Reincarnated With A Minecraft Realm

Chapter 5 - 005 - Growing Up Part 4(Final)

[Word Count: 925]

Within a large forest, a young Elf with long blond hair that reached the boy's neck and bright green eyes crouched on a tree branch waiting with a small knocked bow in his hands

The boy was looking down towards an unexpecting rabbit that was eating some grass.

The boy aimed the bow towards the rabbit and before the rabbit could even react an arrow flew through the air and pierced through its head.

The boy smiled and jumped down from the tree before collecting the rabbit.

That boy is me!

I am now 8 Years Old, 6 years have passed since I took the test, and over these 6 years the progress of the block has made significant progress!


It's almost 3/10ths of the way there!

Over the course of a year, I have learned how to hunt and trap small games and through the small game, I help my mom and earn a few Bronze Coins a week.

[A/N: 100 Bronze Coins = 1 Silver Coin

100 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Coin

1,000 Gold Coins = 1 Platinum Coin

1,000 Platinum Coins = 1 Dragon Coin]

Every few weeks or so a Trader Caravan passes by our village and through these traders the village can earn some Bronze Coins.

Most villagers barely make a dozen Bronze Coins a week and most have never seen a Silver Coin...

But no one in the village cares about that, because everyone is happy!

And my favorite thing about this village was that I knew everyone in the village and we treated each other like family! Everyone in the village was like one big family!

As I entered the village I greeted the other men and women living in the village and couldn't help but smile when I saw a few younger children playing.

Soon I reached my home where I started cleaning the rabbit and skinning its hide.

Since the meat would just spoil traders don't really ever buy the meat, but they will still buy the Rabbit's hide for a bronze coin or two.

Once the hide was cleaned I put it on a rack and began cooking the rabbit meat and after an hour of cooking, I made a Rabbit Stew. of the things I hate most about this Medieval World is the lack of spices...

Soon my mother returned home from work.

"I see you managed to catch a Rabbit, it looks like your getting better in your butchering skills!" She complimented me.

"Thanks, I cooked up some Rabbit Stew if your hungry," I told her while pouring a bowl of Rabbit Stew for her.

I put the bowl done onto the wooden table and grabbed myself a bowl before getting us two wooden spoons.

"Enjoy," I told her as I ate a spoonful of the Rabbit Stew.

"This is quite good! Your cooking skills are getting better and better every day," My mother complimented me.

Over these years I grew more and more attached to my mother and actually began seeing her as my Mother.

At first, it was difficult because I remembered my mother from my past life and how worried I was about her wellbeing now that I was gone...


Two years passed and I am now 10 Years Old, with every year I grow, improving my physical limits and in turn allowing me to hunt larger game!

Today is the first day that I will attempt in hunting a deer!

Although I could have hunted some deer at a younger age, I couldn't because it was too dangerous. To find deer I would have to delve deeper into the forest where the predators live.

From my mom, I learned that all kinds of predators and herbivores live in the forest including Elk, Deer, Wolves, Giant Man-Eating Lizards and so much more!

Most of the A.d.u.l.t Hunters of the village hunt deeper in the forest every day in hopes of hunting larger game which they could skin and sell the hide and in turn help the village!


Six more years passed and I am now 15 Years Old since I first began hunting Deer 6 years ago I have made major upgrades to my hunting gear and I have also grown massively in terms of Physical Strength, Speed, and Perception!

I found that Elves have great Senses and Agility compared to humans!

Although Humans could match an Elf when It comes to strength we are naturally superior in other aspects! Such as Magic, most elves have an affinity for some kind of Magic which means many of the Elven warriors of the Elven Kingdom are in fact mages!

Compared to humans Elves have a 1 in 100 chance of having a child compared to a human's 1 out of 5 chance and our chances of having a child are even lower when it comes to other races besides Elven...

[Author Note]

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Do Note that my P4treon is purely for monetary support and shout-outs!

No matter what my readers shall all get to read the same chapters!

No pay to win to get ahead of everyone! / Unholy_Student

Discord: CMZm2uJ

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