With this deafening tiger roar, everyone around the Tiger Pavilion was stunned.

The Tiger Pavilion, which was still noisy, became silent with the roar, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Everyone did not dare to breathe, their eyes stared at the colorful tiger that jumped out, and no one dared to act rashly, but their hearts became ants on a hot pot.

Why can a tiger jump up from below?!

Doesn't there be any security at all?!

At the same time, Xia Yu, who finally jumped up from below, let out a low roar like a twelve-cylinder between his throats, and the muscles of his whole body were trembling, and he was free!

Sure enough, he still prefers freedom more than eating and wrapping.

The terrifying tiger pupils swept over this group of tourists who did not dare to move but shivered.

Xia Yu could understand their feelings.

If you were standing in front of a tiger, you would have been scared stupid a long time ago.

However, hehe~ Now he is a tiger and has exchanged his identity with humans.

In the live broadcast room————————

"Call the police!"

"Groove! This tiger was really fierce, and it actually jumped out directly from the tiger pavilion.

"What else are you thinking, hurry up and run!"

"Upstairs, you think you ran over the tiger?"

"What are you afraid of, now is the time to verify that the sliding shovel tube does not work."

"Don't say anything, I've called the police, I hope this group of people won't have an accident."


"Director Li, what should I do now." The staff asked in a low voice.

But this sentence did not hide Xia Yu's ears, just kidding, the tiger's hearing is several times that of humans, the ears that can move, is a joke for you?!

It's just that Xia Yu ignored the staff member, and he looked around and saw the security personnel blocking the door at a loss.

They had several anesthesia guns in their hands, originally intended to anesthetize the tigers.

But before he could anesthetize, Xia Yu actually jumped out of the Tiger Pavilion.

Although he had an anesthesia gun in his hand, no one dared to shoot at Xia Yu rashly.

The anesthesia needle cannot have an anesthetic effect on the tiger at the first time, and the attacked tiger will be even more angry, and the surrounding tourists will suffer.

The current situation is that Xia Yu did not make a move first, and the security personnel would not shoot, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties.

At this moment, the outermost group of tourists, squatting and moving cautiously outside, they dare not spend time with the tiger.

Anyway, there are a large number of people blocking in front, and they will not be seen by the tiger when they move backwards.

Even if the tiger noticed, there was still a group of people blocking in front.

Xia Yu, who finally escaped, naturally could not let this group of people catch it, he looked at the group of people in front of him, maybe he could jump lightly and jump over the group of squatting tourists.

Ordinary tigers definitely can't do it, but Xia Yu, who has added jumping power, can definitely do it.

Just when Xia Yu was about to make the next move, something that Xia Yu never expected happened.

A middle-aged man with a not very normal brain actually picked up a broken wooden stick from nowhere.

"Aaaaaa I fought with you!"

The middle-aged man held the wooden stick high and wanted to slash through Xia Yu's abdomen to see if he could let the wooden stick pierce Xia Yu's stomach.

In the live broadcast room————————

"Groove!" Really slippery shovel?

"No, I always thought it was a joke, how can anyone really dare to do this."

"Don't be like this upstairs, what if it really succeeds?"

"Are you sure you'll succeed?"

"Tiger: Okay, don't say it, someone is coming to the shovel."


this moment, Xia Yu is also confused, do you really dare to slip and shovel?

Looking at the man's series of movements, Xia Yu did not have time to play with him.

Gently pat at the oncoming one, snap! The stick instantly broke into two sections.

"Everyone! Let's go together, we can't sit still! There are a lot of us!"

The middle-aged man saw that there was no wooden stick, and he even wanted to jump on Xia Yu's back and give Xia Yu a lock throat.

Snap !!

A crisp and powerful voice sounded in everyone's ears.

I saw that the fierce man who wanted to slide the shovel and lock his throat fell to the ground weakly.

His head bloomed in mid-air, like enchanting red roses dotting the sky with red light.

"Roar! The mud man still has three points of gas, the tiger does not threaten you, and I am a sick cat? "

Xia Yu originally didn't want to hurt people, after all, he had no enmity with the group of people in front of him, so there was no need to hurt the innocent.

But who would have thought that this person was so annoying and took the initiative to attack him.

In that case, he is not polite.

With the death of the man, everyone did not dare to stand in place.


Tourists began to scream in horror and get scared, and the tourists in the rear desperately wanted to run outside.

They don't care if their actions will anger the tiger, anyway, there are people in front of them.

This is the human heart, as long as it is not themselves who dies, they will not care about others.

With the riot of tourists behind, the tourists in front can no longer withstand the pressure.

Some young and strong tourists actually pushed all the weaker women and children next to them to the front, and then turned around and ran.

I hope that these vulnerable groups can increase their hope of escape.

Xia Yuke didn't pay any more attention to them, and his majestic tiger pupil saw something, the zoo map!

For the sake of beauty, the zoo has specially built a huge stone sculpture in each animal hall.

The stone carvings are engraved with a map of the Black Asia Zoo.

Xia Yu, who has excellent eyesight, naturally does not have to run over to look, and can clearly see the whole picture of this map from five or six meters away, and at the same time knows his location.

A tiger that kills people has no chance of surviving, and the first thing he needs to do is run!

To be honest, even if the tiger is powerful, what is the use, a few peanuts can not make you fall to the ground instantly.

Homo erectus is terrifying!

In particular, Xia Yu, who had become an erect ape, understood the horror of human beings even more.

Don't think about using your own power to be a blessing in the zoo.

Humans are indeed weaker than beasts, but they are still the overlords of Blue Star.

The main reason why human beings can stand in the world is because of wisdom.

To put it simply, Xia Yu is afraid of guns!

After the tiger hall goes out, it is the lion hall, and after the lion hall, it is a horse riding paradise for people to enjoy.

After the horse riding park, you will pass an elephant park, and then the back of the zoo.

Behind is the protected area where tigers live.

As long as Xia Yu went there, then this group of people basically had nothing to do with themselves.

After all, he didn't wear any collars, and the tigers looked almost the same.

As long as they don't compare the photos carefully, they can't tell that it's themselves.

This is the latest plan that Xia Yu has researched, using the nature reserve as a cover.

Xia Yu immediately rushed in the direction of the door.

This can scare the tourists who want to squeeze out the Tiger House.

So many old, weak, sick and disabled in front of you do not kill, why come to kill those of us who are far away.

With the help of the speed of running, the strength of his limbs suddenly exploded, and his body flew out like a spring.

The body spread out in mid-air, easily jumping over the width of ten meters.

During this period, the security personnel wanted to take the opportunity to shoot Xia Yu with an anesthesia needle.

Xia Yu dodged with agility, and also returned fire with his thick tiger tail, slapped the security personnel in the face.

The security personnel immediately shocked their brains, the hot feeling hit their faces, and the whole person fell to the ground and covered their faces in pain.

Because there were so many people, Xia Yuna jumped out on the back of a person.

Many people's backs were stepped on by Xia Yu with a click, and they fell to the ground like dead people.

Xia Yu's weight reached two hundred and fifty kilograms, which was a weight of more than five hundred kilograms.

Coupled with the power of landing from a high place, the backbones of these people could not bear Xia Yu's creation.

In the live broadcast room——————

"Lie in the groove!" I look at NM, the direction where the tiger runs is the Lion Hall, and I'm in the Lion Hall now!"

"Upstairs, don't run quickly, what are you thinking?"


"Haven't the staff informed all the visitors yet?"

After those people in the live broadcast room understood the direction of the tiger's progress, they transferred to the live broadcast room of the Lion Hall one by one.

"Director Li, what should we do?" Wang Mengya looked at Xia Yu's back with dull eyes and asked.

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