"Woman? Why are there still people here? "

This yellow figure that appeared behind Huang Bingli is Xia Yu, a colorful tiger!

At first, Xia Yu was in the area on the right, originally planning to sneak up on a small goat that was eating grass with his head bowed.

As a result, two deafening gunshots suddenly sounded from this side.

The little goat was immediately frightened by the sound of the gunfire and ran away, and the cooked duck flew away.

Xia Yu was too lazy to continue chasing after this, otherwise he would definitely be caught at his speed.

But more than the little goat, he was more confused about the direction of the gunshot.

Why are there gunshots in the Tiger Nature Reserve?!

Since there are gunshots, doesn't it mean that there are people there, but they came to arrest themselves ?!

Be aware of this.

Xia Yu was immediately shocked in his heart, if he really came to catch himself, then he would be in danger.

No matter how powerful the tiger is, it is also flesh and blood, how can it carry bullets.

So Xia Yu simply decided that instead of sitting still, it was better to take the initiative and hit them by surprise.

You must know that the jungle is the territory of tigers, as long as he finds the location of this group of people, and then uses the environment and his own strength, he has a high probability of killing this group of guns and can succeed.

This is worth Xia Yu's chance.

On the way here, Xia Yu also smelled a smell of blood coming from that direction.

This smell of blood is very similar to the smell of the anchor who shot himself to death.

It seems that this smell of blood should come from humans.

Although not the same person, the taste of the same species is similar to him, and he can tell what species the other party is.

If he guessed correctly, this group of people probably encountered a sneak attack from other fierce beasts.

This is the Tiger Nature Reserve, and that piece of land is not his own territory, and it is very likely that the tiger king of that territory found this group of intruders and took action against them.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, so that his chances of success were even higher.

Thinking about it, Xia Yu's sensitive hearing heard the movement of the group of people in front of him.

So, in order to observe how the situation is now, as well as the number of weapons of the other side, and so on.

Xia Yu deliberately lowered his body, put on a hunting form, hid himself behind a big tree, and carefully observed this group of people.

There were five people, four men and one woman, one of whom had a hand wasted.

Their armament was three pistols, and the other three were supposed to be anesthesia guns, posing little threat.

And there is a dying leopard lying next to it, no need to guess, it must have attacked this group of people.

I really didn't expect it to be a tiger, but a leopard.

But it's roughly the same as my own guess.

Just when Xia Yu was about to quietly approach the group, thinking that such an action could avoid injury.

One of the women in the crowd actually walked in her direction.

It may be that she is hiding too well, or that this woman is completely unguarded.

I have to say that this woman is indeed beautiful and dressed very hot.

But now these don't matter much to Xia Yu, he is already a tiger now, and his future partner is estimated to be a tiger, don't think about humans.

Originally, Xia Yu didn't take women too seriously, but he didn't expect this woman to squat down in front of him to pee?!

Xia Yu immediately couldn't bear it, and the pungent smell made him extremely uncomfortable.

I have to say that the nose sense of smell has become better, and there are also disadvantages.

When it was too late, Huang Bingli was about to get up and put on her pants and leave.

A colorful tiger appeared in front of her eyes.


Huang Bingli subconsciously screamed.

The thick tiger palm slapped her head.

Originally, Xia Yu's damage was enough to smash people's brains.

What's more, now Xia Yu's evolution points are almost all added to attack power.


Huang Bingli's head was like a bright red rose, blooming in midair.

It seems to give a red flower to the lush forest.

A beautiful flower was trampled and destroyed by Xia Yu.

Huang Bingli's shout attracted Li Ranye who was waiting in place.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room was the most shocked.

"A classic reenacted! But this woman is also too miserable, and she was shot to death by the tiger king like this.

"This is also too unlucky, even if the last toilet was seen by tens of thousands of people, and now it is also shot to death by the tiger king."

"What to do now, the Tiger King has killed three people in a row."

"Cut, it's all a group of people looking for death, especially the anchor."

"Anyway, the Tiger King has to be caught, it's terrifying for him to leap over the wall."

"It's just that, especially if you know how to make escape routes, it's too smart."


Yuke didn't notice that this scene was broadcast live.

After all, this camera was placed on a branch, and it was normal for Xia Yu not to notice it.

On the other side————————

"Bingli, how are you!"

Li Ran did not dare to act rashly, so he had to call out to her in the direction of Huang Bingli.

"Can't that woman endure it? Take a gun.

Dongzheng endured the severe pain and prompted his teammates to take out their pistols.

"What now?"

Li Ran also did not hear Huang Bingli's response, how dare he go over to see Huang Bingli's situation.

"Don't act rashly, Xiao Liu, you can try a few shots." Dongzheng turned to Xiao Liu and said.

Xiao Liu immediately obeyed the command and fired several shots into the sky.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four shots rang out in the sky, ringing out from the woods.

The gunshots were enough to scare all the animals away.

After all, animals have never seen this kind of thing, and they will be frightened at the first time.

But Xia Yu was a human in his previous life, and he knew very well that it was a gunshot, and the other party was probably preparing to scare himself out.

"And then?" Xiao Liu swallowed his saliva.

The unknown is the most terrifying.

"Go check it out."

Dongzheng believed that the gunfire just now was enough to scare away the beasts there.

Besides, it's not sure if it's a beast yet, in case it's just scaring yourself.

Xiao Liu nodded a little scared, and walked towards the grass with his pistol, while constantly whispering Huang Bingli's name.

It's a pity that Huang Bingli will never be able to answer him.

What responds to Xiao Liu will only be a colorful tiger.

Xia Yu licked his tiger teeth, and as soon as that person approached, he would attack.

One step!

Two steps!

Three steps!

Xiao Liu's feet appeared in Xia Yu's eyes.

"This is..." What came into front of Xiao Liu's eyes was a huge giant tiger.

Without waiting for Xiao Liu to raise his gun and prepare to shoot.

Xia Yu slapped Xiao Liu's hand with the gun first.

Syllable! Click!

Xiao Liu's wrist broke off like a branch, showing a strange 180-degree flip, and the pistol also flew to the other side.


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