It has been 3 months since draig woke up and during this time he has been with without doing any magic training but he still goes for his kendo practice as he is already a black belt in his other martial arts he is now in the stage where he has to create a technique of his own so he has a lot of time in his hand which he spends with his parents . Issei has been asking for a laptop for these 3 months from his father saying that he wants to write a novel and publish it under his name after these three months his father agreed and bought a laptop for him and today he is going to start writing a novel to earn money for himself and his family.

The novel he decided to right is Les Miserables as this novel is all time favourite he has decided to write it. Well since this French historical novel which even after being published in 1862 was read by many people even now than he is sure this will help him earn money for his lifetime.

So Issei starts writing his novel and his parents are surprised that he is serious about writing the novel but they are also happy that he is not going to start doing another martial arts training as they were worried that he will injure himself if he keeps doing it . Even though Issei has just turned 14 yrs old he doesn't looks like as after so much training he has a height of 176 cm and a well tonned body as for his face it doesn't look like his original face as he is more handsome and with his body height included he could give Kiba the run for his money who was very handsome in the original series.

After 4 day's of hardwork when he finally wrote his book he was happy about it and decided to first show it to his parents first, so he ran towards their room it was night time and they were going to sleep but when they heard that there son has completed his novel and wanted to show them they were surprised as how could he write a novel in just 4 day's but they still started to read it and after some time they were showing many different expressions such surprise, smile and sometimes sad at the end his mother even cried and hugged him saying that he has done a great work and that she is proud of him, after his father woke up from his surprise he told his son that if he wants that this novel comes under his name than before showing it to anyone he should make a patent for it first only then should he show it to anyone else Issei smiled and nodded his head and went to his room and sat infront of his laptop to first obtain a patent for his novel after some procedure he was able to do it and decided to go to the publisher company.

After three days of completing the novel hewent to the publisher company to show them his work . When he went inside and asked for someone whom he can show his work they asked him to wait for few minutes and after waiting for few minutes someone came to meet meet him but when he saw the person who came he was shocked as the person standing in front of him was Akira Hattori.

Akira: " Hello my name is Akira Hattori and I am here to see your work that you wanted to show us"

Issei: "Ah.. hello my name is Issei, Hyodo Issei and this here is my work its name isLes Miserables I wanted to know if you will publish it or not"

Akira:"If your work is acceptable then of course"

Issei after calming down a little shows his work to Akira who after starting reading it was too engrossed in it that he forgot that someone was sitting in front of him after waiting for 3hrs Akira has finally finished reading it and he only had one expression and that was of utter shock he couldn't believe that the person sitting in front of him has written something like this as it was like written by a veteran. After regaining his composure he looked at Issei and asked "so Issei sensei what was your age again sorry I didn't asked"

Issei:" I am 14 yrs old Mr. Akira and please call me Issei no sensei please it makes me a little too old"

After hearing his reply Akira was shocked again thinking 'how the hell is it possible for a 14 yrs old kid to write a novel like this'.

Looking at his face Issei smiled as he understood what he was thinking so he took out his laptop and opened the internetand showed him a page which had the novel patented under his name. After looking at the proof Akira was silent for few minutes and then he said "Your novel is world class and all I can say is this is the best novel I have ever read so I would like to request you to publish your book from our company".

Issei:" Sure why not so how much will I be getting from the novel would you mind telling me that".

Akira:" Well generally we give 10% royalty to our new writer but don't worry I will make sure that you get the maximum profit"

After few discussion Akira came with his direct superior Hisashi Sasaki and he after a short introduction he sat infront of Issei and said

Hisashi:"Issei-kun we have already decided to give you 15% royalty which will increase after your books are sold but we want you to know that we have also decided that if you have another novel at this level or even a little below it that you are writing than we will increase it to 20% royalty "

Issei was satisfied with the 15% but when he heard about there other he was more happy as he started his writing a new novel named50 Shades Of Grey which was another great novelso he decided to show it to them as it was only half finished then it didn't took much time for them to read it and both were shocked after reading it thinking how can a 14 yrs old child know about S&M but it was still a good novel hence it was decided that Issei will get 20% royalty and his other novel that is

50 Shades Of Grey will be published after 7 months.

Issei has decided to use his real name as the pen name as he doesn't think that someone will be able to find him with his name and even if they did they won't ever link him with the author of those novels that his money problems will be solved.

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