[Word Count: 844, for now, I won't go too far into mods, I want the MC to get a little setup and gain some recourses, also should we expand on the Clay Soldiers mod? Like new resources, they can use for weapons and armor, and other things like being able to increase their size?]

[A/N: Also only two chapters this week, after all its spring break for me]

I wandered the forest in search of a new cave and soon found what I sought.

A large cave that delves below the surface.

I have no armor except some old hunting leather armor I have been using for years when hunting which I was currently wearing.

I cautiously stepped into the cave and noticed that the cave was going deeper into the ground very smoothly like stairs. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_52675449335106112 for visiting.

I couldn't see too well into the cave so I pulled out a torch and made sure to check my corners before mining anything.

Once I was sure that there were no monsters near me I started chopping away at the iron ore with the iron pickaxe and after a few minutes of mining, I managed to get a few blocks of iron ore, having better tools makes this much easier...

I feel as though my arms were breaking when I tried mining iron ore with a stone pickaxe at my cave abode and at least I managed to get enough iron to make an iron pickaxe so I don't have to feel that pain...

I continued to walk through the cave and found that it was getting more and more complicated with multiple tunnels going different directions, some going down, others going up, and even some that just continued going towards a direction.

I felt as though I was in a complex maze with my only way out being the path of torches I left behind.

As I was mining some iron ore from the cave wall I could hear the sound of many bones clanking together.

Suddenly I felt an agonizing pain enter my mind as I heard the sound of something flying through!

I shouted in pain and dodged to cover behind a block and glanced at the severe wound on my arm that had an arrow sticking out of it.

I gnashed my teeth in pain and tried to fight through the pain to see what attacked me, I attempted to look over the block but another arrow flew my way!

I quickly ducked as the arrow flew over my head, nearly hitting it!

I quickly looked up and this time I managed to get a glance at the thing attacking me and noticed it was one of Minecraft's common monsters, a skeleton!

Before it could fire another arrow I ducked back down and began thinking, how the hell would I get out of this situation?!

I could at most take two more shots from the skeleton before I die...

I steeled my heart and took a deep breath and once I felt the adrenaline course through my body I dashed towards the skeleton!


An arrow flew by me just barely grazing my arm and within two seconds I reached the skeleton and swung down with the stone sword as hard as I could.


A few of its rib bones broke and cracked and I swung down another time, then another, then one final time before I broke its skull and killed it!

It dissintegrated into dust and left behind a few bones and a few arrows...

Only then did the pain flood in after the threat dissapeared.

I gritted my teeth in pain and sat down.

Blood flew out of my wound and too my surprise the wound began to rapidly heal at the cost of my hunger bar!

Soon the pain faded away and the once severe wound was completely healed!

I watched the process of healing with wide eyes and couldn't help but think, OP!

I leaned back onto the cave wall and rested, that fight was mentally exhausting...

And to think, that was a mere skeleton!

Just an average skeleton nearly killed me!

I soon got back up and stretched before continuing to mine.

After an hour of mining I didn't go farther into the cave and began heading back up to the surface.

Once I got back to my cave abode I found that it was nearing 8:00 PM, so I quickly scanned over all of my gains today.

[A/N: There are so many ores in this 'Modpack' that I have created that I will not even bother going over all of them, so I will ignore them for now]

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