The tigress in front of him also had a different smell, and this smell was attached to it.

It was the smell of other tigers, and this smell was not found by male tigers.

After all, if there was a male tiger beside this tigress, it would not be her who came out to face it.

There is only one answer, and this smell is the smell left on the tigress by the little tiger.

Is this a tiger mother, or a tiger mother who is bringing cubs.

Of course, the little tiger is not in her stomach, it should be hidden by her.

Xia Yu's intrusion with a strong male tiger made the female tiger feel dangerous, and Xia Yu's existence had threatened her own children.

Male tigers are also cruel to other tiger cubs, which is to kill those cubs.

Only when the cubs die, the female tiger will re-enter estrus, re-mate with the new male tiger and give birth to her own cubs.

The female tiger obviously regarded Xia Yu as this kind of tiger.

She knew very well that she was not Xia Yu's opponent, but in order to protect her child, she summoned up enough courage to stand in front of Xia Yu, trying to resist this majestic invader.


The female tiger was the first to stand upright, wanting to attack Xia Yu with her own tiger claws.

Facing the attack of the female tiger's tiger claws, Xia Yu slightly lowered the tiger's head and dodged the female tiger's slap.

Then Xia Yu raised his head and moved the tiger down the mountain and directly pounced on the female tiger.

Although the female tiger is a tiger mother, Xia Yu will not show mercy to her subordinates.

Now female tigers are the deadliest and most aggressive.

If he doesn't hit hard, he is likely to be injured by the crazy female tiger.

Xia Yu picked up his fan-sized tiger palm and slapped it at the female tiger's head.


The female tiger's head shook, and then she fell backwards in pain.


At the same time, sharp claws flashed from the female tiger's face, making a long cut in the female tiger's face.

The fallen female tiger only felt that her eyes were dizzy, and there were countless Venus circling her head in the sky.

It was clear that the will had gradually fainted, but the powerful maternal love turned into strength at this time, driving the female tiger to want to stand up and continue to fight Xia Yu.

"Is this maternal love?"

Xia Yu came to the female tiger, and the huge tiger palm was just the size of the female tiger's face.

In the live broadcast room————————————

"What did this female tiger do?!

"This female tiger is really strange, in the past, tigers have long been scared and retreated."

"Maybe there's something hidden."

"There are only two possibilities for a female tiger to react like this, one is that the female tiger is now a female tiger who has just reached adulthood, and the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and two, this female tiger still carries tiger cubs!"

"Tiger cub? Where, what not to see?

"Is this silly? People female tigers have tiger cubs, do they have to bring tiger cubs when fighting?

"It's just, this is a fool."

"Isn't it just saying the wrong thing? As for calling there? "



Xia Yu opened his fangs and sharp mouth and roared at the female tiger's head.

For the female tiger, no matter what the purpose, in short, the female tiger is the first hand.

Xia Yu can't spare her with kindness, and always make her pay a price.

The female tiger was shocked by this tiger roar from the king of all beasts, and fell to the ground shivering.

This is the pressure from the top tiger king.

Even if the female tiger breaks out motherly, under the suppression of absolute power, there is no choice but to accept her fate.

"The strength of the female tiger king of the territory is quite good~"

Xia Yu released the claws that stepped on the female tiger's face, and in the face of the female tiger with cubs, he chose to spare the other party's life.

[Defeating fifty heads of the same kind will unlock the achievements of the mountain king, and the current progress (3/50)]

There are at least cubs to feed, and as a fellow species, he still decided to let the female tiger go.

The other party's maternal love made him move a trace of silhouette heart.

Except for the male tiger that he wanted to taste at the beginning, he would basically not kill other tigers.

If he completes this so-called mountain lord achievement, will he give himself the power to control the tiger?

If they could, these tigers could well become their future men.

In any case, unless it is a tiger looking for death, he can not kill it for the time being.

Anyway, you only need to defeat the mission to achieve it, and it does not mean that you must kill the other party.

Otherwise, Diana would not be alive and well by his side.

Seeing the male tiger pressing on him walk away, the female tiger looked at Xia Yu who let her go in surprise.

It stands to reason that now the male tiger should not kill the cub like a victor?

"Whoosh! Oh! Whoosh!"

At this moment, three yellow-black dots crawled out of the grass milkily.


When the female tiger saw her cubs come out, she immediately seemed to recover her spirits and protected the three cubs behind her.

Xia Yu glanced at the tiger cubs casually.

Sure enough, it was a tigress with cubs, no wonder it was so fierce.

The current tiger cub can be described as full of curiosity, and he is not afraid of Xia Yu's behemoth at all.

If it weren't for the female tiger stopping them, they would have rushed to play in front of Xia Yu.

In their impression, they had never seen such a large kind.

Although Xia Yu let go of the female tiger just now, the female tiger still looked at Xia Yu very vigilantly.

I was afraid that Xia Yu would be unhappy and kill the tiger cubs.

Of course, if Xia Yu chooses to kill the tiger cub, the female tiger has no choice but to accept her life.

"The cubs are cute."

Xia Yu felt that it was really good looking when the animal was a child.

Xia Yu's soft voice made the female tiger relax her vigilance a little.

But this made Diana behind her a little jealous, and Xia Yu had never spoken to herself in such a tone.

Diana narrowed her eyes slightly, extremely unfriendly to the three tiger cubs, especially the female tiger.

The female tiger noticed Diana's eyes and raised her head proudly.

"Roar~" Diana exclaimed with some dissatisfaction.

Xia Yu turned around and heard Diana's voice: "Are you not happy? Xia

Yu could understand the general meaning of Diana's language.

After Diana heard this, she fawned and ran to Xia Yu's side, and licked the mane next to Xia Yu with the corner of her mouth affectionately.

I don't know why, now Diana seems to be able to understand herself more and more.

Xia Yu sighed, forget it, or continue to set off east to complete the task.

So under the gaze of the female tiger, this strange pair of tigers gradually walked out of their territory.

"Wha~" The female tiger looked at Xia Yu's back suspiciously, and limped out of here with the cub.

Depending on the situation, she can't hunt today, at least she has to rest for a day.

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