For Whom is This Revenge?

Amidst the increasing commotion outside the window, the corridor where I, Alberto, and Prince Risel are standing exuded a silent atmosphere.

I just stared straight at Alberto.

From the flickering in his eyes, which had been burning with vengeance, it was evident that my words of persuasion were resonating with him.

Nevertheless, I have not succeeded to overturn Alberto’s thoughts.

If that’s the case, then I’ll push forward just a little further.

“Please, Alberto.”


There is no answer from Alberto. He is rejecting me with silence.

If I leave Alberto behind and go to the palace, thoroughly searching for Reynaldo, perhaps I will find him.

However, that is not enough.

There’s no way I can leave Alberto, a lone avenger, as he is.

He, too, has become a manifestation of the sins left behind by Rosemary, standing before me now.

I’m aware of the remorse I saw in Rosemary’s memories.

I know of the knight named Alberto, whom I didn’t know when I met him as Marie, from her memories.

I swallowed all my thoughts and looked at Alberto again.

“Alberto. Who is this revenge for?”


At the sudden question, Albert stares back at me with a puzzled expression.

Without waiting for his answer, I continue.

“Is this revenge yours? Or maybe Reynaldo’s?”

I took another step closer to Alberto.

Even as I approached within touching distance, Albert neither rejected me nor made any move to touch me. He stood there, frozen in place.

I placed my hand upon his hand holding the sword and looked up into his hazel eyes.

“Isn’t the revenge you both seek for, Rosemary’s?”

I answered with surprising calmness.

I squeezed Alberto’s hand, which had stiffened at my words, even more firmly, and I let my fingers intertwine with the ones holding the hilt of his sword. He didn’t reject my touch, even as it reached the sword.

I continue my words.

“If your intention is to kill the King and the Queen with this sword, then it’s my duty. Don’t you think it’s more appropriate for me to judge the people who killed Rosemary?”

“Lady Rosemary…. no, Marie…?”

Alberto appeared increasingly confused and flustered, visibly overwhelmed by the fact that I, who was more than a decade younger, had put him in such a state of turmoil.

Ah, I see.

I preferred Alberto’s eyes looking at me with such confusion rather than the vengeful gaze I saw earlier.

“If you both desire revenge, please let me take on that role.”

I lifted Alberto’s hand, holding the heavy sword, and pressed it against my cheek with both hands. The sword was barely touching my hair.

Alberto, though visibly shaken by my actions, exerted his strength to ensure that I didn’t come into contact with the blade. He was protecting me, ensuring that I remained unharmed.

“Such a thing….”

Alberto replied with a hoarse voice.

“You can’t do that…!”

A shout echoes through the hallway.

“I can’t let you bear the burden for this! This vengeance is mine and Lord Reynaldo’s alone!”

“But it was Rosemary who made it so, why can’t I be part of it!?”

I, too, became agitated and raised my voice.

“Do you think Rosemary would be happy to see you seeking revenge? Seeing you guys covered in blood, did you think she would smile and say thank you!? If that’s the case…!”

If that’s the case.

What have they seen in Rosemary?

She just loved them both so much.

“Please, I beg you, don’t make Rosemary any sadder. Please grant her true wish…”


His hand holding the sword slowly lowers.

I buried my face in Alberto’s chest, letting my tears flow freely.

A hand other than the one holding the sword embraces my shoulder.

“Even so, I can’t forgive them…!”

Along with Alberto’s sorrowful cry, tears also streamed down his cheeks.

How many tears have I made them endure?

I looked up and wiped the tears from his cheeks with my hand.

And I finally voiced what I had been thinking all along.

“Then join me in taking revenge.”

“…. Eh?”

Alberto let out a voice as if he had been surprised.

I continued regardless.

“Please let me fulfill revenge in the way Rosemary desires. My knight.”

I smiled brilliantly.

I’ve been thinking about it myself for a long time.

Even if Rosemary doesn’t wish for revenge, if the wounds of those left behind are deep and the hatred remains… then I want to fulfill revenge in my own way.

The knight, who had been shedding tears, showed a surprised expression and then smiled.

It was Alberto’s usual smile, which Rosemary loved.

Whenever he indulged Rosemary’s whims like this, he would show a troubled expression but still smile and accept her requests.

It’s the same now.

“Understood…. my Lord.”

Then, he bows his head.

The gesture of loyalty, just like in their childhood.

Like the knightly games they played over and over again.

“Please allow me to fulfill your, Lady Rosemary’s, revenge. And please, bestow upon me the role of protecting you.”

I remember the promise between Rosemary and Albert.

Rosemary, who forced him to play along, was always playing with him, making him swear allegiance to her.

I recalled the words spoken at that moment.

“Yes. Please. My knight.”

“As you command.”

His eyes which were once consumed by revenge faded away, and I was delighted to see the familiar hazel-colored eyes looking at me.

I felt relieved that Alberto had returned to being the knight he once was.

Rosemary had always loved the color of his eyes.

The knight who gifted her with a small, unfulfilled, yet deeply treasured first love, quietly blossoming within her heart.


A deliberate cough.

Alberto and I looked at each other and immediately turned our attention toward the direction of the coughing sound.

“Could you please explain what’s going on?”


Prince Risel, who had been completely left behind, finally called out to us.

His face, although much calmer than before, still carried a hint of anger.

“I’m sorry, I’d love to explain it to you, but right now I need to see Reynaldo.”

“Miss Marie.”

“I promise I’ll tell you the truth.”

Even if the truth I have to tell him gives Prince Risel a hard time.

I’m sure he will wish to know.

He smiled bitterly at me, as if he understood my thoughts but had no choice.

“You will definitely tell me, won’t you?”


“Then I will take you to Lord Reynaldo.”

While I was talking with Prince Risel, Alberto, who had been waking up the unconscious knight who had been put to sleep by Prince Risel, looked at me.

“Yes, please!”

I took a deep breath, calming my emotions, and nodded. As I did so, I couldn’t help but think of Rosemary, who lay dormant within my heart.

I wondered if I had fulfilled her wishes.

I started running after Alberto while reminiscing about the former young lady.

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