Reincarnated With Endless-System

Chapter 22 - Aftermath Part 2 & Gacha

{A/N: Happy New Year!!

For anyone who doesn't know, they already announced the news about Tsukihime Remake, and also finally Senji Muramasa has become a servant in FGO. FINALLY!!

Don't worry I just want to share this great news :)

Anyway don't forget to join the discord server for Picture, suggestion, and all the latest information and some new updates about this fan-fic:}



◆ C (Common)

◆ UC (Uncommon)

◆ R (Rare)

◆ SSR (Super Super Rare)

◆ SSSR (Super Super Super Rare)

◆ UR (Ultra Rare)

◆ LR (Legendary Rare)

◆ MR (Mythic Rare)

▪ Item (C~R)

1 Roll: 50.000 System-Points

10 Rolls: 500.000 System-Points

▪ Premium Item (R~UR)

10 Rolls: 5.000.000 System-Points

▪ Super Premium Item (SSR~MR)

1 Roll: 1.000.000 System-Points

10 Rolls: 10.000.000 System-Points

▪ Skill (C~R)

1 roll: 50.000 System-Points

10 Rolls: 500.000 System-Points

▪ Premium Skill (R~UR)

1 Roll: 500.000 System-Points

▪ Super Premium Skill (SSR~MR)

1 Roll: 1.000.000 System-Points

10 Rolls: 10.000.000 System-Points

▪ World Dungeon

1 Roll: 20.000.000 System-Points or 1x [World Dungeon Ticket]


Tetsuya then calms down and looks at the [GACHA] system screen. Right now, he is trying to understand the [GACHA] system. What he can understand is that there are 9 types of rarity inside the [GACHA] system, and there are 3 types of gacha you can pull.

Tetsuya right now can pull 1 roll on 'World Dungeon' Gacha, but still, he still cannot decide on what to pull other than 'World Dungeon'Gacha. After some thought, he then finally decide on what to pull. He then decides to pull 10 rolls on 'Premium Skill'.

Tetsuya then decides to pull the 'Premium Skill' first since he is more interested in skill rather than 'World Dungeon' first since he doesn't know anything about 'World Dungeon'. He then touches the 10 Rolls button on the [GACHA] system.

▪ Premium Skill 10 rolls:

[Unlimited Blade Works] (SSSR)

[Shadow Extraction] (UR)

[Split Body] (SSR)

[Evasion] (R)

[The World] (SSR)

[Hiken - Tsubame Gaeshi] (SSR)

[Observation Haki] (SR)

[Bloodl.u.s.t] (R)

[Presence Concealment] (SR)


Before Tetsuya is about to react to his Gacha, there are so many sudden notifications that show up in front of him.


[Unlock Luck status on the [STATUS] system due to receive the highest rarity at a roll]

[You have obtained a new skill called [Projection (Trace Version)] due to [Unlimited Blade Works] skill]

[You have obtained a new skill called [Reinforcement] due to [Unlimited Blade Works] skill]

[Due to [Enhancement] skill is an inferior skill version from [Reinforcement], it will now be changed into Experience point]

[[Reinforcement] is now level 7]

[You have obtained [Shadow Monarch] class due to [Shadow Extraction] skill]

[You have unlocked a new system called [STAND] because the host of this system has obtained a Stand]


Tetsuya who sees all of his Gacha and notifications is speechless as he feels like he is dreaming. After a few seconds, he snaps out from his daydreaming but still feels shocked when he sees the Gacha. He also didn't expect he will unlock a new status related to Luck.

"Damn... This is more OP than before." Said Tetsuya who is hype when seeing all the skill he obtains.

"Anyway if I obtain 'Shadow Extraction' that means I can extract the Kokabiel and the others who I killed... That will be interesting in some way." Said Tetsuya while laughing creepily as he smiles.

"But right now I can only store 20 shadows just like the original I guess..." Said Tetsuya as he looks at his 2 new skills.


Shadow Extraction (Lv. 1/99)

Creates a shadow soldier by extracting Mana from the recently deceased lifeform.

The chance of failure increases the higher the target's stats are, and the more time passed since the target's death.

Skill Usage Conditions: None

Skill Mana Cost: None

Skill Cooldown Time: None

Shadows able to be extracted: 0/30



Shadow Storage (Lv. 1/99)

You absorb created Shadow Soldiers and store them.

Stored Shadow can be summoned and reabsorbed whenever and wherever the animator

Skill Usage Conditions: None

Skill Mana Cost: None

Skill Cooldown Time: None

Stored Shadows: 0/20


Tetsuya then sees his new class 'Shadow Monarch'.


[Shadow Monarch]

▪ 50% chance increase when the Host of the system is about to extract a shadow.




"Well, anyway I probably need to hurry to extract some shadow before my mom reaches me. The 'World Dungeon' can wait later." Said Tetsuya who exit the 'White Room'. He of course doesn't forget to manipulate his Dragonic Energy so they cannot sense any Dragonic Energy from him.

-- Somewhere on the corner of the forest --

Shuri and Akeno standing while waiting for Anna with an anxious and worried expression on both of their face.

Suddenly someone appeared in front of them, and the one who shows up in front of them is Anna.

"What's wrong Shu--" Before Anna is able to finish her sentence, she is being interrupted by Shuri who suddenly grabbed Anna's shoulder with both of her hands.

"Anna!! Please help, Tetsuya is in trouble!!" Said Shuri with an anxious and panicked expression while shaking Anna's shoulder.

"Tell me what happened to Tetsuya?" asked Anna who suddenly change into a serious expression.

Shuri then told Anna the event that happens before they escape.

Anna who heard this is literally very mad as she almost let out a surge of energy around her, but as soon as she remembers that there are Akeno and Shuri around her, she then calms down. She doesn't want to let out her energy due to afraid that her energy will kill her surrounding with some pressure especially if the one who receives it is a normal human.

Anna then searches for some aura toward the Shrine direction. Suddenly a face of surprise showed up on Anna's face.

'There is only one aura in the entire area... This aura, I can't be wrong about it, This is Tetsuya's aura. But that means if there is only Tetsuya aura around there, that means Kokabiel and the other is dead... or probably they escape after the barrier is destroyed because they probably don't want to invite other commotion around them, but I didn't expect that they used a barrier that I can't detect what inside, I probably can detect what inside if I get closer, but I wonder where do they get this kind of barrier?' think Anna while sighing in relief that Tetsuya her son is still safe and alive.

"Both of you get ready, we will be going to where Tetsuya is." Said Anna while looking at Shuri and Akeno.

Shuri confuses about why Anna is smiling but soon realizes that Anna is good at sensing someone's aura, and she thought that Anna is sensing Tetsuya's aura.

Suddenly Anna lifts both Shuri and Akeno on her shoulder. Shuri is surprised by Anna's action and can guess what Anna gonna do, on the other hand, Akeno is confused about what Anna is about to do.

'Well if I leave them here, there is a chance someone will attack them while I'm gone.' think Anna while carrying both Shuri and Akeno.

"Both of you please hold on tight." Said Anna while looking at both Shuri and Akeno.

"Anna please don't go too fa--" Before Shuri finishes her sentence, Anna jumps and then dash toward the sky above the forest while flying.

Shuri who terrified by how fast the speed that Anna flies at, but somehow Akeno is somehow having fun and not bothered by how fast the flying speed but there are still some lingering worries on her expression.

-- Somewhere around near the Shrine --

"Damn this is so cool..." Said Tetsuya while looking at his shadow army.

His army consisted of Kokabiel, 2 Cerberus, 3 Fallen angels (4 pair of black wings), 7 Fallen angels (3 pair of black wings), Suou Himejima, and 6 Himejima clan members.

As for his keyword for extracting Shadow is still the same as original Solo Leveling that is 'Arise', he wanted to make the keyword different as he has some idea such as 'Unlimited Shadow Works', 'Wake up', and 'Follow me'. Somehow he rejected all the Ideas due to either it's too weird, it's not fitting at all, or it's too normal. He could find a good name if he has more time, but he is too afraid that his mother will come before he is able to extract the shadow, even if he is in 'White Room', he is afraid that his mother could come at any time. With no choice, he chooses the keyword 'Arise'.

The time where Tetsuya is about to extract a shadow, somehow all of them is easily extracted as Tetsuya figured out that this is because of his class effect, and this is a relief to Tetsuya as he only got 3 chance to extract a shadow and if he failed he cannot extract that person shadow anymore. Somehow all of the shadows that Tetsuya extract have the same appearance before they die.

As for when Tetsuya is extracting all shadow somehow only Kokabiel that Tetsuya can rename, and as for other shadows, they all get the same name from what the system names them as, for example, 'Cerberus' got name 'Cerberus', 'Himejima clan member' got name 'Himejima clan member', and 'Suou Himejima' got the name 'Suou Himejima'. Tetsuya wants to name Kokabiel into Kokaballs but stops when he thought that Kokabiel is about to become his new soldier, he then names Kokabiel into Biel since Tetsuya is more prefer to name it short rather than a long name. He also gets a new system called [SHADOW] where he can view all the lists of his shadow army.


Shadow stored: 20/20

▪ Biel (Rank B Lv. 13/99)

▪ Fallen Angel (4 pair of black wings) (Rank D Lv. 89/99)

▪ Fallen Angel (4 pair of black wings) (Rank D Lv. 87/99)

▪ Fallen Angel (4 pair of black wings) (Rank D Lv. 86/99)

▪ Cerberus (Rank D Lv. 46/99)

▪ Cerberus (Rank D Lv. 46/99)

▪ Fallen Angel (3 pair of black wings) (Rank E Lv. 91/99)


▪ Fallen Angel (3 pair of black wings) (Rank E Lv. 85/99)

▪ Suou Himejima (Rank E Lv. 63/99)

▪ Himejima clan member (Rank F Lv. 25/99)

▪ Himejima clan member (Rank F Lv. 23/99)

▪ Himejima clan member (Rank F Lv. 21/99)

▪ Himejima clan member (Rank F Lv. 21/99)

▪ Himejima clan member (Rank F Lv. 20/99)

▪ Himejima clan member (Rank F Lv. 20/99)


Tetsuya who see this figured out that the rank of the shadow soldier based alphabetical, unlike the original Shadow rank in Solo Leveling that ranked it from Normal to Grand-Marshal. The thing that stays the same is that the level of the shadow depends on the power of the shadow. There is also a button in the [SHADOW] system that lets you view all the Shadow Rank.



◆ F

◆ E

◆ D

◆ C

◆ B

◆ A

◆ S

◆ SS


◆ EX


Tetsuya now feels proud that he has his own army. He then stored back all the shadow into his shadow before his mother reaches here. But he feels like he forgets to hide something important.

Tetsuya then realizes that his body is fully healed and there is no scratch on his body. This is a mistake on Tetsuya's part as he fails to realize that his body is in a fully healed state where there is a corpse around him and his clothes are in a damaged and bloody state due to Kokabiel's light spear pierce Tetsuya body causing his clothes to dirtied by blood. This makes it harder to explain why his body is fully healed when there is blood dirtied around his body. He then tries to think of a story to explain to his mother that will make his excuse believable. After a few second have passed he finally come up with an excuse.

Suddenly There are 3 presence come from the sky toward Tetsuya. Tetsuya who sees the 3 of them recognizes them, as in front of him, he can see his mother Anna, Shuri, and Akeno. What he feels weird about is that his mother carried both Akeno and Shuri on her shoulder.

Anna soon let down both Shuri who is dizzy because of the speed of the flying and Akeno who is still fine regardless of the speed of the flying.

Suddenly, Akeno who just get down from Anna's shoulder soon started to look at Tetsuya. Soon tears fall from her eyes as she soon rushes toward Tetsuya and hugs her tightly. and this hug makes Tetsuya fall to the ground as Akeno is hugging Tetsuya tightly on top of Tetsuya.

"Tetsuya... I want to play with you more... I want to do fun things with you more... So please don't go away!!" Said Akeno who soon cries loudly as she hugs Tetsuya.

"Didn't I promise you before that I will be fine. So please don't cry." Said Tetsuya with a smile while rubbing Akeno's head trying to calm her down.

Shuri and Anna who look at both Akeno and Tetsuya could only smile. Both of them sigh in relief that Tetsuya is fine.

Soon Anna started to look around only to find many corpses of either fallen angels or humans.

"Tetsuya, who is the one who kills all the corpses around here?" asked Anna while looking at Tetsuya who is still being hug by Akeno.

Tetsuya knows that his mother probably has some power related to reading someone's mind due to past interaction with her that she always hit his head after he almost says something rude to her, sometimes he wondered if that is Woman instinct. So if he says no to her, there is a chance to get a glare from his mother.

"It's me." Said Tetsuya while sighing.

"Okay, you need to tell me all the things that happen after we reach home." Said Anna while looking at Tetsuya.

'Especially with the Divine Energy I can sense from your body.' think Anna while looking at Tetsuya.

"Okay." Said Tetsuya while sighing in tired.

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