Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 5 Chapter 17: hide

Looking at the appearance of Dimmie Ming in the horizon, Ye Qi ended up watching a barrel of guns that he had forgotten for a night, and then looked at the mechanical transformation that only reached the level of 6, and could not help but shrugged. Maybe, as Keith said, he really doesn't have this talent.

However, Ye Qi did not discourage him with a systemic help. As long as you want, you can use the skill points and become a first-class master of firearms transformation. Of course, this skill point is naturally to be used rationally. If you let him directly evolve and take out 30 points or more of skill points, put the machine. After reforming to mastery or expert level, he said nothing would be done; after all, he practiced research on mechanical transformation only for the accumulation of money; and the special items given by the skill point system are already priceless. ,"

Outside the workplace, study and bedroom, the corridor facing the stairs was turned into a restaurant by Ye Qi; at this time there was already steaming milk, omelettes and toast on the table. Of course, these things were not from his handwriting. The three meals a day in the morning, evening and evening are also taken care of by several chefs who take care of the compound; After pouring another cup from the cooler, Ye Qicai took a deep breath; every time he had a cup of hot milk or milk tea, he always felt that he had the taste of rebirth.

After eating the breakfast in front of him, Ye Qi simply cleaned up and turned and walked to the second floor. The other breakfast left on the table had been received in the cooler. When he left the compound last night, he Has specifically told the mercenary leader to let the cooks do more than one person's meal; as for girls? After the heart and soul are tired, it is better to rest for a while; after all, for her, the apostle's rehearsal time is very long, and it would be extravagant to want to sleep again afterwards.

Ye Qi standing behind the bar. Wipe the glass with you. While watching the hunters who walked in, the task he had yesterday. Today is the time to seek results, but what makes him regret is that every hunter who comes in has not taken the initiative to go to the bar; except for the sake of wine. Until the knifeman came in with a tired look, and helplessly shrugged at him, Ye Qi's brow could not help but wrinkle.

Have you completely hidden them?

Ye Qi’s index finger tapped a few times on the bar. The opponents exposed in front of him were not terrible. What is terrible is the opponent hidden behind the scenes; just like in the confrontation between the two armies on the battlefield, the generals of the army. Most likely to die under a cold arrow; he does not want to face this thorny situation. However, he had to think carefully about what the other party would do next; from the time he played, the other party’s impatience looked like he would not think that the other would easily let go.

In Ye Qi’s thinking, time passed, and the task assigned by the Demon Hunter’s headquarters gradually decreased; when it was late in the afternoon, the backlog of tasks basically cleared all the dark creatures, although there were many incidents, but not all The same; for example, the lack of a big family. The Tallinn area where the Holy See is in general. It is the darkness of the breeding, the multi-zone of the event, where the demon hunter is the one that has been seen by Ye Qi. In the Bay Area, this area with the existence of the Northder family, the small name of the Northed family, even the dark creatures that are no longer mad, do not dare to act here without any obstacles; after all, the face is definitely The siege of the seven apostles and the five sacred lords. Even if the prince of the 13th clan of the blood family came, he would have to drink and hate on the spot.

"Hirelli is already the sixth cup. With the first three cups of flame icy lake, count the five cups that you cleared yesterday, and the traffic facilities that crashed in Saskatchewan have been sent. I am here..." At this time, Ye Qi looked at the knife and the eyes of Xiao Ke’s eyes like the profiteers of Tallinn: "There are a total of twenty-two Kimpton, check it out!"

“No!” The knifeman looked at Ye Qi, who reached out to him. He shook his head very simply: “Continue to save the account first, and wait until this mission, I will pay you back again!” “This mission?” Ye Qi smiled and looked at the knife: "Although I don't want to attack you, but for the operation of the whole bar, I have to explain that this task is completely a sudden incident. It is not the headquarters or I sent it; that is, the voluntary participation. You are not paid; of course, as a branch president and directly responsible for the evolution of this task, I will still get a lot of rewards!" "No

After the knife attacker apparently stunned the dark creature attack, the Hunter Headquarters generally judged the other party's information and the amount of the task's reward based on the collected information; but in the face of the sudden incident, such a process obviously does not apply. Therefore, the Demon Hunter Headquarters directly gave the presidents of each district the power to directly evolve and deal with the sudden incidents; and after the incident, the report prepared by the branch president was sent to the headquarters, and then the incident was re-evaluated. The difficulty and the corresponding rewards are rewarded for the demon hunters who contribute.

But it’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is a clear rule in the hunter labor association that can't take another task before completing a task; that is, the knives who volunteer to join the mission, Before completing this task, it was impossible to pick up other tasks. Without money, it was impossible to clear the account. The knifeman who responded immediately jumped up and shouted at Ye Qi: "Unfair! Why? I will not be paid! Profiteers! You are a big profiteer!"

"The profiteer? I am already very kind! Under such conditions, I am replaced by someone in Tallinn. Maybe Hillier has been cheated and signed the contract." Ye Qi put the cleaned cup slowly. Next to the wine rack, **** were raised against the knife: "Now you have two roads for the second one, and Ye Qi’s smile is bright after the other party asks for the second one: "I There is still an all-weather security guard here; of course, this job is to provide room and board after you repay your account, and you can rest on the second floor at night; you know that it is much more comfortable than the park bench; Just after the completion of this mission. how about it? ”

"Hey, deal!" After the knifeman indulged, he nodded a little more than the park bench in the autumn winds. The warm room was obviously much better, even if there was no bed, but the sand was definitely harder than the hard state. The bench is much more comfortable,"

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