Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 90 - Counterattack Part 4

Caleb had this creepy smile on his face he said : "Thanks to you I have been save by this mage, and i almost became a demon god, so i will definitely kill you this time you are not my match anymore."

The man said : "Indeed that was my mistake, if i knew that you will have become a demon warrior i will have kill you right away."

Celia was puzzled she asked that man : "What do you mean by demon warrior ?"

The man snorted and said : "So ignorant, let me tell you this and after i will kill you all, their is four type of demons, low demon, demon, demon warrior and demon god, the so called demons king is just a trash who has been choose by my goddness to govern Inferno, he is just a tool nothing more.

But a demon warrior that another story, your father had been the last one in more than hundred thousand of years, he chose to betraye us that's why he had to die but you can still join us we will spare your brothers if you choose to join us, think carefully."

Celia didn't let Caleb speak and looked at Liam and then said to him : "So Liam do you know that you are a demon warrior like your brother, your flame of demonic energy that you sealed is the same color as Caleb now, you should really give it a try, i m sure you will be able to top up Alec if you unsealed that energy."

Liam couldn't believe his ears and Alec was outraged, he said to Celia : "Cel if you could stay focused on the fight it would be better, and even if Liam accepted his part of demonic energy why did you say that it would become the one in top, my dragon will nerver allowed that though."

Liam put his arm around Alec's shoulders and said : "Babe, babe, have you been  so scared for your ass, may be i should give it a try then, Célia has a point here, it's worth trying, I'm so dying to know how it will feel to thrust inside you."

Aiden and Caleb was shocked and rendered speechless, Tal and the others were already used to Celia way of teasing but Liam was generally the one to remind her to get focus so it was rather weird.

Anaya couldn't help to chuckle, that man over there was in so much rage that it was quite funny, and he really thought that he has a chance to defeat them, he could still dream on.

Anaya said to everybody: "Guys, let me play a little longer and then we will move to the next plan."

They were all quit at once but before Anaya could cast another spell, that man went at lightning speed against the shield, his purple energy could be seen around his fist as he punched in it.

Celia was ready for the impact and she couldn't wait to know what was his true strength.

Anaya took this golden opportunity to send him through the shield a large amount of Golden Lightning spells.

When this man saw that Anaya had cast these spells, his fist was buried too deep inside the shield, he had broken countless layers of shields but they still seemed too many of them, he had wanted to keep pounding in it with his fist using the reserve of darkness energy that her goddess had lent to him, but this girl had immediately replicated with spells using energy of light, this energy was deadly to demons, and he had not been fast enough to avoid this attack altogether.

Once at a reasonable distance of the shield he looked at his wrist which was starting to be consumed by this light energy and it was already starting to spread on his forearm, that energy for the demons was like a poison spreading of over the body in no time.

He decided to impute his arm to limit the damage and pulled out of his personal dimension a magic pill that could make him push it back in an instant.

Anaya was a little disappointed that she couldn't end this man but it was only a postponement, it was time to reduce the number of their opponents drastically.

With Celia they had created with great difficulty this attack spell, they had called it the Heavenly Fire, Celia had been able to do only few of it because this spell mixed the sacred fire of Anaya, who was she knew now a mixture of the fire and light energy, and the darkness energy.

Celia had managed to create a fiery arrow which on one side had golden flames and on the other side purple flames.

This spell caused an explosive reaction when it came into contact with anything and the three energies then will spread  everywhere like a gigantic forest fire that would engulf everything.

The girls had bet that the strong among them will try to counter this spell with their swords thinking it will disperse it, and when they will do it, then they will take the full blast of the explosions.

Anaya just hoped they had seen it right because she had only one try.

She threw the ten explosive fiery arrows at their most powerful enemies that remained, and bingo six out of the ten had died immediately in the explosion, the four who had managed to escape the explosion had used the bodies of their comrades as a shield so this attack was a real success, Anaya had just reduced the number of their enemies to six plus this man.

It was time to go on the offensive now at full force.

Liam took the matters into his own hands, he said to everyone : "Time to go, Caleb, Aiden and I take care of this man, Tal with Onyx you take care of this level twelve grade six fighter, babe you go with the magic beasts and you take care of the two fighters level twelve grade four, Anaya will take care of the last three demons and we count on both of you girls to watch over us.

Alec you take one dagger and Tal you take the other one, we must finish this fight quickly.

Everybody once you have finished your target you will go to help the others, everyone attacks now !"

Anaya with the help of Celia, who was now free to attack with the shield like all the ennemy were fighting and didn't bother anymore to attack it, had trapped the remainder demons like Liam had asked them and finished them off very quickly.

The girls were free to help the others with sneak attacks or defensive spells.

Anaya was focusing with Liam group and Celia with Alec group like the magic beasts were the most in danger here. She wasn't afraid for Tal nor Onyx because she knew very well their strength like they had tested it on her shield, Tal could break at full strength fourty four layers and Onyx could already broke through twenty eight layers and he was only at leven ten, the magic beasts were really stronger than fighter of the same level.

So Celia was focus on Alec fight and he had like Anaya transformed the dagger into two scimitars, one blade was bright red and the other was icy color, the magic beasts had trained with him so they were very well coordinated.

Celia just had to cast some shield for them for time to time and after about ten minutes Tal and Onyx joined them and five minutes later their opponents were all dead meat.

So everyone attention lent to that man who was fighting against Liam and his brothers, Anaya could only cast defensive spells to try to protect them, but that man were really tough.

Liam and his brothers withdrew when they saw that everyone had ended their own fight to regroup with them and increase their chances of killing this man.

This man had not come out of this fight with the three brothers unscathed, he was badly injured and he knew that the only option he had left was to withdraw, he could not face them all together, he wouldn't make it out alive.

He pulled out a red paper from his own dimension and unleashed his power, a transdimensional portal appeared and he disappeared inside.

Liam and the others didn't have time to react as it happened in a matter of seconds and the portal had closed right behind him.

But as everyone started to relax because the threat was over, Celia yelled an order that they knew they had to obey without hesitation, she screamed out loudy : "Everyone in the dimension, right now!"

Celia could feel and see an opening in the space time just in front of everybody, she could feel the danger behind it so screamed to them to retreat inside the dimension.

Anaya circle her arms around her from behind and when Celia saw that they all left she felt relief she trew out more and more green papers in ordered to boost her shield and then out of nowhere a terrible black flame has appeared and was ready to devore them.

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