Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 218: Under the camp

"what are you doing?"

Looking at Anwar's structural drawing drawn by his friends, he inserted a bar horizontally. The big man immediately looked at the other person with anger. The fists were already clenched. Never look down on the anger of the honest people. They didn't get angry and didn't get angry. Just because it’s not worth it, and once they’re really angry, it’s definitely not a joke.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

However, the next big man was dragged by a small man: "Dallan, don't be excited!"

Speaking of a small man looking at Anwar, squinting and asking: "Although I am just a layman, but I also know that it is just a city wall, what kind of situation we will have, it is not just a problem of strong defense. But there are no problems; if those dark creatures come from both sides of the high ground, what should we do?"

The topography of the reef bay is a concave land. It belongs to the two sides high, and the middle is low. Even a child understands the meaning of occupying a highland in the war. Therefore, if the dark creatures attack, it will definitely be from a height. Then, at that time, if it was only a city wall, it would not have the defensive effect at all; let alone, there are many species that can fly in dark creatures. If the two cooperate, even the three walls are dangerous. The wall of the city is almost impossible to stop even one charge. ..

"Just let them not come from the reef highlands, it won't be!"

Anwar once again reached out and drew two slashes on the structural map of the reef highlands, interrupting it; then, Anwar continued: "I have been here, the reefs here are high and underground. The sea, that is to say, is connected to the endless sea. It is only because of the passage of time. These so-called reefs accumulate more under the waves of the waves. The sea level is higher than the reef highlands here! ”

"If we blow up the reef highlands on both sides of the east and west, our defensive power will increase several levels in abruptly; at the very least, we don't have to worry about the face of large-scale dark creatures in a short time!"

"Don't tell me, you happen to know a few sections that are easier to destroy and belong to the reef highlands!"

The little man asked with a squint.

"I am very embarrassed, I do know a few places!"

Although such a discourse should be full of humor. But Anwar’s answer was a serious one.

"That's so simple. I stayed here with Dardan to build a city wall. You will destroy those roads!"

After the little man reached out and rubbed a few chins, he said this; Anwar did not argue, but before he left, he reminded him: "This wall must be higher than the reef highlands on both sides, at least ten Five yards, the thickness of the wall cannot be less than fifteen feet..."

After a series of reminders, Anwar immediately took the new sacred knights to several sections of his memory, while the little and big men were acquainted with each other. Going outside the small Tucheng immediately, if you do what the other person said, their task is not easy. On the contrary, it is extremely heavy.

"How, can you finish?"

The little man stood on the only sandy beach in Reef Bay and began to draw the foundation and asked his friend.

"It takes a certain amount of time, but there should be no problem!"

After the big man scratched his head and looked at it carefully, he replied.

"So if there are stones here, are you just connecting them together?"

The little man asked again.

"That will save at least half the time!"

The big man gave a very positive answer.

"So, thank you for the place we are in, called Reef Bay. The most important thing here is the stone!" The little man smiled around and shouted: "Let's get started! I think we can surprise that Anwar." !"

"Well, I like this kind of surprise!"

The big man immediately walked toward the reef behind the beach, and the little man jumped toward the reef highlands in the east; and after a while, a large pile of stones flew from the reef and the reef highlands to the beach, the smallest of them. There is also a size of the grinding disc, while the larger one is more than a car.


Large and small stones, with successive sounds, raised a dusty sand on the beach, and it was getting bigger and bigger; and in the distance, a huge roar came and followed, apparently the new sacred led by Anwar. The Knights have also begun their work.


Dude, the highest zhèngfǔ capital building, outside the office of the speaker.

At the corner of the second highest floor, a location similar to the grocery room is the most important person of the whole zhèngfǔ: the office of the speaker; if there is not a clearly marked card, no one can The room is connected to the speaker.

After all, in the hearts of everyone, even if the speaker is not extremely luxurious, he needs a window, and the spacious room as an office can be marked on the list of survivors and the Desa. Absolutely not fortunate.

"If you don't want to die young, let's take less!"

In a wheelchair, Casted pulled the smoke from Moritz's mouth. The latter wanted to fight, but he just raised his hand and the back injury made him stiff in the fourth day of the coma in midair. Moriti was sobered up, and by the apostle's physique different from ordinary people, he saved his life, and there was a slight change; only, he did not wait for Moritzer to feel his own change. A variety of news came to his ears.

Looking at that piece of news, Moretti is very eager to hang up all the intelligence and research departments; if it is not the numbness of the former, the latter is self-righteous, they do not need it now. In the face of such an embarrassing situation; especially the previous day when the big wave of the demon hunter passed through the capital, the accurate news brought by it was that the teeth of Moritz would be broken.

Dark creatures are coming back!

Anyone who knows that they are buried in the long river of history understands that this means war and death, just like a pair of twin brothers. It’s always like that. It is trepidation and fear.

"Don't be angry. If you can, I already have the submachine gun, and all the guys are suddenly protruding!"

Kass writhed the body in a wheelchair and threw the cigarette butts out in the trash bin. He looked at the resentment on his friend's face. He knew very well why his friend had such an expression because he The same is true; a long breath. Kasd said: "The Desserts have already ordered that all of the people who have caused major mistakes be detained... Hey, I didn’t expect each of these guys to add more than our assets. Rich!"

"A group of guys who can only go to the gallows, I don't want to hear any news about them anymore; what I want to know now is the final decision of the Speaker of the House of Lords and Mr. Desa!" When mentioning the culprit, Molly He spit up and spit. Then he turned his head and looked at the door of the slightly narrow office. He said lowly: "The war has come, it is inevitable; we can no longer hesitate, our people. We need our army. We need a wall made of steel!"

"I don't want to see the demon hunters after the rì, and the guys of the Holy See. Especially the latter, I think there is a ridicule that they might appear, I am unassuming!" With a long sigh Moriti’s eyes stared straight at the door of the office, and Kasd followed with a sigh of relief and looked at it silently.

In the office of the speaker, a less intense but extremely dignified conversation is unfolding.

"His Speaker, do you really want to do this?"

Desa, who has not had a good rest for a few days, has bloodshot eyes at this moment, but in this big eyes, more is a shock that cannot be concealed.

"Since you made a mistake, you need to make up!"

Speaker Ai Lin sat in his chair, with a touch of helplessness on his face. After slowly standing up, he walked to the only window in the office: "I felt that I had done enough during my tenure, but Netac gave me a good shot, and he made me completely awake... He is the real one for the highest zhèngf, and we are all self-righteous!"

"Publish the order!" The speaker standing in front of the window took a deep breath and said in a word: "The Lions Corps went to the frontier of Hailin District, the Hailong Legion supported the Rapids Strait, the Eagles... The Eagles began Sweeping up the internal insurgents, before 9 o'clock tonight, don't lay down their weapons, arbitrarily organize marches, incite rioters, kill innocent!"

The whole paragraph, with a slight pause in the middle, but still powerful.

"After the end of the war, I will automatically resign from the position of the Speaker; at 7:00 tomorrow morning, I will openly plead guilty to all the people who are under the highest zhèngf..." With his eyes open, the Speaker looked at his colleagues who were much younger than themselves, and he tried hard. One shot of the other's shoulder, said: "The highest zhèngfǔ will be handed over to you later; do not commit, my old guy's mistake!"

"President, you don't have to..."

Mr. Desa wants to stop something, but he is stopped by the old man. The old man smiled and said: "Since the killing will happen, then you need a bearer. Who else is more suitable than me?"

"My previous remorse has drowned me all over. If it weren't for my indecisiveness, how could such a situation be difficult to clean up? I have to correct my mistakes; they are destined to go to hell. Burned by fire, and my old guy doesn't mind going with them!"

After the old man finished speaking, he turned and walked straight to the door of the office and opened it.

"His Lord!"

Moretti and Kasd looked at the old man behind the door, and said with a compliment.

"Moretti, Kasd, you all come in, listen to me and finish your words!"

The old man took two steps and gently pushed the Kasd wheelchair. When Moretti first entered the room, he entered the room and said to two people: "I have decided to send troops!"

At the beginning, the members of the special service team, who had been forced to wait for the army, were immediately overjoyed. Although one was a wheelchair, the two were awesome and straight, and the latter was a standard military ceremony. As a military ritual, a ritual for the elderly who must be respected.


The old man suddenly shouted, and Moretti, who had just put down the military ceremony, stood up and stood up. Shouted: "Yes!"

"The current Chief of Staff of the Warfare Deduction Room, Moretti, is the Chief of Staff of the Western Front Fighting. Going to the front with the Lions!"

"Yes, sir!"

Morrison, who was born in the military, once again raised his right arm. After a standard military ceremony, even the way of answering became unique to the army.



When the old man's gaze came over, Kasd was ready, and immediately straightened his only upper body and shouted.

"The current deputy chief of staff of the combat deduction room, Cascade, is the head of the intelligence department, and immediately takes office!"

"Yes, sir!"

Kasted in a wheelchair is the same military service to the old man.


The old man turned around and looked at Desa. The latter immediately said: "His Lord!"

"Because, in wartime, Desa is now the highest deputy speaker; if I am not there, I can enforce the power of the speaker!"

"His Speaker, you?!"

The three people in the office looked at the old man strangely.

"I will enter the battlefield on the south line with the army!"


"His Lord, absolutely not!"

The old man immediately let the three people in the office react with excitement, especially Desa, who has already guessed what his old boss is going to do to die and die. Yes, the old man is going to fight on the battlefield. Certainly not ready to return to Dude alive, his self-esteem makes him unable to die somewhere in nothing. And his guilt is even more so that he is dead.

Then, the battlefield is undoubtedly the best place to belong.

"Okay, Desa!"

The old man stopped the Desa member who had already understood what was going on. He glanced at the three people in the room and said loudly: "All, execute the order!"

"Yes Yes!"

After a little hesitation for a moment, the three said at the same time, then turned and left.

With the closure of the door, there was only one old man left in the entire office. He once again sat on a chair that he had repaired no less than three times, gently stroking the mottled backrest armrest; after a long time After that, the only private drawer in the entire desk was opened.

There is a photo in a book, and the slightly yellowed photographic paper undoubtedly shows that this piece of film has been around for a long time. The old man looks at the only person in the photo: a hair On the day of the girl who became a double ponytail, he promised his daughter to take pictures together to commemorate her daughter’s fifteen-year-old life; unfortunately, she did not go into business because of her official duties.

In fact, such a thing is not the first time. From the moment my daughter remembers, almost every year in her daughter’s life, he will have such accidents and delays...

I am not only an incompetent speaker, but also an incompetent father!

The old man looked at the photo in his hand, with a deep apology in his eyes, and with a sigh, the old man put the photo into the pocket of his shirt. He glanced at the office again, turned and walked out to the outside. .


Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of her office, the businesswoman looked at the familiar back, her brows subconsciously wrinkled, and she involuntarily picked up the cigarettes on the table and pulled out a light.

The smoke circle was squirted into the bright glass with the slight opening of the lips, and it immediately smashed, and the smog of smoke adhered to the glass window, and it was on the back; while the gaze of the businesswoman was still placed on the back. Knowing that the back disappeared completely, she turned around, picked up the phone on the desk, and dialed a subordinate phone.

"All the people in the trade department will be summoned, and after ten minutes, I will have a meeting in my office!"

"Yes, Minister!"

The other side of the phone sent a very clear answer.

The businesswoman took a deep breath again, and her newly released brow wrinkled again with the cigarette's throughput; however, unlike the previous resentful situation, this time it was a thick cockroach. .


After the female cavalry chief stood in the wall of the Four Seasons Fortress, her gaze looked at the one that disappeared only one day, and the Qilin District coalition camp that appeared again was much more, more neat, and also More jīng sharp; however, from the appearance, they have no clear movement, just stationed there.

Still entangled because of the interests?

I hope that you can still hold on to human beings!

The female cavalry is like the clearest lake-like eyes in the morning light, but with a hint of disdain at the moment, it is like a slap in the lake.

"Lancelot! Gao Wen!"

The female cavalry commander shouted, and in the row of guards behind him, the two female knights immediately came out: "Current, captain!"

"Follow me out of town!"

The female cavalry chief walked down the wall for the first There were already prepared war horses and her task was to send the Qilin District coalition camp to inform the other party about the dark creature invasion.

This is not a mandatory task, but it may be dangerous for herself to fight for it, but it must be done by someone else. Other people’s words are likely to kill, but she still has a little grasp, on the hilt that ordinary people cannot see. The female cavalry chief was calm and full of heart, and was silently accepted by the invisible sword.

It doesn't respond, it's still waiting, it wants to know who is holding it

Whether the brave is fearless... or it is, the king is invincible.

PS second more~~

People have joys and sorrows, and there are yīn sunny rounds in the moon... Hey, decadence is not a strong person...

The prodigal son of the four seas wandering 200 starting coins, sn100 starting currency rewards, x100 starting currency rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence ~~~ (to be continued...)

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