Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 118: Aftermath

Dude, the suburbs, somewhere in the dwellings.

Representing the other major forces in the dark mercenary organization, including the chief commander and the deputy chief godfather, all the high-level officials except the Duke are sitting in the hall, making the hall not originally wide. It was almost a moment of narrowness and crowding; the reason why the high-level people who made the break was doing this was the two people standing opposite.

Both are dressed as standard dark mercenaries, with cloaks and leather jackets inside; one is tall and strong, and the arms that are exposed outside the cloak feel like the rock that is smashed, and the other one The figure is ordinary, but the metal mask that covers the real face, but a little mystery.

Breaking the minds of the high-level gaze, crossed the tall rock and put all the gaze on the 'bad thoughts' behind him. For the high-level people who broke the mind, the rock block station Although it was very conspicuous there, the one who really cared about them was the man with a metal mask behind him: the leader of the abyss, 'bad thoughts'.

As for the rock?

Although the strength is good, but many of the people present are very confident to overcome the other side; after all, after the other party's fighting style is understood, it is not difficult to crack.

"‘bad thoughts, what are you doing for me?”

The commander spoke up, dressed in a military uniform, and dressed very well on the middle-aged man. Even if he was sitting there, there was no dependence. Instead, he had to stand straight, like a cliff in the middle. Climbing the pine trees along; the very neat hair combed, the careless melancholy, and even the nails are within the standard - the biggest feeling after anyone sees this, it must be that Service or retired military.

"I remember that our conversation should be right this evening!"

His voice is very clear. And Hong Liang, in this narrow living room can produce a sly echo; and his eyes are even sharper, at this moment, staring at the opposite old rival - the fourth generation leader as a broken mind, And how did the initial hatred of the hand of the abyss happen. The commander was not too clear; he only remembered it because of a mission, but it did not prevent him from hating the opposite man and the man.

After he became the leader, his subordinates had countless deaths in the hands of the other party, and this is naturally unforgivable for the commander, although as a dark mercenary has already been known for life and death, but this Does not mean that he will not cherish; not only his. And his subordinates - the commander who no one supports, is it a commander?

In the case of such a hatefulness, the commander can sit there, but he is not eager to ask each other, instead of making a big shot at the beginning, it is quite restrained - the secret of this dark mercenary organization assembly. It was they, the hands of the abyss and the three organizations of the horror nest. If you start the war at this time, then it is not necessary to say that this secret gathering will be finished, and the commander absolutely does not want such a thing before the purpose is achieved. occur.

Therefore, even if his heart is angry and killing, he needs patience.

"Just because of some things. I have to come!"

The sound of the mask, even if it was originally clear, will become blurred at this time, with a snoring; the mask of 'Evil Thoughts' does not reveal any facial features, but this does not prevent others from being produced by him. The feeling of staring at the moment - just in the moment of 'bad thoughts', the high-level presence of the audience has a feeling of being swept away. This feeling is not good, because in the sight of the glance, it is full of Cold, insidious. It's like throwing a python on your back, then slowly entangle your neck, and then slowly lock it in. Even many people have already smelled the stench from the snake's mouth.

Not only the whole mind has become slow, but the body is also crumbling -

In short. That is simply uncomfortable!

"Since it is here, we must be sincere and don't play such a trick!"

With a cold sigh, the voice of the commander Hong Liang rang again. Immediately, the thoughts of the broken priests removed the other high-level members except the godfather, and immediately returned to God. At the moment of returning to God, their faces were all The slight side - the high-level of these broken minds naturally experienced many battles between life and death, and it is precisely because of these battles between life and death that they can understand that they have just begun to tell.

There is no sound or movement, and it is such unconsciously and silently. At this moment, they finally understand their leader. Why did they say that after encountering 'bad thoughts', don’t listen, don’t watch Don't talk to the other person, just turn around and escape. Originally, they still have doubts, puzzles, and even thought that the leader is fussed; but until now, they discovered that they are really ignorant.

If there is no origin of the leader, they are afraid that they have fallen to the ground at the moment - they are bitten by the snakes in the illusion, and in the reality they are bitten by the snakes. There is basically no difference, even the former is more dangerous; That would be a kind of 'hint' for yourself, and once you get caught in it, the consequences are naturally unimaginable; the latter is naturally more dangerous than the latter, which only needs serum to solve.

For a moment, the high-level people who read the thoughts of the broken thoughts were full of fear, and then they all became murderous. Obviously, they thought that when they were extremely beneficial to themselves, they would It is the best choice to get rid of it; however, no one is impulsive to take the lead, and in the absence of their leader commander and deputy chief godfather, they will not act rashly.

"This kind of trick is naturally insignificant; therefore, please don't play anymore!" 'Mental thought' said: "My people died four times yesterday, one was captured; and our hostages were also robbed by your people. Go, don't you think you should explain it to me?"

"What are we here for, you will not forget it?"

The commander did not answer directly. Instead, his eyes narrowed up. It was a fierce momentum. At this moment, it was like a bullet, and the rain fell toward the ‘bad thoughts’ and stood on the rock next to the “bad thoughts”. Immediately, his face was white.

"Of course not, how can I forget such a big thing?"

While talking and answering, while pulling his subordinates without a trace, he was dragged behind him; ‘bad thoughts’ faced such an momentum as nothing.

"So, why do you want to make extra money?" The commander's tone. I took the question: "Desser, although he is not a century-old family, but also has his own network and power, once it is touched to the bottom line, it is a blow to our next plan!"

"I am not one of the extra-budgets. The guys in the horror nest are not the same? What's more..." 'Evil thoughts' smiled coldly, because the mask blocked, such laughter became miserable: "Are you not the same? Tranco is just a ladder, the ultimate purpose, where?"

"We are doing this just to make the plan go smoothly!"

The commander faced the rumor of "bad thoughts" without any hesitation. Answered straight.

"In order to proceed smoothly? Then we are the same!"

The ‘bad thought’ is still a bit sullen and the smile is still the same, he answered like this.


In the snoring, the sitting commander suddenly stood up, although the figure was not particularly tall, but with an incalculable promotion... and sharp.

"The leader, ‘bad thoughts’, ......”

Just in the sword. At the touch of the hair, the hair was gray and the godfather stepped into the old age; the old man sat in the chair, patted the palms to attract the attention of everyone in the hall, and eased the atmosphere, he said: "Please do not Forget our purpose!"

The godfather, one of the thoughts of the broken mind has a very special status - although he is only the deputy leader, but in the third generation of the leader of the broken mind, he is already the deputy leader; and now the commander is The leader of the fourth generation of broken thoughts, therefore, the godfather has a considerable voice in the thought of breaking. Even the commander who is the leader has to pay attention.

Moreover, more importantly, every time the godfather speaks, he will not be unreasonable. Rather, it has its own purpose or a problem for everyone, and it has a solution. This is the most fundamental reason why people who have broken their minds will choose to listen when they speak to the godfather.

“I just received a very surprising news!”

The speed of the godfather’s speech is not fast, just like a late old man, even if he is surprised, it is like a memory; he slowly said: “War, there was a violent incident in the central square. ......"

Said, the godfather's gaze looked at the leader of the abyss, staring at the other's mask, and then continued to say: "The deputy leader of the Abyss is in conflict with people; then, one An enthusiastic lady came forward to stop such a conflict; unfortunately..."

Hearing here, everyone present, including the high-ranking thoughts of the Broken Mind, also thought that even with the woman who stopped the fight and the original goal, they were killed by the 'big palm' - the deputy to the hand of the abyss The leader, the people present here are no strangers, even quite familiar. After all, the 'big palm' of the representative of the 'hand' in the name of the organization, dubbed the abyss, is really memorable; Whether it is the huge unrivaled strength, or the skin that is hard to hurt the sword, it is the same.

"The lady's male partner appeared, and the arbitrarily empty fist will be the 'big palm', killing the 'big palm' in the hard hit!"

Deliberately paused, the godfather said this; and when the voice of the godfather just fell, in an instant, the whole hall fell into silence; the rock of the high ground as the hand of the abyss was originally heard by the deputy leader 'When the shot is taken, the whole person is smiling; no doubt, in the heart of the rock block, his deputy leader will win a hearty victory, just like in the middle of the week.

Therefore, after he heard the opposite news, the incredible is simply unpredictable; not only the hand of the abyss, but also the breaking of the opponent, it is also unbelievable to hear such news. The commander himself even looked at the godfather with a strange look, and asked his deputy leader with his eyes. Until the godfather nodded again, he fell into amazement. Then, it was a touch of joy - although he still didn't know Who killed the 'big palm', but this is undoubtedly good news for the thought of breaking. Good can't be good news.

This secret gathering, although the idea of ​​breaking down is also involved as an organizer, but anyone who knows that the Supreme Government and the Broken Mind fight in the recent past understands that in this organizer, the thought of breaking Undoubtedly the weakest party. Even if it is not necessary to maintain its original status, the high-level executives who have broken their minds are full of ignorance, but they are helpless in the face of the facts. They can only try to shrink their strength and put some unnecessary positions. give up.

However, the dark world has always been a place for the weak meat. All that can guarantee everything is its own strength; otherwise, it is false; whether it is the establishment of the alliance or the end of hatred, it is based on strength - just like in that dark battle After the end, many of the peripheral organizations that were originally attached to the thoughts of breaking the shackles chose to detach. Invested in the arms of the original enemy, and then transferred the gun.

In particular, the hand of the abyss that had hatred with them has even worsened; even if the dark battle is over, the battle between the two sides is far from over, and it will only be because one side is in a weak position. And let the other side win more chasing - if it is the case of the abyss. Broken thoughts will not have any mercy.

Therefore, although several encounters have ended in failure, the thoughts of breaking the shackles will not blame others; after all, this is the rule of the dark world; however, the thought of breaking the shackles will not sit still, this time with the enemy The secret gathering, the leader of the broken mind itself has the intention to take a breather and re-adjust the power - only when you really show the strength, others will respect.

However, the commander apparently did not think that such a big happy event would happen at this time -

"What on earth happened?"

The commander represents the doubts of someone at the place. Asked the godfather.

"The lady's male companion is the Shak's Dragon!"

The godfather said the answer; only this kind of answer made the people on the scene more and more eccentric; the commander frowned and asked: "The lady you said, it would not be Bernard. Taylor. What?"

"This is the lady!"

Nodded, the godfather replied.

"Sure enough, she..."

In the whisper of the commander. The high-level squadrons are not swayed by each other – they don’t forget how their dilemmas came about; isn’t it because of the ‘aesthet’ woman that has caused a series of troubles? Although at the end of the day, the 'error' is not on this woman, but it is not wrong to start from her.

"The dragon of Shaker, did you kill the 'big palm'?"

When the high-level people who were in the midst of the broken thoughts fell into inexplicable emotions, they kept silent for a moment, and the "bad thoughts" that digested this sudden news opened again. He faced the godfather and said: "Can you explain in detail? ”

"'Gizhang' saw the liaison officer in Dude in the central square, and took it with him; however, halfway through the thought of Miss Bernardie Taylor, it was a bad person, and it was blocked in person; Obviously, 'Gianzhang' is not a person who pity the jade; immediately, the lady must be shot, and then blocked by the Shaker Dragon! Then..."

Hearing this, all the people in the hall have become more and more focused, and are afraid of missing anything.

"The Shak's Dragon also fought with the 'Gianzhang', and after blocking the 'Gianzhang' offensive, he punched the hand of the 'Gianzhang', not only interrupting the palm of the 'Gianzhang', the whole The human internal organs are even more shattered, and the 'Gianzhang' is dead on the spot!"

This this……

Even a trick has not been blocked? !

After hearing the detailed instructions of the godfather, the people present at the scene could not help but take a sigh of relief - the 'big palm' is very powerful, they are well-informed, and the huge palms can be crushed, but in In the face of the Shak's Dragon, even a punch can't stop it; then, what is the strength of the Shak Dragon? !

"Will the Dragon and Bernard. Why did Taylor appear in the central square?"

The words of 'bad thoughts' were somewhat rude. However, the godfather did not have any anger at all. He still said slowly: "This time, the director of the Board of Directors, Mr. Bernardie Taylor, was invited, it should be Some things about business activities! It seems that those who take away many strangers obviously know this news!"

"Thank you for your message, then, we will meet at night!"

After nodding at the godfather, 'Evil thoughts' turned to the hall with a rock block; as he came, it was so sudden However, when it came, it was a victory. When I walked, it was a little embarrassing—as the standing next to the 'bad thoughts' in the organization, the death of 'the giant palm' will inevitably bring about some changes; at the very least, the 'bad thoughts' are very clear, they The advantage of the thought of breaking the shackles was infinitely reduced; and this forced him to change his original plan.

"I feel that our advantage is coming back!"

The blast, the high-level of the broken mind, the man who looked at the hand of the abyss left, suddenly, squinted and smiled like a fox, and the people around him laughed at the same time - this is in the dark At the end of the day, the high-level of the broken high-level people showed a smile at the same time.

"And, we can expand the advantage again!"

In the laughter, the godfather's words once again attracted everyone's attention.

"Godfather, what should we do?"

The commander did not care about the dignity of the so-called leader, and asked straightforwardly - the identity and ability of the godfather is worthy of his doing.

PS first more ~ ​​timing ~ (to be continued...)

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