Reincarnated With A Minecraft Realm

Chapter 23 - 023 - Return

The next day I created a simple ignition spell that would set something on fire and a Gust spell that would launch me a small distance in a direction.

The Ignition spell would probably be my only combat spell for some time while the Gust spell would help me when I fight, it could help me dodge projectiles and any fatal attacks.

So now I had two utility spells and a combat spell at my disposal.

Besides that, I was thinking about returning to the real world.

It's been a few days since I have been there and felt that it was time to go back.

But before heading back I made sure to restock my inventory.

Once I did that I returned to the real world.

With a flash, I reappeared in the alley and took in a deep breath of the city air, which was by no means fresher than Minecraft's.

I took a few steps out of the alley and headed for the adventurer's guild.

I wanted to do a few missions for some money, thinking about it now, do I even need to hire a teacher to teach me to use or manipulate mana?

I summoned the fire from the ignition spell into my hand and focused on the feeling that came from within my body.

So this is mana?

I started trying to guide the mana through my blood and into my muscles and a strange sense of strengthening began to happen, but I found that my mana wasn't enough!

Before even a few seconds past the mana I had within my body ran dry!

But I did feel a minuscule improvement in my body and muscles!

And this even helped increase my mana supply!

I also noticed that my mana bar in the corner of my vision had the number 3 now instead of 2 meaning that the number is directly related to my mana level.

I also looked at the minimap at the top right of my vision and opened it.

I was glad that my map worked both in Minecraft and in the real world since it's extremely useful to me.

It would map out everything around me in a 2-mile radius everywhere I go!

I soon reached the Adventurer's Guild and took a couple of F-Ranked quests for some money and once I complete these quests I would be able to take the E-Rank advancement test.

And once I was labeled as E-Rank I would be able to start doing quests like Goblin Subjugation quests and gain much better rewards.

For example, doing a couple of F-Ranked quests earned me 150 Copper Coins while doing some E- Ranked quests would help me earn around 200-225 Copper Coins.

[A: I meant to say copper but accidently wrote bronze, I mean Copper Coins, not bronze coins]

While it's not that large of an increase the increase will just get larger and larger with every rank with D-Rank and C-Rank earning silver coins instead of just Copper coins.

In my inventory, I had a total of 305 Copper Coins, which was the equivalent of 3 Silver Coins and 5 Copper coins and although I really don't have anything I need to buy, it's money, it doesn't hurt to have more.

Speaking of which, I wonder how much money I could earn from selling items from Minecraft?

I pushed that thought away and soon left the Guild and headed for the gates of the town.

Hours later I returned and turned in the quest, making me eligible for rank promotion.

But, it was getting late in the day and I did not want to do it now.

I headed for an Inn, yes an Inn.

Although I could just return to the Minecraft world and sleep I think I should at least sleep in an Inn once, to see if I like it.

And if I don't? Well, then I will just sleep in my nice and comfy bed in Minecraft.

I soon arrived at an Inn that was named 'Dreamer's Comfort' and stepped inside.

Immediately I noticed many people drinking, laughing, and partying without a care in the world!

A minute passed before I heard a large thud on my table.

I looked up to see an arrogant teen in expensive clothes with a few others behind him standing next to my table.

"What?" I asked bothered by his presence.

"Scram, this table is ours." He told me as he looked down on me.

I frowned and looked up at him.

"What did you say?" I asked with a glare.

The man was obviously a human and an arrogant one at that.

He is one of the first humans I have seen in this world and he is already bringing my expectations down.

"I said move, you dirty commoner!" He shouted causing almost everyone to quiet down and look over at us.

I frowned and asked with a glare, "Why should I?"

"That's it! Tor, throw him out!" The teen shouted to one of the men behind him in armor, who I assume to be his guard.

Once he reached out to grab me I lifted my hand and summoned the Ignition spell into my palm and rose it up to his face and with a deep glare told him, "Touch me, and you will burn."

The man pulled his hand back upon seeing the flame dancing on my palm and looked towards his master.

"I don't care, throw him out!" The young master shouted drawing everyone's attention to us.

With no choice left the man reached out to grab me once again.

I looked at him and simply through the flame towards his c.h.e.s.t.


The flame exploded on his c.h.e.s.t and began to rapidly expand on his body until his entire body was covered in thick flames.

I raised my eyebrow towards this and thought, 'So much power for such a simple spell?'

Ignoring the man on fire I looked at the young master that had a pale face and simply said, "Scram."

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