Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 106: On the sword wind under the moonlight

After the head of the five ambushes made a gesture, the long-awaited ambushes immediately launched the attack. The first ambush was the one who was closest to the target. Rushing away; the speed is very fast, obviously the awakening talent is related to speed, almost a blink of an eye came to the middle-aged man, and raised his own palm.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

On the palm of the hand, a special glove is placed on the palm of the hand and the back of the hand is lined with soft buckskin. The outer cover is covered with a layer of fine scales that extend to the base of the finger, which effectively protects the palm. It does not affect the flexible movement of the fingers; of course, the most attractive is the position of the front end of the finger of the pair of gloves. One root and one foot are seven or eight inches long, and the small daggers on both sides are in the moonlight. The cold mans are shining.

Obviously, this is a special, but very cruel weapon, based on the flexibility of the fingers, the strength of the wrist as an advanced, once caught by this weapon; as long as a rotation, then in the palm of his hand Everything will be cut and torn. If you can't imagine it, then you can watch it and be bitten by a wolf. Then, a hard bit will tear the bite down and swallow it. Scenario; such a situation is basically no different from being "grabbed" by this weapon, and even more cruel. ..

In the moonlight, the light of the blue and white sè is flowing around the dagger at the front end of the glove, just like the claws of the animal, that is, with blood and with shackles; however, facing this sudden attack. This ordinary middle-aged man was not shocked. Calmly looking at the attackers in front of him, except for the calmness that a member of parliament should have. Also because of the two bodyguards behind him; he has absolute confidence in the ability of two people.

The bodyguards trusted by the middle-aged man did not disappoint them. One of them, in the midst of a thousand miles, was in front of him, blocking his sudden attack with his own body.


Hey, hehe...

After the crisp collision, it was a series of squeaky rubbing sounds; the ‘claw’ hit the chest of the bodyguard in front of the target person; There is no imaginary flesh and blood flying, but instead Mars is splashing in the 'claws' after hitting the other's chest, even if it is not his own target person, the raid of the raid does not hesitate, take a turn It was almost an instinctive movement, but then the touch that came from the fingertips dagger made him know that he was not good, and immediately he thought that he did not think about it and then retired.

When a relatively safe distance was opened, the ambush looked at the skin of the metal that was smashed by the smashed clothes because of his claws. Can't help but whisper: "Temperature?!"

"Hey, tempered meat. It's more fun to stir up!"

The ambush after the exclamation, the voice said low, and the whole person, with this voice, rushed again.



The rubbing sound of the fingertip dagger and the hitting sound on the body of the bodyguard, like the same lively blacksmith shop, the sound of the beat is endless; when his accomplices attack, the ambush as the leader They did not stop watching as a dark mercenary. They did not have the so-called single-handedness and the principle of knightly demeanor.

Drink it!

There was a cry from the chest, and the leader of the ambush slammed into the ground with a punch. In the muffled sound of '砰', the hard ground was penetrated by the palm of the hand and touched the elbow joint. Below; then, another shouting the leader of the ambush, the half-bent body, immediately straightened up; not only the body straight, with his body straight, a dozen yards Long, three or four yards wide, and two or three feet of rectangular stone, by the leader of the ambush, straighten from the ground and lifted overhead.

In the moment when the stone that had reached a certain number of weights was lifted over the top of the head, the leader of the ambush had a slight contraction of his arm, and then, it was pushed out like a heavy-duty catapult.


Along with a yīn shadow, the stone is facing the heads standing in front of the three cars. Under the length of the stone, no doubt, all the people standing there are its targets and the member. The ambush who used the 'claws' stalked by the bodyguards, with a smirk, pulled back; with the speed of talent and dexterous figure, although the member’s bodyguards wanted to stop each other, but the steel The ability to give the awakened an unparalleled defensive ability also greatly slows the speed of the awakened.

Perhaps in terms of strength and defensive power, the awakening of the tempering ability is definitely among the best in the same class, but the speed is countdown.

"Protect the parliament, let me come!"

The other one of the remaining bodyguards shouted at the bodyguard who could be tempered, and raised his hands high. Immediately, the stone that fell under his head seemed to stop the time and was firmly fixed. 'Set' in midair; then, it was separated in an instant.

There are no explosions or blasting sounds, and countless small stones, only the size of the chéngrén little finger, are detached from the original huge stones, like a stone rain, about three yards in front of everyone below. Falling down; almost the breathing time, a length of about six or seven yards, the height reached about 1.5 yards, and the thickness of the bunker that exceeds three yards appeared on the side of the highest zhèngf.


Almost at the moment when the bunker was formed, the controller of the rock screamed loudly; and the early-prepared emergency squad members stood at the moment of the shouting exit, and each stood by the bunker, and The M61 grenade, which has already been opened for insurance, was thrown away.

The explosion delay of the M61 grenade is much shorter than the explosion delay of the M7 series grenade from 4 seconds to 4.5 seconds. It is only about two seconds. Therefore, if you open the insurance, you must throw the M61 grenade in the next moment. It will be designed like this. Undoubtedly to make it more powerful; after all. In the face of a group of physical qualities far beyond ordinary people. And when there is the existence of the ability that is unimaginable to ordinary people, the long explosion delay, in one respect, is only creating opportunities for each other.

For a moon-level apostle with a speed talent awakening, the ordinary M7 type grenade, the four-second to four-five-second explosion delay is enough for them to return these 'iron stone' originals. Defined to face special characters and creatures, the M61 grenade is naturally impossible to make such mistakes; however. The use of such a grenade will inevitably require a certain amount of training. Otherwise, too short a delay will only hurt yourself.

Fortunately, as an emergency squad of a member of parliament, these nine members are outstanding in the original army; they have not only learned the skills of the corresponding chariots, but also mastered most of the highest zhèngfǔ equipment. Weapons, especially after serving as members of the emergency squad. Some of the 'special weapons' learning has been added to their rì process, and only these ‘special weapons’ are learned. Only qualified as a team member of the emergency squad.

Among these special weapons, there are magical props that exist in the dark world, and they also have their own gunpowder weapons such as the M61 grenade.

boom! boom! boom!

The repeated explosions caused the ground to tremble, and the open space was covered with a piece of smoke, so that ordinary people could not see everything in it, and Ye Qi, who stood in the shadow of the yīn, was naturally not within this range. In the strange sight, the person who belongs to the highest zhèngf ǔ Member, all temporarily hid behind the temporary 'constructed' of the 'rock bunker', the members are in the middle, surrounded by a team of emergency squads, and the two The bodyguard is on the outermost side, defending against sneak attackers.

The two most advanced attackers on the side of the ambush are obviously very aware of the combat mode of the highest zhèngfǔ emergency squad. Almost at the moment when the other party shouted 'throwing thunder', it quickly retreated; the M61 grenade basically They are all ineffective in the eyes of Ye Qi. The ambush removes the image from the wolf, and basically does not suffer substantial harm; and the highest zhèngfǔ the Desa member also has no loss.

From the situation of the scene, it seems that the two sides are equally divided, but know that there are three ambushers who have no hands-on Ye Qi but shake their heads and have a talented apostle. In the battle, their ability is a card. If you can hide it, no one will be made public; because, after being arranged for the corresponding tactics, even the apostles with the ability to awaken will be greatly reduced in combat effectiveness, and the lower the level, the more obvious; only entered After the rì yao level, this targeted phenomenon will be weakened.

After all, in the face of a rìyao-level powerhouse who digs his abilities to the extreme and walks out of his own path, any restraint is relative and is not fixed; it is like water can extinguish fire, but when the flame reaches After a certain intensity, the water that splashes up will become water vapor directly, but will be dried.

However, it is obvious that neither the ambush party nor the highest zhèngfǔ Desa member can achieve this level; therefore, after mastering the other’s abilities, if there is a corresponding arrangement, then this party will naturally The odds are greatly increased. From now on, the one with a big chance of winning is naturally an ambush.

The highest zhèngfǔ's ability to be a bodyguard on the side of the Desa member has been fully revealed. One is the tempering of the body, and the other is the control of the geotechnical, no matter from which point of view, the abilities of the two are extremely suitable. As a bodyguard, the former has no fear of bullets and ordinary sword attacks after reaching the moonlight level. Standing beside him is a shield of activity; the latter's geotechnical control capability is a small military defense. The system, as long as it is not standing in the sea or in a lot of water, and the ability of the other party to reach the moonlight level, can create a strong fortification in minutes. If there is a corresponding manpower, the ability is comparable to that of a brigade. Engineering soldiers.

Of course, this is not to say that the other side has no other attacking power. The tall body is obviously not given by white. With the control of geotechnical soil, if it is charged, it will definitely not lose to a rhinoceros with a hair madness; it is like At the beginning his friend was a big man.

The ability of a big man is similar to geotechnical control, but compared to the ‘jīng fine’ degree in front of him, Ye Qi’s friend is much rougher. Basically, in addition to being able to put yourself on a rock armor. Others were ‘incapable’. The reason why Ye Qi, Xiao Zi and Ava think that the big man should specialize in the mysterious 'chariot' of the highest zhèngfǔ is because of the conclusion that he has worked hard to help the big man to train himself. After all, the kind Making a piece of length and width is a yard of covert fortifications, but suddenly turned into a dozen yards or less than a foot, it is really helpless for people including Ye Qi.

“I can make 'rock' armor when I was five years old, but it’s still the same until I’m twenty years old; when I use rock to make other things, I can’t control myself; otherwise The power is too small, or else it will be drained when it is too big!"

After the self-explanation of the big man, even Ye Qi finally chose to give up in the records of the apostles, and there have been cases where this ability is beyond control, but people do not have a suitable ability to control themselves. The method; however, fortunately, the big man can also 'make' the rock armor for himself, much stronger than those who want to give himself a cigarette but pick up a big fireball with a diameter of more than five feet. .

Fortunately for you, the big man has the unimaginable adaptation of the highest zhèngfǔ secret ‘the chariot’, in the words of the bartender. ‘Dallan was born for the chariot! ’

Therefore, although the big man does not have the ‘jīng fine’ controlled by the other bodyguard. However, if the two men are killed one-on-one, the winner is definitely a big man, and it is the crushing of the general victory to remove the strength gap, but also the other party's everything is very consistent with the big man's fighting style: hard hit hard.

With the ‘chariot’ as an attacking skill, the other side is naturally only crushed.

Of course, now is not a big man fighting with each other, but a battle between the other party and a group of ambushes. The bodyguard has been ambushing around the Yeqi at the moment when the bodyguard uses his ability to sweep away the surrounding tobacco. The Moonlight Dark Mercenary finally shot.

These three long-awaited ambushes, in the moment of their appearance, pushed their state into the peak flames and poisonous gas, mixed with the three ambushes, which used two ambushes of flames. The whole person is like a fireball thrown out, hitting the highest zhèngfǔ the Desa member, and the remaining poisonous user is throwing a group of poisons up to ten yards in diameter. The fog drifted slowly.

"To cover the Desa, retreat!"

The bodyguards of the geotechnical control ability looked at the three reinforcements that belonged to each other unexpectedly. Especially after the poisonous person, they immediately yelled up and said that the members of the emergency squad were out of the way. A 'fireball', there is no meaning of dodging, and three of the emergency squad members fired like this.

The T3's muzzle squirted a long flame tongue, and the bullet covered the two 'fireballs' that were approaching at a speed. However, in the one-foot flame cover, they could really touch the existence of the 'fireball' inner body. It is very rare, and it has been melted into copper water.


A loud drink, from the remaining six emergency squad members, immediately, three emergency squad members of the fire blockade pulled back, and the remaining six emergency squad members rushed from the rear to take over


At the moment of succession, the six emergency squad members fired again; however, unlike the bullets of ordinary bullets, the bullets that were shot this time were azure, with a chilly ice bomb, special Bullets, the highest zhèngfǔ products made with technology and alchemy, like M61, are weapons against special characters and creatures, but these special bullets are mostly finished products compared to the M61 of unfinished products. status.

Strong penetration, and good freezing ability; undoubtedly, the ice bomb has its own special sè; it seems that now, the speed of the two 'fireballs' is lowered in an instant, and it rises The flames are also dying; but this does not mean that the highest zhèngfǔ this Desa member has an advantage. On the contrary, their situation is even worse.

The poisonous mist group is getting closer and closer, although each emergency team member is wearing a gas mask, but this poisonous mist is not only poisonous, but also with strong corrosion; it is like It is a fusion of chlorine bombs and sulfuric acid. A single defense is basically useless. At most, it delays death.

More importantly, the other two ambushers who first attacked also circumvented the geotechnical fortifications and rushed toward the highest zhèngfǔ Desa member. Once they were approached by two people and dragged, then the victory was naturally If you don't have to ask, it must belong to the ambush party.

"Mrs. Desa, use your head!"

As the leader of the ambush, the moon-level dark mercenary is already laughing and laughing. In such a sneer, as Desa is not too much fear, just a little stunned, in the eyes There was a glimmer of worry that was hard to erase; and the two bodyguards who were members of the parliament were biting their teeth and ready to die.


Just then, a pleasing sword rang and the sword wind swept out.

PS first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued...)

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