Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 9 - The Eben's Chest Part 1

After Anaya have kissed her lips till it was swollen, she went straight for her neck where she knew Celia was sensitive, she then lifted her head and looked at her straight in the eyes : "Take off your clothes my love, i want you badly, i can't wait anymore."

Celia didn't need to be asked, Anaya's eyes were so full of desire, her clothes disappeared in the blink of an eye, thanks to the super bracelet, she only needed to press twice on the battle gear dress stone and she was naked again, Anaya didn't forget to tell her how their bracelet was working and it was really very useful.

A carnivorous smile appeared on Anaya's lips that made her tremble with impatience.

They made love for two full hours without any stop, Celia's mark didn't spread all over her body, it stopped descending to her hips and went no higher than her chin.

After having their full of each other they were not tired yet, so they planed to have a bath into their dimension and after they will go checked what's into those chests, especialy the one name Eben.


In the dimension

After bathing in the lake they looked clean and refresh once again, they used the stone of their bracelet to dress up, Anaya was wearing her battle gear dress and celia was in casual clothes.

Anaya took Celia's hand and intertwined their fingers, they went to the place where the chests were and before open it Celia took the book of EVA and looked at Anaya, she said : "Sweetie, i m really curious about the chests but should we have a look first on that book ? I guess it can be only very important if it is here, what do you choose book first or chests first ?"

Celia was teasing her again : "Chests first or book first ? Me first or those things first ?"

Anaya sighed helpless, Celia had that's smile on her face that's told her she wanted to tease her.

She took the book from her hand and said : "Didn't i choose already or you want me to do it till you couldn't get up from our bed."

Celia answer was unexcpected like always : "Oh ya please baby mark your word."

Anaya hit her head with the book : "Can't you be less shameless and couldn't you tease me less in the future ?"

Celia laughed heartwarmthy : "I can't sweetie, i can't … You are way to cute when i am teasing you."

Anaya pouted and celia laughed again, then she kissed her and took back the book : "Come one sweetie i m done for now let's check the book first ok ?"

Anaya just said : "Sure as you want my love."

Celia open the book and read the first page, she was so shocked that she exclamed : "What's the fuc* ? Anaya this is for real …"

Anaya was shocked too she took the book from Celia and began to read it faster, after some more minutes she closed it and look at Celia : "Wow AVA is the name of the A.I who rule the dimension and it will be awaking when we will be both at the fifht level.

The main role of the I.A. or AVA will be to help you with the growth and the harvesting of the magic herbs, but it is not all, it's written that AVA will keep improving and learn from us.

So if this A.I. was already there when Linda and Tarik were the owners we could learn more about them.

This is something completely inexpected."

Celia : "Wow that's fuc*ing to good to be real !"

Anaya with a frown on her pretty face : "Celia stop swearing like that it doesn't look good on you."

Celia smiled gently : "Sorry, sorry sweetie bad habit i have grown up with three brothers and we sweared a lot but i will try my best to avoid it in the future, just give me some more time to adapt."

Anaya didn't look convince at all : "Ok if you say so i will trust you."

After sometime Anaya gave back the book to Celia and said : "This is yours, read it and learn how to be friendly with AVA after all magic herbs are very important for mages."

She turned to the chests and looked at Celia : "Shall we begin to open it, which one do you want to open first ?"

Celia thought a little bit and then said : "Open the Eben one, after all it is your world aren't you curious about what's inside ?"

Anaya couldn't help but smiled at her like an idiot : "In fact my love, all those chests just drive me crasy for curiosity. That's why i asked you to choose one."

Celia came closer to Anaya : "So it is like that, then sweetie open the Eben one."

Anaya couldn't hold back her curiosty anymore and she opened it like Celia asked her.

Inside the Eben chest there were a book, three magic bags, four rings and four bracelets.

Anaya took the book and began to read it.

Celia while Anaya was reading took one bracelet, two bracelets were made of black leather and the other two were made of white leather, she took one white, removed her own bracelet and wore this one.

It ajusted to her wrist like the one Anaya gave her first, the main difference was that it was a plain bracelet there was no stones on it, so when Celia wore it nothing happened.

Celia was wondering if it was a simple bracelet but she doubted it, otherwise why it will have been in that's chest.

So she tried to think at her long sweater she liked so much and love wear it when it was a lazy day.

Then a second after she thought at it she was already wearing it, she exclamed : "Holy sh*t !" And then she remembered the promise she just made to Anaya and added : "Sorry, sorry sweetie i didn't mean to swear i just got shocked."

Anaya was looking at her with surprise in her eyes : "What kind of dress it is, i never seen something like that."

Celia sighed and said : "It's from my world i love wearing long and large sweater when i m at home i feel more confortable like that."

Anaya opened wide her eyes, Celia was so damn sexy in that dress : "My love don't tell me that you go outside in that kind of dress in your world ?"

Celia just laughed : "Of course not, if i want to go outside with this sweater then i will wear pants as well."

Celia saw the relief in Anaya face she wondered why but then she said : "Anaya, sweetie, i think you really missed the point here. Thanks to that bracelet i can not only wear clothes from your world but from mine as well this is just too cool !"

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