Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Chapter 11: Devil's deal

"I have seen you, the Demon Hunter Ye Qi is happy to help you! Of course, if you can pay a certain amount of compensation, it is even better!"

In the Bluestone Hall, surrounded by nine towering fire pillars, Ye Qi of the soul state bends slightly against the air, and caresses the chest with one hand. The clear voice made the violent snoring sound a meal, and then after a period of forced silence, the low voice restored the calmness of the previous first sight.

"Hunter? Hey, mortal, do you know what kind of existence I am?" When he said the character of the demon hunter in the low voice, Ye Qi clearly felt a disdain.

"Although I haven't seen it, countless books have recorded the same level of existence as you and me. Therefore, what kind of existence you are, I know it!"

"Do you know what? You dare to talk to me like this!"

The momentum broke out again, and this time it was several times more violent than before, and Ye Qi, who was in the state of the soul, was directly pressed to the ground and could not lift his head.

"Your projection brings my soul to this field, and I have to sign a contract with me. There is absolutely something that I have to accomplish! And my current body is caught by the blood family, and it is at stake! Then, why are you and me? Do a deal? You help me through the storm, and I will help you complete the entrustment!" Ye Qi, who was overwhelmed by the momentum of the other party, was full of energy and shouted.

"Smart mortal, but do you think you are steadily winning?" Ye Qi's sly talk about a proactive appearance, apparently making the unknown devil very unhappy, could not help but increase the pressure on Ye Qi again. Under this pressure, Ye Qi's translucent soul has a ripple. If you continue in the sample, it will not take long for Ye Qi to be absolutely scattered.

"The transaction itself is a process of mutual needs and mutual benefit. As long as both parties are satisfied, this transaction will be achieved. There is no such thing as a stable victory, we are only mutually beneficial!"

Feeling that the unknown demon has once again increased the pressure and his soul that is crumbling under the pressure, Ye Qi defended. After shouting, Ye Qi did not feel the other side has the meaning of taking back the momentum, suddenly felt the bottom of the heart, could not help but some desperate thought: "Well! I am still too arrogant! I even want to use the devil to get rid of the crisis! Even if it's just a projection, it's not that I can compete! Without the strength to match the other side, why should I trade it? I am naive!"

"Good! I agree to do this deal with you!"

Just as Ye Qi was prepared to take a self-deprecating acceptance of the soul flying, the low voice sounded, and the pressure was fierce.

Suddenly, the pressure came suddenly, and the more sudden, the Ye Qi, who had the heart of death, was a glimpse, and then he stood up. On the surface, Ye Qi is still the expression of modesty and courtesy as if nothing has happened, but Ye Qi’s heart is far from being so calm.

"Hey, this is the art of the devil's conversation? Kill the chicken and the monkey..." The heart is full of ridiculous demon hunters, the voice is still with the modesty that should be faced when facing the strong: "Hello, please tell your requirements and conditions. !"


The parchment in front of Ye Qi burst into a mars, and the original abyss in the flame was replaced by a new abyss. Obviously this is the new requirements and conditions of the unknown devil. However, when Ye Qi saw the parchment full of abyss, he chuckled: "Hello, although there is no absolute fairness in the matter, can our transaction be relatively fair? To know, for the abyss I can only recognize a few simple phrases. And can the patterns around these parchments be removed?"

When it comes to the last sentence, Ye Qi's eyes flashed a hint of ridiculous ridicule - the pattern on the parchment, which has almost become a means for the demons to sign contracts with humans. If you don't pay attention to ignore these patterns, then congratulations, after signing the contract, you will find countless non-existent terms. After all, there are many words in the abyss that seem to be insignificant patterns in the human world.

Abyssal characters are different from the various texts in the material world. They are very complicated. Not only are the pronunciations different from those of the material world, but the writing is also very different. And often the phrase consisting of hundreds of words is just a simple thing to express. Therefore, in addition to special hobbies or knowledgeable scholars, the average person is puzzled by the abyss. People who can recognize several abyss words like Ye Qi are already good.

"Mentor, you are challenging my limits!" The deep voice is getting deeper and deeper.

"Since you have promised the transaction, you should come up with sincerity! The mortal also has the dignity of the mortal!" The smile of Ye Qi's mouth disappeared unconsciously, and the rest was only firm.

At this critical point, Ye Qi is naturally impossible to regress. Otherwise, the previous efforts are in vain. If you sign a contract, what is the meaning of the proposed transaction? Ye Qi is not dead, even if he is a slave to others.

After the words of the Demon Hunter fell, the entire Bluestone Hall was immersed in the silence, and even the sounds of the nine pillars of fire burned silently. In the repressed atmosphere, the parchment "Hey!" once again spontaneously ignited. When the flame disappeared, the abyss on the parchment had become a universal text in the material world. And the patterns that are all over the perimeter of the parchment are all disappearing.

On the parchment, the plain text that is easy to understand is very simple and concise. Three articles are listed, to the effect:

First The other side helped Ye Qi to get out of the current predicament, and Ye Qi would help the other side find some items in the future.

Second, every time you find a related item, the other party will give Ye Qi a certain strength as a reward.

Third, the two sides take their own souls as a bet. From the signing of the contract, they cannot divulge the existence of the other party; the two sides cannot harm each other by any means.

Ye Qizhen looked at the signing of what he expected, and some of them couldn't believe it. The contents of this contract are really unexpected to him, especially the second part of the compensation section and the last one about the two sides can not hurt the part, but also let Ye Qiwan take the reassurance with the stimulant - the devil is achieving the goal The time is very generous, and the power given is absolutely not to be underestimated. Ye Qi has even begun to guess what power is the control of the flame? Or is it a mental shock?

But when the excitement of the demon hunter passed, I immediately calmed down again and began to wonder: "Is this contract too good for me? Is this the temptation of the devil's contract? If this is the case, no wonder history. There will be countless people who know what the devil is, but they will still sign a contract with the devil!"

With a sigh of relief, once again carefully examined the parchment several times to confirm that there was no problem, the demon stalker extended his soul and pressed it on the parchment.

In an instant, the glare of white light shone from the parchment, illuminating the entire bluestone hall.

PS Today is the weekend~~~ Look at the hard-working weekends of the decadent weekend, everyone should not smash the ticket~~~I am also grateful to the gods, I am a grass and two rewards~~ ~ Finally, I will say to you that the essence of this week has been used up. I will give it to everyone next week~~~

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