Alyssa didn't know why, and then glanced at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu gave Alyssa a look, and took this opportunity to let Alyssa tell Diana that you can't be too proud of being a tiger.

A true master, always keeping the heart of an apprentice.

Except for himself, because he is a hanger.

"Okay, but let's say it first, sister Diana, don't cry if you lose for a while."

Alyssa also took this opportunity to master a new power.

"Hmph! Sister Elisa! Who loses and who wins is not certain! Whoosh! "


In an instant, the two sides instantly attacked.

Five minutes later.

Diana was crushed by Alyssa unlovedly.

"My dear sister Diana, your strength still doesn't seem to be good~"

Alyssa lowered her head and whispered in Diana's ear.

"Abominable! You bad guy! I can definitely win you next time! Although

Diana was not convinced in her heart, if she lost, she lost, and it was a big deal to win it back next time.

In the battle just now, Diana's sudden tail whip made Alyssa defenseless.

However, relying on the experience accumulated in battle, Alyssa quickly defeated Diana with her body.

"Well, I'm waiting for the day you beat me."

Alyssa released her paw on Diana's chest.

Diana was able to get up and face Xia Yu's eyes, she was like a little girl, flicked her tail in embarrassment, and didn't know how to tell Xia Yu.

"It doesn't matter if you lose, at least this time you have accumulated experience, just find an opportunity to beat Alyssa next time."

Xia Yu watched the whole process of the battle.

In addition to talent, Diana's fighting skills are still too young compared to Alisa.

Alyssa is worthy of being the Tiger King of the North before, and she has accumulated much more experience than Diana.

Unlike Diana, she has always followed Xia Yu's side and has little actual combat experience.

The buffalo leader she faced last time was defeated by luck.

The match between Diana and Alyssa is just an episode in the team.

Little by little, time passed, and soon it was the next morning.

The morning sun gradually rises from the sky, and the warm sunlight falls on the earth.

Everything is gradually revived, including the tigers who wake up.

"Get up and head to your next destination."

Xia Yu took out the map again, and now he was still far from running out of Province L.

It would be nice to have a map of Province L so that the route can be seen more clearly.


The team moved again.


In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed since the murder at the Black Asia Zoo.

Animals around the world have exploded into an evolutionary frenzy, which is already something that cannot be hidden.

The governments of the world simply spread out directly, explaining the changes in the blue star.

He also announced the existence of the Mutant Beast Investigation Institute to everyone, telling everyone that this is an organization that protects humans from the threat of mutant beasts and is everyone's protective deity.

The Mutant Beast Investigation Institute ——————

"A group of beasts ruled by golden eagle mutant beasts has appeared in Province W, and it needs an S-class team to eliminate it."

"A mutated Snow Wolf King has appeared in Province I."

"Province U..." The

entire Mutant Beast Investigation Institute could be described as very busy.

At any time, news about mutant beasts arrives in the headquarters, and it needs urgent support.

B-level group office.

"The matter is investigated, that organization claims to be the savior of mankind, leading mankind to evolve according to the trend, and is completely opposite to our Mutant Beast Survey."

"The target we are going to hunt down is the King Tiger, and they are also hunting."

Mu Xueqing, a member of the group, reported the investigation out.

"Claiming to be the savior of humanity? Hmph~ Don't pay attention to those jumping beam clowns, just talk about their affairs to their superiors, and we will hunt down the target tiger king to the case.

Team leader Ouyang Lin lit a cigarette and said.

He didn't take the so-called organization seriously at all.

During this time, because everyone's goal is to hunt down the tiger king, it is inevitable that there will be some conflicts in the pursuit process.

Each conflict is won by the Mutant Beast Investigation.

That group of so-called evolutionaries did not have any strength to compete with the survey, and they were not the opponents of mecha at all.

"The boss is right, pay attention to what they do, let's just do our best, the Tiger King seems to have settled in the high mountains, and there are no new actions."

Lin Fan reported the recent information about the Tiger King.

"Haven't moved in Alpine Ridge for a week?"

Ouyang Lin tapped the table with his fingers.

In the past, the Tiger King stayed in one place for about a day or two before leaving.

Never been in one place for that long.

Although their group has been tracking the Tiger King, they have never fought the Tiger King.

Because the Tiger King had been going south, the order given to them by their superiors was not to do it for the time being.

If the Tiger King left the Xia Kingdom like this, then they didn't have to bother, it wasn't their business anyway.

But if the Tiger King settles here to develop the group, he must hunt and hunt!

Judging from the current intelligence, this tiger king has no room for negotiation at all.

Therefore, the Mutant Beast Investigation Institute did not intend to negotiate with the Tiger King at all.

"Boss, let's do it."

Lin Fan suggested.

He couldn't wait to kill the Tiger King.

In the group that the Tiger King had annihilated, that Li Yao was his friend.

"Lin Fan, you should know, according to the information transmitted recently, that Tiger King is at least a level eight mutant beast, which is extremely dangerous."

Unlike Lin Fan, Mu Xueqing did not intend to strike at the Tiger King now.

If you can, you can't fight, and if you do, it will be a tough battle, and the chance of defeat of Group B is more than 80%.

If it weren't for the higher-level groups that all had tasks, this level of tasks would not have been their turn to do the B-level teams.

"Extremely dangerous? Hmph~ That tiger king has logically discovered us, but even if we are found, do you know why? Because he knows that he is not our opponent.

Lin Fan said with a rather disdainful smile.

Their group's mechs are the most powerful in Group B.

"Have you ever thought that the Tiger King kept us to actually let us deal with the evolutionaries of that organization?"

Mu Xueqing frowned.

"Come on, how can a beast think so much."

Lin Fan waved his hand.

"Okay, you two don't quarrel anymore, Lin Fan, what Mu Xueqing said makes sense, the animals now can't be treated like before."

"Through evolution, they already have good intelligence, especially the mutant beasts of another imperial beast department, and those mutant beasts have learned to use mobile phones to chat."

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