Reincarnated With Endless-System

Chapter 39 - Mission Completed & Love?!

{A/N: I'm back from hell!!!

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Forbidden Relationship (COMPLETED)

◉Difficulty: C - B

Masaomi Yaegaki, an exorcist, and Cleria Belial, a High-class devil are both undergoing a forbidden love where it's going to shake the status quo of both the church and the devils. Due to having a secret child, both sides decide to kill Masaomi, Cleria, and their secret child. Rescue them before they get executed by both sides.

◉Clear Conditions:

▪ Save Masaomi Yaegaki, Cleria Belial, and their secret child

▪ [Secret] (Fake Masaomi, Cleria Belial, and their secret child death without getting noticed by the enemy)

◉Mission Reward:

▪ Obtained Skill [Pyrokinesis]

▪ Obtained Item [Gravity Blade]

▪ Obtained 850.000 System-point

▪ Obtained 750.000 EXP of [STATUS] Level


[Because of the title 'The one who will create a Legend', 750.000 EXP will be changed into 1.500.000 EXP because of the effect of the title]


Tetsuya who looks at the notification of the mission only smiles at his mind at the secret reward and the system points.

'Is this the blade from 'UQ Holder'? This is quite useful as a weapon though there is, well I think I'm going to check it out later.' Thought Tetsuya who looks at the weapon on the notification. He is also happy that he obtained system points since it's hard looking for one since he can only obtain it from [DAILY MISSION] or [MISSION]. As for EXP, he doesn't care that much, since almost every day he kills so many Danger Beasts that can cover all the EXP he obtains from the mission, but of course, he is thankful that he obtained this much of EXP.

"Tetsuya-kun are you alright? You seem to space out a little bit." Said Cleria, who looked at Tetsuya with a worried expression.

"Don't worry about it Cleria-san, I'm just worried about my dad who is still not coming back." Said Tetsuya with a wry smile on his face while looking at Cleria.

"*sigh* Honestly, why must such a cute child such as you be born from a man that is cold and ill-mannered as Yukio." Said Cleria while showing a wondered expression at Tetsuya.

'Eh!? Dad is cold and ill-mannered?! Is that the dad that I know or is that the personality back when he is a teenager!? Or is that the personality that he shows to his enemy?' Thinks Tetsuya with a confused expression.

"But if I look at your face closely you are so cute since your face is similar to your mom... It makes me want to pinch it." Said Cleria while showing a big gentle smile on her face as she then pinches Tetsuya's cheek.

'I thought you already pinched it...' Thinks Tetsuya with a deadpan expression on his mind.

"Why don't you two get to know each other?" Asked Cleria while looking at Tetsuya and Clarissa who right now is hiding behind Cleria.

Clarissa who is still looking at Tetsuya suddenly hides her face more after getting called.

"Clarissa, didn't you peek at Tetsuya all the time?" Asked Cleria while trying to tease her daughter, Clarissa.

"Mama!!" Shout Clarissa while trying to hide her blush with her hands on her face.

"Sorry Tetsuya-kun, she is a bit too shy since she never met someone at her age." Said Cleria while looking at Tetsuya with a smile.

"Don't worry about it, Cleria-san." Said Tetsuya with a wry smile.

"Well now, why don't both of you be friends first." Said Cleria while suddenly pushing Clarissa in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Mama?!" Said Clarissa with a panic expression on her face.

Cleria then only smiles at both Tetsuya and Clarissa and then goes to Masaomi.

Tetsuya who sees this situation only shows a wry smile as he then looks at Clarissa who is still a bit panicked while her face is a bit red. She then soon calms down as she then looks at Tetsuya.

"I-I..." Clarissa then looks at Tetsuya with a shy expression as she then is about to say something.

Tetsuya who heard this thinks that Clarissa is about to ask him to be her friend.

"I like you!! Can you be my friend!!"

Tetsuya who heard this could only look at Clarissa while staying quiet as his expression then changed into a bewildered and shocked one, well he is not wrong about thinking that she might be asking him to be his friend, but what shocked him the most is the first part of her sentence.

"What did you mean by 'I like you' ..." Said Tetsuya while looking at Clarissa while his mouth is twitching.

"Do you don't want to be friends with me? But Mama says that if you wanna befriend with others, you must say you feel that you like that person in order to be friends." Said Clarissa as her eyes start to get teary.

Tetsuya who heard that started to look at Cleria who could only laugh wryly and Masaomi who seemed to pass out with a deadpan expression. As for Masaomi, Tetsuya can hear some words from him such as "Clarissa... Papa is not ready..." and "You... are still too... young." which Tetsuya could figure that Masaomi probably is the type of overprotective father, but not too much of overprotective since Tetsuya cannot feel any hostile look when he is interacting with Clarissa. As for Cleria, Tetsuya could only sigh as he started to wonder about what that woman has taught to this child.

Tetsuya who finished looking at the couple, then looked at Clarissa and then started to talk.

"No of course I want to be friends with you, so you don't need to cry." Said Tetsuya while looking at Clarissa with a wry smile.

"Really, you mean it!" Said Clarissa with a happy smile as her teary eyes are gone.

"Yeah, but you don't have to say that you like that person since that will cause misunderstanding toward the opposite gender." Said Tetsuya who could only smile toward Clarissa.

"Why would it cause a misunderstanding??" Asked Clarissa with an innocent confused expression.

"Well... It's because others will think that your definition of like is that you love that person." Said Tetsuya who explained things to Clarissa.

"But I really love you." Said Clarissa with an innocent smile on her face.

When Clarissa said this somehow Masaomi feels more injured than before in a certain way and Cleria who heard this shows a blush on her face toward Clarissa as she thinks her daughter is a bit bold. But Tetsuya who heard feels a little bit surprised but feels something is wrong with her definition of love.

"What?! *hmm* Clarissa, can I ask you what is the difference between like and love?" Asked Tetsuya with a wry smile on his face, as he isn't used to dealing with these matters.

"Isn't it the same? I heard Papa and Mama say this almost every time they meet each other." Said Clarissa while tilting her head in an Innocent and confused expression on her face.

Tetsuya who heard this then looks at the couple who right now is blushing due to hearing their daughter talking about their love for each other. Tetsuya can only look at them with a deadpan expression as he wants to shout at them and tell them that they need to teach her more detail about this kind of stuff.

"Anyway Like, and Love is a different thing almost entirely, you can ask your parents about it... Anyway, I don't mind being your friend." Said Tetsuya with a kind smile while looking at Clarissa.

Clarissa who heard this only nods at Tetsuya as she is still confused, but when she hears the last part, she then shows a happy expression while showing a big smile on her face as she then holds both of Tetsuya hands.

"Really?! I'm so happy, this is the first time I'm making friends that is the same age as me." Said Clarissa who is smiling a big toothy smile of happiness at Tetsuya while holding Tetsuya's hands.

"Is that so?" Said Tetsuya who is looking at Clarissa while his hand suddenly gets held by Clarissa which makes him slightly fl.u.s.tered.

"Yes." Said Clarissa with a big smile as she nods at Tetsuya.

"Then why don't I introduce you to my other friends?" Said Tetsuya with a smile while looking at Clarissa.

"Really!! But will your friend want to be friends with me?" Asked Clarissa with a worried tone.

"I'm sure they will be happy to be friends with you." Said Tetsuya with a smile on his face.

"Okay then." Said Clarissa with a smile on her face as she then nods.

Suddenly without anyone noticing, Yukio appears in the middle of the barrier that Tetsuya created, and this causes all the people to get shocked at this.

"Looks like you passed the first test, Tetsuya." Said Yukio then looks around him to check everyone's condition and then he looks at Tetsuya and then smiles.

"Dad, please don't do that again, you have almost caused a heart attack for me." Said Tetsuya while looking at Yukio with an irritated expression.

"Sorry sorry." Said Yukio with a wry smile while laughing.

"So, it looks like someone is already becoming a father." Said Cleria with a teasing smile as she then comes closer toward Yukio.

"Long time no see Cleria, well a lot of things have happened in the past few years. Anyway, it is shocking since I didn't expect you and Masaomi to be parents either." Said Yukio as he only laughed wryly again.

"Well... many things happen unexpectedly." Said Cleria with blush as she then looks at Masaomi who also blush when hearing Yukio.

"Anyway Masaomi, you have to thank Touji since he is the one who told me about both of you, too I think you should be thankful to Touji." Said Yukio while looking at Masaomi then looking at Cleria.

"Yeah, I know Tohno-san." Said Masaomi with a complicated expression on his face.

"You don't have to tell me that, I know what I have to do. Without him telling you, I probably wouldn't have been alive right now." Said Cleria with a serious expression while looking at Yukio.

"Anyway Yukio, your son is telling me that you are taking care of Rizevim Livan Lucifer, is that true?" Asked Cleria with a serious expression.

"Yep, that is right, and unfortunately I only got his left arm before he escaped away. But I think Rizevim is connected to your and Masaomi's accident." Said Yukio with an irritated expression on his face.

Tetsuya, who hears that Rizevim escaped from Yukio, can only sigh in relief since he still has the chance to get Rizevim's shadow, and also some EXP from Rizevim.

"Yeah, I know about that." Said Cleria.

"Anyway let's talk more in a safer place." Said Yukio who then teleports all the people inside the barrier into Touji's house after giving Masaomi, Cleria, and Clarissa a bracelet that can hide their presence so that anyone cannot detect them.

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