Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 307: Security Meeting

Their appearance in the palace garden draws attention the moment they step away fun the transport circle. Cain is mostly used to it now, but both Misha and Cyrene can't help but notice the content of the other Nobles whispers as Cain escorts them across the grounds, one lady on either arm.

"First a High Elf, now a Lamia?"

"That's just not fair."

"What does he have that I don't? I'm a Duke too."

"You know she's had work done to look like that."

The ladies share an amused look at that last one. After all, Misha's wings and Cyrene's entire body are a result of 'having work done.' Just not for the reasons that the older Countess meant. 

Cain doesn't recall seeing any Lamia among the Nobles, so there is a lot of talk about who Cyrene is, since she's not dressed as Cain's assistant. 

Keeping from being stepped on is taking all of Cyrene's attention, and it's a great relief when they finally reach the lounge where the upper Nobles wait before meetings. 

"We need to get you a sign or something." Misha mutters and Cain grins, pulling out his notebook and moving to a fresh page. In seconds he's made a placard for Cyrene. 

[No Step On Snek] with a rough sketch of Cyrene. 

A booming laugh comes from their left, where a small human man with black hair and almond eyes stands beside a very large Felian woman in a black gown. 

"My apologies. The Picture is a masterful touch. Very subtle. I am Chen Fang, heir to Duke Chen, and this is my wife Rebecca. I heard there was a Warseer here and thought I might try to hire her for myself, but I must say, the young lady looks quite attached to you Duke Cain." The man says, his deep and powerful voice not matching his diminutive stature.

"Meet Cyrene, daughter of Count Dufas and new member of my personal staff, and this is my Misha." Cain introduces her. 

"Lady Cyrene? The blind daughter that's always being left places by the twin gold diggers?" Rebecca asks shocked. 

"The very same. Duke Cain graciously bestowed me this amazing new body as a present to celebrate my first advancement." Cyrene confirms, sending a wave of whispered gossip through the room. 

"Oh, she's good. They'll be talking about your skills as a Flesh Crafter for at least half a year and throwing money at your feet for even longer." Chen Fang says quietly. 

"Mere money doesn't buy this level of transformation." Cain chuckles.

"Once you have enough money you find it's utterly worthless in obtaining anything you truly want." Chen Fang agrees. 

"A few years of youthfulness back in the fur wouldn't be bad though." Rebecca suggests with a wink at her husband. 

That level of change only takes seconds for Cain to do, so Cain decides to show off a little, taking a few years off Rebecca's apparent age, returning a youthful shine to her fur and tightening the loose skin left after multiple children. 

At first nobody but her notices what he's done, until one lecherous noble gives her a long, appreciative look up and down. The difference isn't large, but the perkiness of youth shows when Rebecca steps to the side to let another Duke enter the conversation. 

That's the effect Cain was after, the gossip has turned from Cyrene to how they might curry favor with Cain. 

"I must say, you're devilishly good at playing the room." Duke Archibald says, smoothly stepping past the hesitant noble who was about to ask Cyrene a question. 

"I learned from the very best. How are things in the city?"

"Calmer than expected, now that most of the funerals are finished. I thought there might be more trouble, but I think the King has finally proven himself to the public and everyone's grown weary of the succession battles."

As Archibald chats with Cain the young noble that was hoping to talk with Cyrene is dragged away by an irate, but familiar looking woman. Some relative of Cyrene is Cain's guess. 

"But honey, she's family, certainly it can't hurt to be pleasant." He's insisting as she pulls him across the room.

"Your oldest sister, Cynthia and her husband, the oldest son of Dutchess WonWon. He's a notorious philanderer, so she doesn't trust him around anyone, especially family. Don't be offended if she doesn't say hello while he's in the room." Duke Archibald explains to a confused Cyrene. 

"Ah, yes. I did wonder why she never came home for holidays after she got married, but since I have so many sisters, I guess it makes sense now."

They don't get much longer to talk before the horns sound, indicating the start of the meeting, and everyone begins to make their way to the throne room. Chen Fang, Rebecca and Duke Archibald take up positions behind them, thankfully protecting Cyrene's tail from accidental footsteps and the Lamia begins to wonder if it would be fine to wear armor to these meetings.

Surely a little decorative plating wouldn't offend anyone, right?

"Good thing you're here. They're worse than usual." Misha whispers to her, as she uses her wing to block the line of sight to and subtly brush away a debutante trying to get Cain's attention. Out of everyone she knows, Cyrene understands her possessiveness the best. 

Once they find their spot, Cyrene curls her lower body into a loop, lifting herself up to be equal in height to Misha so she can see what's going on. While in motion she's often only waist high, finding it easier to move without her upper body high in the air and unbalanced. 

Count Dufas has left his usual spot with the court Nobles today, bringing balance to their little group. Dufas and Archibald from the Court Nobles, Cain and Chen from the Businessmen. 

Dufas is standing next to Cyrene, talking quietly about trivialities when the horns blow again and the King enters with the Defense Council at his side and Gwen in his arms, causing everyone to bow or curtsey. Nobody even questions the fact he brings Gwen everywhere now. The white Kitsune Fox is just too cute to not want around. 

"Everyone rise. This should be a short meeting, but important. All reported Gnoll infestations have been cleared as of this morning and new guards have been assigned to patrol the border. 

Both the East and the Northeast borders have been reinforced, and that brings us to the reason for this meeting. The Skyview Army is short on recruits. Including the two that just arrived from Long Fang Valley, this quarter's training group numbers five soldiers with only two weeks until training begins. We will require a recruitment of these numbers aren't filled. 

So, please report to Defense Councilor Maria when your territory sends its recruit. As you should all be aware, four soldiers a year is the absolute minimum required under the law from an Upper Noble every year. 

We have been lax in the past, thanks to abundant volunteers, but if that is unsustainable, we will take action."

That sends a murmur through the crowd. Everyone has been keeping every potential soldier for their own armies, but they didn't realize that everyone else was doing the same to the point that the national army was getting no recruits at all. 

"Duke Cain, Duke Chen and Dutchess Lucretia, your volunteers have arrived. Duke Archibald, both of yours washed out as drunkards already, please replace them. I'm available at all hours, feel free to send me a private message if your recruits require transport and the next patrol through your land will pick them up." Maria says with authority. 

The other two Councilors look overjoyed that she didn't volunteer them for the task, and they move on to the next point. 

Emmeline, the former advisor to Archduke Ferdinand is the next to speak. "The news out of Niman Territory is concerning. They were prepaid for a delivery of women to a nomadic tribe from the steppes who lost a large portion of their clan in last winter's fighting.

Though they're heavily depleted, the band is still strong enough to take on an entire city, so we expect the Nimans to get desperate as the deadline looms if they still haven't filled their orders."

"Will we be moving against Niman Territory then?" One of the Beastkin border Barons asks eagerly. It's his people they're targeting after all. 

"Not yet. The National Army is busy at home and cannot be fully deployed at this time and the Mercenary armies of Dragons and Seraphim are finished their contracts." Maria informs him. 

"So that's how they explained them." Misha whispers to Cain, who winks back at her. 

Having everyone think they're an extension of his financial and not personal might helped keep those who would want to target the throne from coming after him personally. 

Plus Cain hates it when random people ask him personal questions, and the strength of his summons is a very personal question. 

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