Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 115: In the morning

Wilderness Bar, the club of the Demon Hunter in Dude.

After leaving the temporary landing point, he resumed his original face Ye Qi, and after stopping a taxi on the street, he went straight to the wilderness bar in the Dude sub-business circle - after getting on the bus, except Outside the address, Ye Qi remained silent; the taxi driver was in the driver's seat, glanced at his head wearing a big cowboy hat, but wearing a black trench coat, Ye Qi, immediately Also chose silence.

For a taxi driver, there may not be a strong force, but there are a lot of guests who take it every day. For many years, the people facing it are even more unclear; therefore, there is already a person who knows it. The purpose; not to mention Ye Qi's cold attitude, and nondescript dressing, has already already made clear what he meant - as the most sensible choice, the driver certainly does not look boring.

From the street near the temporary foothold of Ye Qi to the location of the secondary business district in Dude, but because of the inability to cross the city center of Dude, he had to circle around the street. Germany has a special traffic rule. From the outside to the inside, it is necessary to take the circular road. From the inside to the outside, it is necessary to go straight. Although most drivers do not understand at first, but with the ring bridge Built in succession, and the continuous expansion of the straight road, drivers who have no traffic jams have naturally become the biggest supporters of this decision.

Of course, although the car is not blocked, but the time wasted still exists; however, it is still acceptable, after half an hour, paid the car, Ye Qi straight in front of the wilderness bar The car is still a simple and chaotic era of decoration style, and it is always unique under the modern style of the whole street.

Compared with the last time. No change!

After carefully examining it for a while, Ye Qi came to such a conclusion; then, gently pushed open the door of the bar - a layer filled with the madness of those night-time people, the cigarette butts thrown everywhere And empty wine bottles, the taste of the two mixed together. It is even more so that people who suddenly walk in will feel uncomfortable and even have the desire to vomit.

However, for Ye Qi, who also has a bar, it is nothing at all. He has been used to it in Langburg, not to mention his bar or this wilderness bar. The liquors sold are just as good as they are. It is far from being like the profiteers in Tallinn, which use the second-class drinks to serve as the finest drinks. The taste of the inferior alcohol and all kinds of cigarettes makes People don't want to smell it again - full of desperate taste, which is what all the hunters in Tallinn agree.

Under the guidance of a barkeeper cleaning the floor, Ye Qi went to the second floor of the bar - unlike. At the bar in Randburg, the second floor specially left a gathering space for the demon hunter. The second floor of the wilderness bar is already the residence of the spokesperson Spedo, and in the fairly spacious corridor. There are three tables, one of which is always Spedo's own, and the remaining two are the devils who enter and leave Dud.

Like the Shakers of the Demon Hunter, Dude, the capital of the highest government Xia Lin District, except the highest government. There are not many other forces, and even if there are, they are hidden in various identities; therefore, naturally, the local demon hunters will not have much, most of them are passing by Dude. In this way, the number of Demon Hunters can be imagined - in fact, in the long time before, the entire Dede's Devil's Club was only Spedo's branch, a demon People exist.

The title of the polished club president is like this; after all. Most of the time it belongs to the unruly hunter, it is difficult to adapt to the highest government, which is full of monitors and various rules; therefore, unless it is a last resort; otherwise, most of the hunters will not Choose Dude to be your own foothold.

but. As a branch president, Spedo did not care. On the contrary, he enjoyed the days when no one else disturbed. He slept for more than 16 hours every day. After waking up, he drank a dozen bottles of barley or honey. Wine, then, continue to fall into the dream, so repeatedly - it can be said that the entire hunting magic will be separated from a profiteer in Tallinn, where Spedo is the most lazy.

Of course, remove the day when the Devil's Headquarters sent the salary.

On that day, Spedo will always get up early, sitting in his own bar, waiting for someone to send money to the door - for Spedo, basically not to complete the task, drinking every day, there is a bar Need to take care of; the money is to be obtained from the salary.

As for the money earned by the bar?

It is good to be able to maintain the bar's own operations; after all, the capital of the highest government of Dude, its real consumption level is definitely far beyond the imagination of the average person; therefore, most of the time, in addition to drinking, Spedo avoids The considerable savings that the fiscal deficit has passed; and in this case, after suddenly two more people, especially young, young men who are growing up, it will undoubtedly make Spedo’s increasingly unhealthy finances even worse.

I really regret it, why should I refuse the help of two little devils!

Looking back on the first day of the meeting, the help of the young man called Xiao Doug, Spedo couldn’t help but sip the ale in his mouth again, until the bottle bottomed out, he stopped and became annoyed. It’s a long breath; it’s the only way to express depression in the heart – for the help of two young people, Spedo refuses, not because he doesn’t care or other emotions like care. It is his heartfelt thought that the two young people can't afford anything.

Ten or twenty Kimpton?

This is already the day!

At that time, Spedo was such an idea, and it was because of the decent dress of the little Doug, the conclusion of the decent manners; therefore, after a few days, I learned that the father of Xiao Doug was the Dude. When the big businessman Doug, Spedo wanted to treat the wall in front of him as his cousin's face, and then smashed the bottle in his hand - he knew that this was his cousin deliberately doing this. Do not tell yourself the true origin of the other party. So that you are kept in the dark and do free labor.

What a nasty guy!

When Spedo watched the two young people start exercising with the equipment they exchanged for their money, they couldn't help but scream at their cousins; then, they practiced two more young people. - Since the money has been replaced by equipment and essential parts, it is necessary to make up for the money spent.

As for the way to make up?

Nature is to be reflected from the two young people.

therefore. When Ye Qibu went up to the second floor, he had already seen the young people who were shortly separated by Doug and Korsor. They were doing a fluctuating up; from the wet top and the sweat around them, two The young man has apparently begun a short time; and the president of Dude, who is sitting in the chair next to him, supervises the two young people.

"It’s really a VIP!"

After listening to the footsteps downstairs, Spedo looked at the stairs, when Ye Qi appeared in his eyes. The Dude’s branch president couldn’t help but say, then turned and shouted at the two young men who were sweating and training: “No stop, continue!”

Even good young people are always attracted to novelty; therefore, a good instructor should understand how to control their attention to where they are placed. Rather than being dispersed; of course, if you only use punishment, it is the most inferior practice - the rebellion of young people will always exceed your imagination; but this is not to say that there is no punishment, it is like putting The wild horses that have opened the reins are generally doomed and will be troubled everywhere.

"Who can finish this morning's training first, then I will give a person a task first! Although it is only the lowest level. But it is the first mission after you become a demon hunter in your life!"

With the words of dead pairing, the two young men who had instinctively sneaked into Ye Qi, immediately accelerated the speed of the upper arm; obviously, for the first task in their life, two young People don't want to miss it; and Ye Qi, who passed by the two young people, glanced at the two young men who continued to be crazy and started to squat, and immediately nodded with a smile at Spedo.

Although I have been training for more than a week, because of the gaps that existed, there is no doubt that there is a lot of physical strength and fighting skills. For the two young people, there may be nothing for the time being, but in the long run, it is unfavorable – whether it is the process of dragging down the process of supporting the small Doug, or ending the basic training of the small Doug. Going to the next step is irresponsible for the two young people.

Separate training, maybe for some young people, it will be a little uncomfortable, but in the long run, it is a fact that is no better; and, obviously, Spedo did not say it directly, but took advantage of it. The other way, which can make both young people accept and will have more power - Xiao Daoge will definitely lose this time, but a loss will not make this young man compromise, that kind of hiding The reluctance in a gentle face will definitely make this young man catch up.

"I finally understand why Stoic would recommend both Doug and Korsor to come to you for training!"

Entering a room on the second floor, just sitting down, Ye Qi said with a smile - obviously, except for the excellent hardware facilities, Spedo's own excellence is worthy of attention; whether from two young The person's gradually strong body is still just a competitive teaching, and the other party is much stronger than his habitual handcuffs.

"Stofei is just simply wanting to be lazy! What do you drink, can honey wine?"

Mentioning his cousin, Spedo, couldn’t help but lick his mouth, then picked up a bottle of unopened mead and gestured to Ye Qi – for Spedo, the drink that can entertain guests In addition to barley wine, it is mead; of course, rum is also available; as for coffee, tea and other drinks, it will not exist.

"Ordinary water is all right!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

"What is your big man coming to Dude? Isn't it for the secret gathering of the dark mercenaries? It's a bunch of bastards, why do you pick Dud, obviously there are so many good places, your Lanting Fort Yes, they should go there! Come here, I haven’t had a good rest for half a month. Every day I am worried about what happened!”

After handing a glass of water to Ye Qi, Spedo made the opposite of Ye Qi, and licked his own slightly sleepy eyes, full of resentment - for no more people, more At the time, it was just for Spedo, who had all the strengths of the Dede Hunter Club. Of course, he has such dissatisfied qualifications; after all, although it is Dude, it is the highest government territory, but there are some things that still need to be participated as a hunter, and this representative is naturally the Devil's Club of Dude. The president of the branch, Spedo himself.

Especially this time, it is about a group of dark mercenaries. This is not a good thing for the lazy Spedo. The dark mercenaries may converge in Dud, but this time the secret gathering, but almost half of the dark mercenary community Attracted and gathered in the presence of several more powerful organizations. Waiting for an opportunity to move; in such a situation, if you want to spend it safely, it is simply impossible.

Therefore, in the next few days, using the toes to think about it, you can fully imagine what Spedo will be busy with.

"This is not the case I can decide!"

After hearing the complaints of Spedo, Ye Qi could not help but chuckle - the last contact. It’s enough to let him know what kind of person the other person is; therefore, Ye Qi doesn’t mind the other person’s complaints, because the complaints are blamed, and after the incident, the other party is still doing their due diligence; Said that the other party is a rare good demon hunter; completely in line with the words of people can not be seen.

"But, if you can, I will help!"

"What?! You want to help?"

After hearing Ye Qi’s words. Spedo jumped up immediately. After he turned two rounds in the room, he asked: "Is the problem so serious?"

Undoubtedly, Spedo, who had this reaction, apparently misunderstood something.

"It's not as serious as you think, just some people want to divert their attention. Prepare to use the secret gathering of this dark mercenary to do something!" Ye Qi said.

"These dark mercenaries themselves are already a big trouble, and now there are people who want to use them, such troubles and beyond the imagination of ordinary people!" Said, Spedo once again yelled: "Damn, bastard! Is it necessary to force me to resign back to the headquarters?"

"So you came this time to inform me?"

After Spedo finished, he looked at Ye Qi again and issued a warning: "Don't make any big trouble, otherwise I will be exhausted by you!"

"Of course, I will never get into trouble!"

Spedo, who heard this sentence, just put down his heart, and was again scared by the latter half of his heart.

"Just, trouble is always coming to me!"

"Lend, excuse! This is an excuse!"

Spedo shouted loudly.

"At 11 o'clock noon today, I want to help a friend in front of Wo Kui Lin Square!"

Ye Qi smiled and looked at the irritating Spedo and said the most important purpose of coming here: "If you can, I hope that you can come in time to help me to deal with the following highest government people after the incident! After all, I may be entangled in something that is nothing more than leaving!"

"This is the real purpose of your coming here?"

Spedo shouted again loudly, but in the next moment he extended his left hand and put his thumb on the middle and index fingers, rolling back and forth - this is naturally obvious.

"Well, how much?"

Ye Qi spread his hand-hands--can become a branch president who is on a par with a profiteer in Tallinn. Apart from being lazy, this kind of character of death and money is naturally the most important point; Ye Qi, naturally, will not be unexpected.

"Hey, three, three, wrong, wrong, five hundred Kimpton!"

After Spedo slammed a price, he apparently felt that the newspaper was low and he immediately changed his course.

"Only one hundred Kimpton! If you don't..."


Ye Qi took out the gold ticket and sandwiched it between the index finger and the middle finger. After he had not finished speaking, he was robbed by Spedo in front of him. After he put the gold ticket into his pocket, this one De's branch president immediately assured Ye Qi: "As long as you don't blow up Wo Kui Lin, I can help you settle the group of the highest government!"

"Then please, please!"

After nodding his, after completing the most important thing, Ye Qi continued: "So, in the next time, let me watch, you have no problem training for the two young people? ”

"of course!"

Spedo, who had money and everything, immediately walked out of the room with a bottle of wine and Ye Qi followed.

"Come, I will introduce you to a big man, you should have seen it in the Thousand Marsh area - the dragon of Shaker!"

Without waiting for Ye Qi to go out, Spedo’s voice had already sounded.

PS second more~

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the x200 starting point, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, and the reward of the starting point of the S100. ~~~ Decadence, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~ ~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.)

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