spells like the aim was to kill the ennemy.

The days went by at breakneck speed and there was only one day left before the counterattack.

Liam had decided to take a break for everyone and suggested to go bathing in the lake water to strengthen their minds and bodies after all the hard work everyone had put in.

Celia watched everyone as she was held tightly in Anaya's arms, her baby wife was taking care of her as always and Celia really enjoyed being so cuddled by Anaya.

During these last days Arthur had finally left Tal who was busy with Alec training the magic beasts, he now stayed with those who rested between two training sessions.

Tal seemed to have gotten closer to Onyx, Celia could almost predict what was going to happen between them, as for Liam and Alec they still had the perfect love and Caleb and Aiden seemed to have got used to the idea that their darling little brother was totally crazy about Alec.

After that leasurly time, Liam had asked them all to get together to talk about their fight plan and retreats plan just in case things got out of hand.

After few hours of discussion they were finally done, everyone agreed to the plan and then Liam said to everbody to go to rest.

The day after, everyone was terribly excited, they weren't afraid at all, they felt like they couldn't be more ready than that and they were all eager to go fight.

They all teleported right in front of where the barrier will open in an hour and they didn't wait long before seeing all the ennemy gathering here.

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