Reincarnated With Endless-System

Chapter 37 - Fake a Death & Overwhelm

{A/N: Don't forget to join the discord server for Picture, suggestion, all the latest information, vote, and some new updates about this fan-fic:}

In a place in Kuoh city, where not many people can notice, 3 people are running away from a group of Devils and Exorcists. The 3 people consisting of an injured man and woman, and also a child who is wearing a cloak who is being carried by the man.

The surrounding is a bit dark which make it very suitable when trying to move around in the darkness, but unfortunately, due to being injured, the man and the woman can only move slowly. The identity of both man and woman is Masaomi Yaegaki and Cleria Belial.

"Papa!! Mama!!" Shouting the child who is wearing a cloak with a worried expression while looking at both of them.

"D-don't worry Papa and Mama will protect yo-" Said Masaomi with a smile when suddenly he is coughing blood due to his injury.



"Cleria... Please take Clarissa and run away." Said Masaomi while showing a serious expression on his face as he then slowly put the child on the ground. The child who is called with the name Clarissa is the daughter of Masaomi and Cleria.

"Masaomi, please don't!! there is still time, We can still run!" Said Cleria while looking at Masaomi.

"Please Cleria... For the sake of our child." Said Masaomi as he holds a Holy sword in his hand.

"No Papa!! I don't want to leave without you, you promised that you and Mama will stay by my side forever!!" Said Clarissa while looking at Masaomi with teary eyes.

"Clarissa... Looks like Papa cannot keep that promise anymore... Even though Papa wants to see you grown up, married, and have kids with the one you love as Papa grows old... But it looks like Papa cannot accompany you in the future." Said Masaomi as he started to strongly grip the holy sword as blood starting to come out from his hand. Tears then slowly fall from his eyes as he looks at Clarissa.

Cleria who looked at Masaomi grips her hand as hard as she can, she doesn't want Masaomi to die, but she doesn't want to lose her daughter either, since both Masaomi and Clarissa are precious to her. She also didn't want the same thing that happened to her peerage, to happen to Masaomi and Clarissa. An hour ago, her peerage got killed by a group of devils which was later followed up by a group of exorcists after they escaped from the mansion. In the end, it leads to Cleria and Masaomi being injured while escaping with her daughter and ended up here.

"Masaomi..." Said Cleria as tears slowly flow from her eyes. She didn't want to leave Masaomi to die here, but there is her daughter which is proof of her and Masaomi's love. She loves her daughter as much as she loves Masaomi.

"What?! did they anticipate that we will go this way?!" Said Masaomi as he looked around at his surrounding which full of devil and exorcists.

Suddenly an Exorcist walks a few steps and then looks at Masaomi with a serious expression and the identity of that Exorcist is Touji Shidou.

"Masaomi... Please leave that Devil woman alone. With this, I can guarantee that your punishment will only be light." Said Touji who look at Masaomi with a serious expression.

"If I do that, will you guarantee the safety of both Cleria and Clarissa?" Asked Masaomi with a serious expression.

Touji who heard this can only stay quiet.

"So this is your answer huh... Then I'd rather fight all of you to protect my family." Said Masaomi as he looks at Touji with a serious expression.

The group of the exorcists who hear this, do not want to kill their own former comrade, but what choice do they have. on the contrary, the group of devils only look at them with pity in their eyes and are about to move to kill them. Then suddenly all of their movements halt including Masaomi, Cleria, and Clarissa. As if the time around them is stoped which is correct.

Suddenly Tetsuya shows up from above as he landed after flying in the sky.

"Looks like I need to be fast since I only have 1 minute until they all move again." Said Tetsuya while using 'The World' as his stand is standing behind him.

In the past 1 year, Tetsuya's skill, 'The World' has already increased in the range of ability and how long he can stop time. Right now he can stop time with a length of 1 minute time and his range of ability increased to 400-meters. But unfortunately, he noticed the weakness of this power which makes his muscle hurt after 10 or more seconds of using this ability, thankfully his skill 'Regeneration' covers this weakness which he also can increase his 'Regeneration' skill level with this. Well, he didn't expect there is a weakness to 'The World' since in the canon 'The World' doesn't show any weakness other than getting counter by the same type of stand. Well, this is a win and win term since he also can increase his 'Regeneration' skill.

Anyway back to where Tetsuya is, he then pulls 3 'Biological Pocket Puppet's from his [ITEM] system and sticks them to the body of Masaomi, Cleria, and Clarissa. As suddenly the 3 'Biological Pocket Puppet' items turn into their body which also copies their exact condition such as the injury in the body. Then he replaces all of their body with 'Biological Pocket Puppet'. Well, the troublesome part is that he needs to adjust all the puppet positions since all of them are in a frozen state due to the 'The World' ability effect. The other part of the troublesome is that he also has to carry the three of them with his little body which he doesn't mind since it's only a piece of cake for him to lift the three of them but due to his body being small, the three of them is making him feel cramped. Other than that, there is no problem at all.

"Well looks like it's all according to my 'Keikaku', anyway hopefully dad can kill Rizevim so that I can make him into one of my shadow soldiers." Said Tetsuya with a smile.

{A/N: Keikaku means 'Plan' if you don't know.}

{E/N: You don't say!}

2 Minutes ago Tetsuya and Yukio who is hiding in the forest can sense large energy that belongs to a devil, which Tetsuya figure it has to be from 'Rizevim'. So Yukio told Tetsuya to follow the plan as usual and he will handle the devil which Tetsuya suspects to be 'Rizevim'. Although Tetsuya believes that the devil or other people cannot sense them since they also wearing a cloak that is readied by Yukio that can hide their own energy and mana which is convenient. Both of them are also wearing a mask to hide their own identity in case of getting seen by someone.


{E/N: This lazy mofo...}

"Hopefully Valicia won't get angry if the devil that dad kills turns out to be 'Rizevim', though unfortunately, I won't get such a big EXP, that is if I can defeat him, well whatever as long as there is a chance I can turn Rizevim into a shadow soldier." Said Tetsuya with a wry smile since he knows that Valicia probably wants to get revenge to kill 'Rizevim' for herself, though Tetsuya then sighs as he also misses the chance to obtain such a big EXP dump.

Tetsuya then flies away from the place he standing while carrying 3 people as he still uses 'The World'.

Rizevim who is looking from 500-meters afar while flying with 12 Devil wings, only shows an evil smile as he sees the event below where Masaomi, Cleria, and Clarissa who are chased by a group of devils and exorcist.

Yes, the Rizevim you all see is Rizevim Livan Lucifer which is one of the Super devils that is existed and also the son of 'Original Lucifer'. He also is the grandfather of Valicia Lucifer which you can see in Chapter 25.

Anyway back to where Rizevim is, he then still look at the sight of Masaomi, Cleria, and Clarissa being chased when suddenly a palm covers his face which shocks him greatly.

"Nani?!" Said Rizevim as he then gets dragged by the palm of the person who then pushes him 5-KM away to an unknown forest. This causes a big shockwave around Rizevim as he throws off far away and then crashes to the ground which creates an explosion of dust near the ground.

The person who pushes him of course is Yukio.

"What? Is that the only thing you can do Rizevim Livan Lucifer?" Said Yukio he stands while floating as he looks down at Rizevim.

"You dare to attack me!!!! Who are you!!" Shout Rizevim as he tries to stand while looking at Yukio who is wearing a cloak and a mask.

"Why are you calling that an attack, when I only just push you a little? Anyway, you only need to know that I'm a guy who is going to kill you." Said Yukio with a weird voice due to the function of the mask he is wearing that can change the voice of the person who is wearing the mask.

"You dare to mock me!!" Said Rizevim as he rushes toward Yukio with a tremendous speed while flying. He then gives several punches that are cover by demonic energy toward Yukio which all the punches got deflected by Yukio's palm easily as his palm block all of them. But due to their exchange of many blows, many massive shockwaves are starting to blow over everywhere making the ground below them destroyed.

"Can you get more serious? This is getting more boring and boring." Said Yukio who looking at Rizevim while wearing a bored expression inside the mask.

"You!!" Said Rizevim with an angry expression on his face as he starts to infuse massive demonic energy in his hands and giving more punches towards Yukio.

"That's more like it... But unfortunately, that is still no good." Said Yukio while blocking Rizevim's punch one by one and then before Rizevim able to give more punch, Yukio then gives a back roundhouse kick into Rizevim face which makes Rizevim get blown away into the ground. When Rizevim crashes into the ground, the ground that is 100-meters around him gets destroyed which creates a big explosion of dust, this causes Rizevim to cough blood from his mouth.

Rizevim who crash only gives a smile to Yukio despite getting injured by the previous blow.

"Why are you smiling? Did my kick making you go crazy?" Asked Yukio while looking at Rizevim with a weird expression, thinking that Rizevim is an M.

"Did you think that you have won? Then look above you." Said Rizevim as he looks at Yukio with a victory smile on his face. Above Yukio, there was a big, 12 massive demonic spheres that are starting to fall down to Yukio.

"Do you think I wouldn't notice all the demonic energy that you gather above me? This much is nothing for me." Said Yukio while looking at Rizevim with eyes full of pity.

Rizevim who heard this is confused about whether Yukio is bluffing or he can handle this, but Rizevim believes that Yukio will not go unscratched from his attack at the very least.

"Anyway, please don't make a scene with that massive balls of yours since I didn't want to make an uproar either in the Underworld, Heaven, or this world since it's troublesome to deal with it." Said Yukio who raises his hand as he absorbs all of the demonic spheres into his palm.

Rizevim who sees this is so shocked when he sees all of his demonic spheres are getting disperse.

"Who the hell are you?! Why are you doing this to me?!" Said Rizevim with a slightly terrified expression while looking at Yukio.

"You could say that I'm the person who has a grudge against you 9 years ago for almost kill me and my wife." Said Yukio while looking at Rizevim.

"9 years ago?!" Said Rizevim as he tries to remember what happen 9 years ago when suddenly Yukio appears in front of him which makes Rizevim so shocked and scared.

"Well it's hard for searching you around the world, but today is a lucky day indeed since I can finally end you for good. Well in the end I didn't need to use any of my full power to fight you, and only physical strength is enough to kill you off." Said Yukio as he then instantly grabs Rizevim's left wrist with his left hand.

"What the hell are you trying to do!!!" Shout Rizevim as he tries to free himself from Yukio's arm.

"You want to let go? Then I will let go of your left arm from your body." Said Yukio while gripping as hard as possible and then he pulls Rizevim left arm from his body which Rizevim then lets out a big scream.

"Arghhhhhh!!!!!!" Shouts Rizevim as he looks at Yukio with his eyes is full of fear.

This cause Rizevim to try flying the opposite way of Yukio at the fastest speed which Rizevim could pull. Yukio who see this could only sigh.

"Is that all the speed that you got? What a disappointment." Said Yukio as he instantly appears above Rizevim and then gives him a dropping kick in the back of Rizevim which Rizevim quickly notices and block it with his right hand which makes him crash on the ground 500-meters away.

This causes Rizevim to cough more blood as he can feel that his life is almost gone if he didn't defend it with his right hand though he can feel that his right hand is already broken apart.

"It's so disappointing that you broke very fast before I can start the torture session." Said Yukio as he looks at Rizevim with a disappointed tone in his voice.

Rizevim who had injuries all over his body then looks at Yukio with a smile as he touches a certain place on the ground with his broken right hand as he crawls, suddenly a light starts to envelop Rizevim's body as a magic circle start to appear below him.

"Teleportation magic?! when did he place it..." Said Yukio with a bit surprised expression on his face, when he suddenly remembers that Rizevim could place the trigger at the very beginning of the battle in the place where he drags Rizevim face and crashes it into the ground where they first fight. The reason why Rizevim ran away oppositely is to go to the place where he places the trigger and unfortunately Yukio kicks Rizevim below the trigger place which makes Rizevim somehow lucky.

"I must kill him fast!!" Said Yukio as he then pulls a red spear from his dimensional gap inventory. He then spins himself while floating in the air in order to gain acceleration. The spear then lets a massive red burst aura out from the spear as Yukio now has a good position after the acceleration.

"Gae Bolg!" shout Yukio as he then throws the spear toward Rizevim. The spear is so fast that it moves at the same speed as sound. Rizevim who is seeing Gae Bolg coming toward is so shocked and panicked.

This Gae Bolg then hit and cause a very big explosion which causes a big shockwave that destroys the ground surrounding it. After the explosion end, the spear automatically returns to Yukio's hand.

"Tch... Looks like I'm Millisecond a bit too late, that bastard is so smart at scheming this kind of stuff... Oh well, what happened already happened..." Said Yukio while looking to the ground with an irritated expression on his face due to his Gae Bolg is a bit too late before reaching there.

"Thankfully I put a big barrier around here so that no one will notice what is happening over here... Anyway I should check whether Tetsuya has succeeded at doing the plan." Said Yukio while flying toward Tetsuya place.

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