Reincarnated With Endless-System

Chapter 24 - Aftermath Part 4 & The Himejima

{A/N: I'm just lazy after the Holiday...

Anyway Don't forget to join the discord server for Picture, suggestion, and all the latest information and some new updates about this fan-fic:}

-- Himejima clan Main Shrine --

Around the time of the afternoon, almost all of the members of Himejima were present in a meeting.

All of them gather due to the disappearance of Suou Himejima, the head of the Himejima family that they found missing around noon and they even lost contact with him, even several members they found missing.

{A/N: Suzerain = Title of the head of the family (?) or Religious title (?)}

"Is there anyone who spotted the 'Suzerain' today?" asks one of the members that are gathering.

Most of the members who hear the question can only stay quiet as they don't even see Suzerain of the Himejima family at all today.

{A/N: I change the timeline where the attack of Akeno and Shuri happened the day after the Suzaku ceremony.)

"The last time we see the 'Suzerain' is after the ceremony of the vermillion bird yesterday." Said one of the members.

"Then where he is?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know."

"Don't tell me the 'Grigori' kidnapped the 'Suzerain'."

Many of the members trying to speak to one another trying to find the answer they were looking for, but this causes a chaotic atmosphere inside the meeting room.

"Silence!!" Said the beautiful woman who has the appearance of a Woman around their 20s with long straight hair and red eyes.

All of the members who hear this could only stay quiet.

{A/N: This is an OC character}

The identity of the girl who just silences all of the members in the meeting room who has a serious expression on her face is Himejima Akane a cousin of Himejima Suzaku. Although she is not the head of the family, she already surpasses Himejima Suou the head of the family at a young age and that makes everyone from the Himejima clan respect her. To say it She is the most talented person in Shinto spiritual arts and magic among the Himejima family other than Suzaku who still at a young age.

Although she is wearing a serious expression, inside her mind she is wearing an annoyed expression.

'Ughh... What did the old man do this time, after Suzaku-chan ceremony he already disappears. Well if so please disappear for eternity.' think Akane.

Although Akane is one of the Himejima, she despises the way Suou handles things as the head of the family, such as expelling a family member who doesn't follow the ancient rule of the 'Five Principal Clan', which can probably result from rebellion among the expelled member. Though when Suou offered her to be the heir to inherit of Vermillion bird, she rejects it due to it being a troublesome position and suggested that Suzaku should be the heir. But the real reason she rejects it due to her hobby of being an otaku as she would think that being the heir would reduce her time with her hobby.

Even though Akane rejects the offer of being an heir, Suou doesn't pursue to make Akane an heir since he doesn't want to force someone who doesn't want to lead the Himejima clan, so he offered Suzaku to be the heir and She accepted it due to so that She can reform the system of the Five Great Families to prevent future tragedies like Shuri and Akeno.

"Do all of You think a discussion like this is going to reach any conclusion." Said Akane.

Next to Akane, there is a 9-year-old girl standing next to her, Himejima Suzaku.

Suzaku who is in the meeting could only stay quiet and spectate the meeting that is in progress.

But suddenly there is riot happened outside the meeting room when suddenly the door of the meeting room was open and there is a man who is in a panic state who reveals to be one of the members of the Himejima Family.

"Someone He--" Before the man could complete his sentence he was kicked from behind resulting in him flying toward the end of the wall resulting which resulting him crash the wall itself.

Suddenly a woman who has the appearance of a Woman in their mid-20s and has long auburn hair with a ponytail and has golden-brown colored eyes appeared causing all of the Himejima members who are in the meeting room to look at her, and The identity of that Woman is Tohno Anna.

"Sorry sorry, I couldn't control my strength." Said Anna with a wry smile while looking at the person who stuck at the wall with a carefree expression.

All the members in the meeting have a shocked expression on their expression while looking at Anna.

"Who are you?! How dare you attack the Himejima family!!!"

"You dare to become the enemy of the 'Five Principal Clans' especially the Himejima!!!"

"Someone arrest her!!"

Almost all of the members in the meeting were shouting toward Anna when suddenly Himejima Akane's eyes were wide open while looking at Anna.

"Everyone stop!!" Shout Akane.

All of the members of the meeting who is about to attack were forced to stop due to Akane's loud shout.

"Why are you stopping this Akane-sama?"

"Isn't She our enemy?!"

"Just attack her already!!"

All of the members confused about why Akane stop all of them when suddenly Akane trying to take a step closer toward Anna while smiling.

"It's been a while since we seeing each other Muramasa Anna... No... Onee-sama!!" Said Akane while looking at Anna with a creepy smile.

"Ughh... I forgot you were part of Himejima... Akane." Said Anna with an annoyed expression while looking at Akane.

"Horrible~ How could you do that to the Kouhai you haven't seen after such a long time." Said Akane with a playful expression.

"Hoo... You're playing that way huh..." Said Anna while gripping Akane's head with her right hand.

"Ouch!! Ouchh!!! Ouchh!!! Give up!!!! Please stop Onee-sama." Said Akane while crying as she cannot handle the pain.

Anna while sighing release her grip from Akane's head.

"Muramasa Anna!? What is the 'Princess of Muramasa' doing here?!"

"Isn't that 'Princess of Muramasa'?!"

"What is Anna-sama doing here!?"

All the members in the meeting wondered why such a big person is doing in here.

"Anna-oba-sama!" Said Suzaku while hugging Anna with a happy expression.

"Suzaku, you have grown bigger since the last time I saw you." Said Anna while patting Suzaku with a smile on her face.

Suzaku who is being patted by Anna is giggling with a happy expression.

"Anyway Onee-sama What're you doing here? Well, you wouldn't cause a riot in our main shrine without any reason, right?" Said Akane with a wry smile.

"Of course I would come here with a reason... After all, the head of your family suddenly attacks Shuri, her daughter, and also my son." Said Anna with a smile at the beginning, but later her expression suddenly changes into a cold one as she looks toward all the members at the meeting. As She looks at them, she suddenly let out an energy pressure toward all the members at the meeting except Akane, and Suzaku, of course, Anna hold back some energy to pressure them so they don't die.

All of the members who got hit by pressure give an expression of fear and anxiety as they felt that they being suppressed as they cannot move and they can die at any moment.

Even though Akane doesn't get hit by the energy pressure, she can feel it around her as she looks at the other members who get pressure from Anna's energy and that makes her anxious.

'Shuri and Akeno-chan got attack by the Old man?! And Onee-sama has a son?! Is it Tetsuya-kun?!' think Akane with a shocked expression and also anxious expression. When Suzaku went to Shrine where Shuri and Akeno stay she always accompanied by Akane since Suzaku still too young. From that moment Akane also meets Tetsuya along with Suzaku.

Akane's first impression of Tetsuya is that he is just an ordinary kid with a little bit of mana on his body, but well Tetsuya just good at manipulating his energy and mana to the point where Akane could only trace a little bit of his mana at that time. In the end, Akane ends up being friends with Tetsuya.

"Anna-oba-sama how are Shuri-oba-sama, Akeno, and Tetsuya!?" asks Suzaku with a worried expression.

"Don't worry they are fine." Said Anna with a smile when looking at Suzaku.

Suzaku could only sigh in relief.

"Then Tetsuya-kun is your son?" asks Akane while looking at Anna.

"Yep." Said Anna while looking at Akane.

"So by Tohno Tetsuya, you married Yukio-senpai?!" Said Akane with a surprised expression.

"Well yeah..." Said Anna while blushing a little bit.

"I thought that Tetsuya-kun family name Tohno is only a coincidence with Yukio-senpai... But after knowing Tetsuya-kun is Onee-sama son, I could conclude you marry Yukio-senpai." Said Akane with a smile on her face.

"Anna-oba-sama, Is Tetsuya your son?" asks Suzaku with a nervous expression, but there is a little bit of blush on her cheek.

Anna who sees Suzaku in blush could only smile teasingly.

"Yep... Are you perhaps interested in Tetsuya?" asks Anna while teasing Suzaku with a smile.

"N-n-no, of course not!!" Shout Suzaku with a blush on her face while having a panic expression.

'Tetsuya, even though you only 5 years old, you already become a lady killer.' thinks Anna while sighing with a smile on her face.

When Suzaku and Akane are talking to Anna, the Himejima members in the meeting room is gritting on fear as they feel their body is heavy and they cannot move.

Even if they want to speak, they cannot due to they afraid to offend the Muramasa family especially the person in front of them. Unlike Five Principal Clans who each family has its own branch in Kyoto, the Muramasa Family branch already reaches around the world.

Even the Five Principal Clans is abode to their ancient rules, but their ancestor of each family warn them not to offend the Muramasa Family, due to the war that happened 200 years ago between Muramasa Family and Five Principal Clans that resulting Five Principal Clans surrendering and pledge to loyalty to the Muramasa Family.

"Anyway Onee-sama what happened to the 'Suzerain'?" asks Akane while looking at Anna.

"He dared to attack my son, Of course, the punishment is death." Said Anna with a cold expression as she claimed that she killed Suou since she doesn't want her son doesn't get involved in this situation.

Akane who heard that didn't get shocked since she knows what Anna will do when someone tries to attack someone close to her, she definitely would kill that person. But when the others who heard this they were quite shocked.

"I know that some of you that are here plan the attack with the head family of yours. And you never expected that the person you target is with my son weren't you." The word that Anna let out sent some chills in the body of the members who got suppressed.

Akane who heard this is shocked as she looked at all the members who get suppressed with an angry expression.

"How come I didn't know about this?!" Said Akane with an angry gaze as she looks at the members who being suppressed.

"P-pl-please Forgive us Anna-sama and Akane-sama... Suou-sama ordered us to hide this from you and Anna-sama We never expected that your son would also be there." Said one of the members who is being suppressed as he let out some courage to speak with a lot of sweat falling through his face, as his face show the face of fear.

"That Old bastard!" Said Akane while gritting her teeth with full of rage.

"Hoo... At least one of you has the courage to speak, but do you think I will forgive you for hurting my friend." Said Anna with an angry tone in her voice that sent some chills to all the people who got suppressed.

All of the members who got suppressed could only curse the ones who speak. Suddenly all of them are getting more pressure until all of them kneel due to the energy pressure.

"For only this time I'll forgive you Himejima since Shuri, my son, and her daughter is safe, and killing all of you in front of this child would leave a bad taste on my mouth. But If you guys try to harm Shuri and her daughter or even someone related to me again, I'll make sure to change the name 'Five Principal Clans' into 'Four Principal Clans'." Said Anna with a cold look on her face and a cold tone that make more all the ones who kneel in front of her, afraid of her.

Akane who heard this could only sigh in relief and stand in front of Anna while bowing in front of her.

"As the representative of Himejima, I Thank Anna-sama for the forgiveness." Said Akane with a more formal suffix to called Anna as she bows in front of her.

Anna then releases the pressure energy from all the members of the meeting that were kneeling. All of them who are released from the pressure could only feel tired as they breathing faster than usual after being released from the pressure.

"Akane, who is going to be the next head of Himejima? I know it's not you due to your personality, but I need to know the person itself." Said Anna while looking at Akane.

"Hahaha well, you know me well Onee-sama... The inheritor of the 'Vermillion Bird' is Suzaku so she should be the next head, but right now... I don't know since she is too young to be the next head." Said Akane.

"I see... Suzaku." Said Anna while looking at Suzaku while calling her.

Suzaku who right now spaced out due to many things that just happened in front of her, suddenly realizes that Anna is calling her.

"W-what is it Anna-oba-sama?" asks Suzaku who is a little surprised after getting called by Anna.

"What makes you want to be the heir?" asks Anna while looking at Suzaku with a smile.

After a few seconds due to being a little bit nervous, Suzaku finally answers Anna's question.

"I want to make a place, so people like Shuri-oba-sama and Akeno can live happily." Said Suzaku with a lot of determination in her eyes.

"I see... Then I hope that will happen in the future." Said Anna with a smile on her face while patting Suzaku's head.

Suzaku could only respond by smiling at Anna.

"Akane." Said Anna who then called Akane.

"What is it Onee-sama?" asks Akane with a wry expression as she knows what Anna will say.

"Be the Head of the family for a while until Suzaku grow a little bit older." Said Anna with a carefree smile on her face.

"Okay..." Said Akane with a bit of teary in her eyes as she cannot rejects the request that Anna made. Even if she wants to reject it, she cannot due to the problem that will happen if she let Suzaku be the head of the family at the age of 9 years old, since many people tend to manipulate the head of the family who is still young.

"There isn't any problem with my decision here... right?" Said Anna while looking at the member with a cold tone in her voice that makes all the members in the meeting room shivered in fear.

All the members shook their heads faster many times as they're agreeing with Anna's statement.

"Well Good... Now then I'll take my leave." Said Anna who is about to walk away but suddenly is called by Akane.

"Wait... about Shuri and Akeno-chan--" Before Akane is about to continue her sentence, Anna says something to her.

"Don't worry, both of them will live at my house now." Said Anna while answering Akane with a smile on her face.

Akane who hear this could only sigh in relief as both of them are safe, even though that she never support the love between Shuri and Baraqiel, but she also didn't despise the fact that Shuri married Baraqiel. As a relative, She still cares about Shuri and Akeno as much as Suzaku.

"And One more thing Onee-sama, please tell Shuri and Akeno-chan that we the Himejima are very sorry for the things that we have done to them." Said Akane who once again bow in front of Anna.

"Okay, I will tell them that, well both of you please take care." Said Anna while looking at both Akane and Suzaku.

Akane only nodded to respond that and Suzaku once more hug Anna and then say goodbye to her.

Anna then walked away from Himejima clan main Shrine and then open another by slashing her purple katana sword, and walked through that portal as she disappeared.

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