"We should get going from here now since you have seen that your daughter is in safe hands, I have few more lives to save" Issei said as he opened a portal.

"Yes" Shuri said while nodding her head and entering the portal.

After she entered the portal Issei looked in the direction where the two Himejima girls lived and said "I will present this gift to you in the future Akeno" then entered the portal as well which closed itself slowly afterwards.

When Shuri came out of the portal she saw the dark sky and the energy flowing in the surrounding wasn't the pure Natures energy but instead it was dark, evil or devil energy.

"Are we in the Underworld" asked Shuri.

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"Yes, there is someone whome I have to pick" Issei said as he closed his eyes and started using his third eye to look for the person.

"Found her" Issei said and opened his eyes.

"Let's go, I don't want to miss this chance otherwise it won't be easy to recruit her" said Issei.

After he snapped his fingers and both of them disappeared from there leaving a slight distortion in space asit was first time ofIssei using his powers in this world.

Somewhere in the Underworld a girl with black hairs with cat ears and tails with her age being around 13 to 14 years was running and behind him were 10 low-class and mid-class devil and one High-Class devil.

"Stop right there you stray devil otherwise your sister and other members of your clan will die cruelly" said one of the High-Class devil.

Hearing her words the girl at the front stopped for few seconds but started running againafter that.

Seeing her speed getting slow the High-Class devil saw it as a chance and attacked her with his magic on her. The attack was fast so she didn't had the time to dodge it and it hitted her on her back cause of which she fell on the ground.

"Hahaha now where are you going to run Stray Devil" said the High-Class Devil and behind him the other Mid-Class devil and Low-Class Devil snickered after seeing her.

"You don't have to worry about her, as she won't be running anymore" came a voice stopping all the devil's on there tracks.

They looked around to find the origin of the voice and the person behind it.

"Where are you all looking? I am up here" said Issei appearing above the heads of the Devils along with Shuri.

"Yo-you!! who are you!?" asked the High-Class devil in the lead

Issei didn't replied him directly but asked Shuri to check on the condition of the girl to which she complied.

"Hello girl are you fine" asked Shuri as she helped the girl to sit up.

"Who are you people!?" asked Kuroka

"I am Shuri Himejima a reincarnated devil and that's my master Issei Hyodo" Shuri replied introducing herself

The other devil's heard her words and then the leader said "So you are also a devil with his own Peerage, though I haven't heard of a Hyodo clan before but it is definitely not at the level of House of Naberius, so it would be in your best interest that you don't meddle in our business"

Issei raised his eyebrows when he heard the Mid-Class devil's words and said "I was going to let you live but..... Space magic:100 blades"

Blades of solid space were made with the total number of them being 100, which were howering above the heads of the High-Class, Mid-Class and Low-Class Devil of the House of Naberius.

"You-You-You What are you doing I am the member of House of Naberius and my standing is even higher than her previous master Killing me willbe equal to start war against our house who won't let you go" said the Hig-Class devil while stuttering in fear.

Issei shook his head then flicked his handas the 100 spatial blades fell on the devils.

"Boom boom boom" came the noise when the spatial blades crashed on them.

After the dust was settled the body parts of the 11 devil's could be seen on the ground none of them having a complete body.

After dealing with devil's Issei turned and looked at Kuroka who was looking at him in fear.

Issei went towards her and looked at her and saw the fear in her eyes but the girl didn't let it show on her face anymore and asked "What do you want from me nya!"

Issei didn't replied to her as he saw the wound on her back which was bleeding profusely. So he held her shoulder with his right hand and used his time magic to revert her back before the attack happened healing it completely without leaving even a scar.

"Huh!?" exclaimed Kuroka as she felt her wound which wasn't there anymore.

"I am here to help you because I want you" Issei said with a smile

Kuroka was stunned as she saw the smile on the handsome face of Issei causing all the fear and doubts in her mind to be removed permanently.

"Why!? Why do you want someone like me!?" asked Kuroka

"Because I know the truth behind you becoming the stray devil and I really like it that you were ready to go to such lengths for your sister" replied Issei

"Then-then if you can help in protecting her, I will do whatever you say nya!" asked Kuroka.

"Don't worry Kuroka, nothing will happen to your sister" replied Issei

"Really!!?? Thank you very much! Then what do I have to do for you" asked Kuroka

"Well first I have to reincarnate you into one of my own" said Issei as he took out the Ace of Spades.

"This!!!?? aren't the chess pieces used as a devil piece" asked Kuroka in confusion as she has seen the devil pieces before unlike Shuri.

"Yes but I am different from them, I am stronger than them" said Issei and motioned Kuroka to lie down on the ground.

Kuroka followed his instructions and lied on the ground waiting for Issei to start the ceremony.

Issei inserted his devil card in Kuroka and the ceremony started. Kuroka unlike Shuri was already quite strong so she felt the increase in her power's, her ability to use Dojutsu and Senjutsu increased.

After the ceremony ended Kuroka opened her eyes feeling the Power all over his body but she also felt something else so when she turned her head she saw that her initial one tail has now changed into two-tails.

Seeing such drastic changes she was shocked and shouted in surprise "Ahhh!!"

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