Reincarnated With Endless-System

Chapter 3 - Progress & Birthday Present

{A/N: Don't forget to join the discord server for Picture, suggestion and all the latest information and some new updates about this fan-fic :}

"Happy birthday, Tetsuya"

"Happy birthday, Tetsuya-nii"

Said Tohno Family while celebrating Tetsuya Birthday, Tetsuya who is happy blows up the candles on the cake. 4 years have passed since Tetsuya was born, he is now a healthy 4 years old boy who has the appearance of a handsome boy with straight black hair and also blue eyes. In the past 4 years, Tetsuya has gained many levels in both his [STATUS] system and Physical Training, even though Tetsuya has a rough time in the first 2 years when doing his physical training since his body still has the body of a baby, but after he reaches 3 years old, his body is easier to move when doing physical training than when his body was still 2 years old bellow. And right now he is 4 years old and already reaches level 9 in his [STATUS] and level 8 in his physical training, he then opens his System and checks his [STATUS] system.



Name : Tohno Tetsuya

Age : 4

Race : Half-Human/Half-Demon

Level : 9 (15180/32000)

Title : (None)

HP : 4500/4500

Mana : 900/900

Strength : 25

Stamina : 21

Agility : 23

Intelligence : 39

Dexterity : 19

System-point : 94080

When He looks at his [STATUS] system, he touches his chin while nodding his head with a smiling face and closed eyes like a sage person, his status right now makes his power right now comparable to a Highschool student that striving to become a professional at a sport, even exceptional for his intelligence that's make him smarter even among the college student that is categorized as a genius. He then also look at the system-point, at first he wants to increase his status with system-point, but since he still doesn't open the [SHOP] system yet, he will save it until he unlocks the [SHOP] system, since every time he levels up he will gain some big amount of status. But, he still glads all the hard work he does in the past 4 years was paid off.

He then also check his [DAILY MISSION] system and look at his Physical training menu.

{A/N: Don't ask me why a 4-year-old boy have the strength of a High-school student}


⫸Physical Training Level 8 (11350/16000)


◆ Push-up (0/75)

◆ Sit-up (0/75)

◆ Squats (0/75)

◉ Clear Conditions: Complete all the tasks above.

◉ Mission Reward:

▪ Obtained 20 EXP of Physical Training Level

▪ Obtained 40 EXP of [STATUS] Level

▪ Obtained 80 System-point

▪ Status Recovery



When His Physical Training gains some level, his tasks become harder and harder as his level becomes higher. He also gains a new task and his reward also increased, but when he reached Level 5 of Physical Training, his reward for Physical training EXP has to stop at 20 EXP, as for the reason the EXP reward stop increasing, he doesn't know the reason. He can only guess 2 reasons why the Physical training EXP reward has stopped increasing.


Reason Number 2: It has to do with his Age, Due to the fact, his body already has the strength to compete with Highschool students that good at sport at the age of 4.

But in the end, Tetsuya doesn't care about the whole matter as long as he can still earn some good amount of EXP from [DAILY MISSION] system to his [STATUS]. Aside from [STATUS] System and Physical Training, nothing has changed in the Endless-System, Since most of his systems can only unlock after he reaches 5 years old.

After Tetsuya celebrated his birthday, all of the family members give him a present, Shirou gives him a paper that he draws, inside of the drawing there was one whole big family with smiling on their face, even though the draw is like a scribble, Tetsuya accept the gift from Shirou with smiling face and a warmful heart. As for his Father and Mother's turn to gift him a present, they called Tetsuya into a room that he never sees in this house leaving Shirou alone in the living room while drawing on a piece of paper. Inside this room, there is a lot of training tools that I never saw in my entire life. Suddenly his father began to speak to him in a serious but gentle tone.

"Tetsuya, for your birthday, dad will give you something important, that is the technique to control your demon blood that inside you."

Tetsuya was shocked not because his father talks about supernatural things since he already expected a person who has Tohno in his or her family name, without a doubt have a connection to supernatural society, but what makes him so shocked is in Tsukihime there was no information about a technique that can control Demon blood in someone's body, even if there is, it usually sacrifice something like a life force or energy to keep the demon blood from going berserk. Tetsuya was shocked but decided to pretend and ask a question to his Father with a tilted innocent face.

"Dad, what is demon blood?" Ask Tetsuya.

"Demon blood is the blood that gives you latent powers and abilities that can make you stronger. The reason I want to give you the technique to control demon blood is because of you being in the Tohno family gives you half-demon and half-human blood, and I can feel that your half-demon blood is stronger than half-human blood, that gives you the chance to make you become berserk and lost control of yourself." Replied Yukio

"I see..." Replied Tetsuya while pretending to be confused a little.

'What kind of normal 4 years old, can I understand this kind of topic, I have to pretend so they don't suspect me as an abnormal 4 years old boy who is too smart.' That is what inside of Tetsuya's mind.

"Well, you don't have to understand all of it right now. I know it's too hard for you to digest all of the information I just tell you, well I just want you to promise me about something. First, never tell that you have demon blood or can control demon blood to anyone, especially your uncle Makihisa." Said Yukio while having a serious expression.

'Makihisa that name sounds familiar... Ah!! I remembered, he is the father of the protagonist Tohno Shiki, Well Makihisa is not Tohno Shiki's real father, since Tohno Shiki's real name is Nanaya Shiki. I don't believe that sc.u.mbag happens to be my uncle, well I expected this to be happening since my family name is Tohno.'

"I have an uncle??" ask Tetsuya while pretending to be shocked.

"Well, Our Tohno Family is one big family, so of course we will have many relatives. But your uncle Makihisa is not truly a bad person, but he caused many harm and conflict, that's why you can never tell him the technique, if you tell him, he will cause any harm to the others. But, if you find someone that you can truly trust, I don't mind you telling the Demon blood technique to them, but remember, only tell someone that you can trust, If you tell the Demon blood technique to the wrong person, it will cause too much conflict that can even start a war between Mixed-Blood's and Demon Hunter Organization." Said Yukio while in a serious expression.

Tetsuya can only nod while his eyes were full of determination.

Yukio who saw Tetsuya determination in his eyes smile while continuing his other condition.

"Second, you must protect your brother if we are not around to protect him since your brother Demon blood is weaker than his human blood, If you can promise both conditions then I will teach you the Demon blood technique." Said Yukio while waiting for Tetsuya to respond.

"I promise!!" Said Tetsuya with determination in his eyes.

"Good, we can start your training tomorrow." Said Yukio.

"As for my present to my dearest son, I would like to teach you our ancestor Sword Technique!" Said Anna while thinking that a Mother should be better than a Father and looked at Yukio with a smug face.

Yukio looks at Anna with a deadpan expression while sighing and feels that Anna is too childish right now.

Tetsuya who heard his mother is interested in what kind of sword technique that her mother will teach him.

"But this is not just your normal everyday Sword Technique, This Technique was passed by my ancestor from the 15th century since the Sengoku jidai period, The name of this Sword technique is 'Muramasa Sword Art Technique'." Said Anna while puffed her c.h.e.s.t proudly with a smiley face.

{A/N: What do you all guys think about the name of the Sword technique? Well if you guys have a better name suggestion then please reply in here since my naming sense is so bad.}

Tetsuya who heard his mother was shocked beyond his belief and with his widened eyes.

"I have 2 conditions that you must fulfill. the first is, never share this sword technique with other people except for your descendant and second, is the same as your father, you must protect your brother if we are not around since your brother is still too weak." Said Anna while looking at Tetsuya while smiling.

"YES, DEAL, I PROMISE!!!" Shout Tetsuya while smiling with his eyes shining making both of his parents startled, especially his father frowns when Tetsuya was more hype when receiving his mother present than his present.

Suddenly 2 little screens appeared in front of Tetsuya while floating.

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