Their conversations are broken up by the horns that announce the start of the Court Session, and everyone heads for the Throne Room to find out what the situation is. 

Cain has Received updates from both Maria and Gwen, saying that nothing too unusual is going on, and the mission to have his Supporters and Seraphim clear up the Gnolls was a success. 

The more important news to Gwen was that the King's dates had been going well. He's individually met with all three ladies from the banquet, and tonight plans to take them out together to see how they get along. But Gwen already knows they're friends because she sneaks over at snack time to get them to feed her pie.

The question in the King's mind seems to be who should be the face of the Royal Harem, as none of the three is particularly interested in constant public engagements. That leaves King James to pick a spokesperson or rotate through them for Companionship during public events and official activities. 

Gwen's opinion is that they need at least one more member, someone outgoing and preferably human. Most of the Nobles are human, but the only human in the group is the Nyanko Confederacy Princess, Khali. 

That could be an issue. Outgoing enough to volunteer for duty, smiling and waving at the King's side for every event, but still able to get along with the others? Gwen insists it's possible, though, and James will look for her at the next banquet. 

When they get to the Throne Room, an unusual visitor is standing next to their customary spots as ministers and advisors. A Dutchess named Morgan and a younger woman named Rae. The girl is a human, roughly 180cm tall, heavyset, and covered in curse scars. 

Cursed weapons are often used to torture since healing spells won't remove the scars, leaving a permanent reminder for the victim. Dutchess Morgan also has one down her right cheek, which she keeps covered by her hair, but when she turned to greet them, it swung away enough for Cain to notice. 

"Hi, I'm Rae. It's a pleasure to meet you." Cain notices she greeted Cyrene first, as the Lamia was closest to her, instead of going by rank or influence. 

"I am Cyrene; it is a pleasure to meet you too. Is it your first time here? I came twice before, once at age 12 and then for the special meeting."

"Yeah, we live near the border, so it's a long trip if we come with the trade wagons. The travel circle makes some of the potions unstable." Rae whispers back, then straightens as the King enters. 

[Her mother is one of my biggest competitors. We get along well, though; she does specialty potions while I do mainstream high volume ones.] Duke Chen explains in a message. 

[And the Curse Scars?]

[A failed attempt to get her mother's recipes. She's recovered a lot, but they'll be looking for your services. Only a skilled Flesh Crafter can fix the rest.]

Cain notices that King James and Rae share a familiar smile as he passes by, far enough towards the throne that only the last few of them could see. If they already know each other, maybe she could be the final candidate? 

She's human, local, the daughter of a Dutchess with extensive connections, and a level 122 Alchemist. Not a bad resume. 

As expected, the first Nobles that were called on gave statements about security and asked for more troops and money. Morgan is about to make her petition when Cain reaches a hand to stop her and pushes Rae forward with a wink. 

If her petition is granted a hearing, he can volunteer and use it as an excuse also to hear her request for him. 

"Your Majesty, the Morgan Highlands are secure; the western border we share with Garda has been quiet. But they have placed a tariff on our products, and we would ask for a negotiator to encourage them to honor the treaties." Rae says with her head politely lowered but in a proud and clear voice. 

King James and Cain lock eyes, and the King nods. "Duke Cain, please hear her petition and determine if a treaty breach has occurred."

Cain sets Cyrene on the ground in his spot, and the surrounding Nobles hide a chuckle at her dejected look while Misha pets her head and then straightens her skirts. 

They get to the private room, and Rae grins at him. "Isn't your pet Lamia a little too cuddly? Seriously, that squeeze can break bones like nothing."

"It's fine; she's surprisingly gentle with her hugs. But we should do business first. Do you have the relevant passages of the treaty?"

"Right here. I've highlighted the important parts about unilateral tariffs and product quotas." Cain looks them over, seeing they're very favorable to Skyview. 

"Who negotiated these? I don't suppose it was your family."

"My father was chief negotiator, and they're up for renewal in a year. He's passed away now, so mother thinks they're testing us for weakness." Rae confirms. 

"That's a possibility. But it looks like you have a solid legal case for the King to judge, so I'm with you on this one, and I'll offer my assistance if needed. The next point is not exactly business, but you've got a crush on the King, don't you?"

Rae blushes and covers with her hands while she answers. "It's not like that; we're childhood friends; he doesn't see me that way; I've just known him my whole life. Plus, looking like this, I couldn't be a Royal Consort."

"And if you didn't look that way? Childhood friends are the perfect candidates for Consort." Cain points out.

"Can a Flesh Crafter even do that? I was petite and dainty before they got ahold of me; now, even after fixing as much as possible, I'm still hideous. We even tried a Flesh Shaper, the First Advancement version of your class, and they couldn't break the curses.

When they tortured me, I was forced to drink the failed potions every time I lied about the recipes. But some of them I didn't even know, so..." Rae trails off.

"Don't worry; you remember my cuddly Lamia? She used to be a cat-type Beastkin. I gave her that body to help her advance off the path of the Oracle so she could get her vision back."

This new information stuns the outgoing girl. That is the peak of the Flesh Crafters' art. In her opinion, Cain must have put every single point into his class skills already to be able to work such miracles. 

Rae puts on a brave face, not wanting to fall apart at Cain's offer. "If you can succeed, I'll pay any price."

"Do you have a picture of yourself before? I can match that, and um, tweak and enhance parts you'd like enhanced and tweaked."

"I have one. And unless my dear friend Rae has something specific in mind, we can use it directly." King James says, walking in to check on the hearing. 

"I, umm I, your Majesty Welcome. I hope you approve my petition." Rae stutters, and both men smile. 

"You want to use a picture of me before? But I was so young." She finally manages. 

"Well, we can increase the age. But look how pretty she was." James says, taking out a skill-created image of the two of them playing in the forest from his inventory. Cain smiled at how happy they both look in the image, and decided that with this addition to round out the Harem, the basic requirements are essentially complete.

The image contains James and a teen year old little tomboy, mud streaked on her face, wearing overall shorts and a t-shirt. Rae blushes when he pulls it out and tries to take it away from him. 

"Not that picture, you pair of lolicons. An adult, make me a proper adult."

They both laugh even harder, and James puts the picture away. "Now you know how she used to look; just grow that up to the age of majority and keep my best friend's pretty face."

His teasing makes her blush and she begins fidgeting again, so Cain decides to save some time and get to it. It's not like she'll ask to be changed back anyhow. 

For ease of transition, Cain first changes her to the image James presented, then grows her up a little at a time, her body slowly morphing for half a minute. When he gets to a certain point, James's face takes on an eager look, like he's seen exactly what he's been dreaming of.

About 160cm tall, muscular legs only hinted at underneath her ballgown, and a toned torso with a somewhat average C cup chest. The pretty girl from the image looks like a Jade-skinned doll now, with an athletic tomboy overtone giving shape to the quiet beauty. Cain even gave her delicate feet and a pedicure, though she likely won't notice that right away. 

"There you are; let me know if there's anything you'd like changed." Cain covers her eyes and leads her to the mirror in the bath before leaving the room to allow her to get a good look at her new form.

Rae's smile gets larger and larger as she twists and turns, admiring Cain's work. When she's done, she rearranges her makeup, which was wiped clean by Cain's ability, equips her dress and exits the bathroom, turning to Cain with a stern look and placing her hands on her hips. 

"No natural ass is supposed to look that good. But how long will it last?"

"Until you grow old. Just accept the change, and you're all set."

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