Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 224: Moonlight sniper

When the strength reaches a certain level, the appearance of the aging will become abnormally slow, like the moon-tower main tower; initially active in the end of the sacred era, and then experienced the demise of the sacred age, the establishment of the free age, has been Up to now, and now it is 252 years of the Liberal calendar, the Lord of the Moon Tower seems to be a bit old, but ordinary people can not think of it, the old man is real age.

Therefore, in the dark world, it is almost common sense not to distinguish each other's age according to the appearance of the other party; however, the lich Leslor who has spent countless years will not judge the wrong one. Vigor is not able to disguise - as the years go by, although it is difficult to leave traces on those who are strong, but after all, there are traces to follow; and Les Lor is very good at capturing such traces.

Therefore, in the first moment of seeing Ye Qi, the lich couldn’t help but be amazed—the young man, who knows how much, but can get such a young man at such age. The Lich’s memory seems to be the first.

That windbreaker is the so-called hunter?

The fire of the soul in the eyelids, because of the surprise, kept beating, and the sudden blocker looked up and down the young man - now, seeing the emergence of Ye Qi, the lich is sure The small Tucheng and the previous generation of vampires who had been sent out for investigation and liaison have all finished playing; with the strength of each other, these existences are impossible to survive.

However, it is not angry at the moment because of such things - in fact, it is too little to make Leslor angry. After many years of tempering, at first it will be because of an important experiment. Interrupted and angry, even the experimental assistants and the disturbers who left other activities to disturb it, but then its anger is less and less, and now even the brow will not wrinkle.

because. Leslor, who has endless time to squander, doesn't mind, come back to an experiment and experience the joy of reaction and change – yes, it's fun; as early as two hundred years ago, the construction of magic experiments and spells became The fun of the lich. Not the initial interest.

Fun, interest, or only a word gap, but the former is needed to adjust life, while the latter can become a necessity of life.

Now, Leslor has a little more interest - for this organization that can cultivate such a great young man: the demon hunter.

In its memory, the demon hunter did not appear, but there are many self-proclaimed wizard hunters or vampire hunters. Walking between the Principalities and the kingdoms, solving the problems that the various lords cannot solve, and then taking revenge - and such behavior, in Les Lorre, looks like the mercenaries on the battlefield. What is the difference, are vultures that are scented by the smell of the body.

and so. Against the existence of these self-proclaimed hunters and hunters, which are almost similar to the mercenaries, when Les Lor is still his, he has no good feelings; after all, as far as he knows, there are several so-called 'in his kingdom'. The vampire attack "The Werewolf Attack" 'Monster Attack' is the ghost of these self-proclaimed hunters and hunters; even if he finally cuts the heads of these people. But such disgust is always going to last for a long time.

And when he became it, there was no such thing as the existence of these self-proclaimed hunters and hunters. Compared to the attack of the Holy See, these guys are like flies, not hurting you, but also biting you. But it is annoying; one wave after another. It’s all about not stopping you from shooting.

Of course, in Leslor's view, such a deterrent is really ridiculous; therefore. It faces such a existence; whether it is from the so-called Holy See or the hunter or the hunter, it is completely unsatisfactory; and this practice has won it for a long time.

So, when it re-entered Lorante, from what informed vampires know that the Holy See and the Demon Hunter have become the second most powerful force in the three of Llorante, and the first two, and instead those The consortium of the kingdom, a strange name with the 'highest government', is the third, and Leslor's surprise can be imagined.

After all, both him and his memory, the Holy See and the Demon Hunter are very weak forces, and loose, especially the latter, although the footprints are all over the Lot, but there is no meaning of gathering; basically They are all different, although they also have exchanges, but they are very rare.

And that claim to be the most powerful force of Lorante at this time: the Holy See, at that time, was at a much better position than the demon hunter; because, some Dagong and the king 'liked their teachings, allowed them to preach; and at the appropriate At that time, give a little support; however, such support is also based on the value of their use.

Once such value is exhausted, the only ones waiting for these guys will be shackled; even the hang of these clergy in some countries every year will be celebrated as a holiday, and then their bodies will be Exposing in the sun, for crows and other birds to forage; after all, all the great fathers and kings of the year thought they were descendants of the sun, and bathing in the sun was their most glorious moment, and the enemy’s body Naturally, it is necessary to give it to the sun for review.

Is this a rise and fall?

With countless years of years as the basis, Les Lor's surprise soon passed, and he just sighed a little – after all, this alternation is just normal; just like the huge wizarding empire of the time. In a few short years, it collapsed and was isolated, and the teacher whom it respected died in that battle.

Prior to this, Leslor had always believed that his teacher was invincible and could not die.

However, looking at the young people in front of the good strength, Les Lor has a little interest in the so-called hunter, in its memory, except for the wizarding empire of the past, any of the forces behind it. It is difficult to train such young people?

No, no, there seems to be another...

Oh, but if you seriously count it, that guy shouldn’t count.

Recalling what Leslor is. The fire of the soul in the eyes jumped for a while, and in order to throw away such sudden irritability, Leslor’s body leaned back and looked at Ye Qi in midair.

"Young man, your name?"

In the way of talking in the habit, Les Lor asked - the vocal cords made with magic, although there is no difference between talking to normal people. But as long as there are some changes, it can be turned into a weapon; to know that the spells such as [Charming Hearts] were engraved on it, Leslor took a lot of time.

Therefore, Lancerol does not worry that the other party refuses to answer it because he is not used to such a way of asking questions.

"Ye Qi!"

Sitting on the back of Gronin's back, I feel the magical fluctuations that appear around the other's words, and I can't help but frown. The subconscious shackles of the knives of the knives immediately dispelled the turbulent magical fluctuations like a knife-like atmosphere; however, Ye Qi did not swear to answer the other party's question.

Of course, more importantly, at this moment, Ye Qi is still thinking about how to face the supernatural powers of the legendary world of the dark wizard, the undead faction, every wizard will be involved. The Dark Wizard is no exception; after all, the tireless, fearful servant is a good choice for anyone; therefore, there are many wizards who specialize in the undead faction; however, Ye Qi never thought about it. The wizards who specialize in the undead factions will have a scene once they reach the legendary realm.

and so. When the overwhelming hustle came from the south, Ye Qi was really shocked – the boundless feeling, the sweeping of the past is incomparably shocking; and the number is even more shocking. There is a piece of evidence; absolutely no less than 10,000, this is the data that Ye Qi got.

Although it seems that most of them are ordinary warriors, it is entirely the purpose of the undead school to defeat quality in quantity; let alone. Around the supernatural powers of this legendary world, those undead creatures that differ from ordinary warriors and the translucent ghosts floating in the sky are constantly being explained. This undead army is definitely not a quantity, and its quality is also within its weight.

Although there have been estimates of what to do with the dark wizards who are proficient in the undead factions, when they really saw it, Ye Qi knew how inadequate his calculations were - once the front line was spread, it would be more than ten kilometers. Even if I have the speed of Groning, I can't take advantage of it unless I can get out of this ten-kilometer range in an instant.

This is not impossible. If you open the [Shadow Shuttle], the range of shadows within 10 kilometers is for me to enter and leave; the only thing to worry about is that the interval between the entrance and exit is the opponent's attack; however, this can only be guaranteed. My own safety, I want to block such a long front, I am afraid that [the wing of the sun] is not caught...

Sure enough, it is necessary to kill the wizard who manipulates everything!

Thinking of this Ye Qi, his eyes subconsciously looked at Les Lorne, who was sitting in the Hummer. This huge undead army was completely because of the other side, and wanted to destroy such an undead army. The way is undoubtedly to get rid of the manipulation and the creator itself.

"Warrior? Every young warrior is so impatient!"

Feeling that the sharp, knife-like breath broke his spell, Leslor couldn't help but feel the killing from the sky, but it was dumbfounded; this is in the last three decades, The lich first laughed, even if this smile is in the eyes of ordinary people, it is completely cold in the back.

The reason why Leslor is going to be because of the sensitivity of this young man is to know whether a warrior is excellent or not. To a large extent, it is to see if it is sharp, a force is strong, the speed is fast but it is very slow. The face is dangerous and uninformed, and such a soldier is the fastest.

And the reason why he laughs, is that Leslor thinks that the other person is doing another ridiculous thing - yes, it admits that the other party's strength is very good, especially in such a young age, but compared with it There is a considerable gap; therefore, it decided to let such reckless young people recognize the reality; after all, it came here to deal with such things, isn’t it?


The staff in Les Lor's hands glimpsed at the bottom of the wagon, and then a group of ghosts surrounding it flew up; did not rush to Ye Qi, but instead of the sky Road 'blocking' - For Groning, the young man, Leslor does not want to 'feed' the other party for no reason. What it needs is to block the opponent's retreat. Fix the other party for a while.

Hey, hey, hey!

It’s like pushing a door that hasn’t oiled the door shaft for a long time. The harsh and sour sound is loud under the night sky; then, the two huge shadows are from the original hard The reef surface emerged - the first thing that appeared was a huge palm, both flesh and metal, and the strange palm of the car broke through the ground. Then the forearm, elbow joint, and hind arm of the hand; then, this arm presents a triangular support posture, slamming the ground.


In the loud noise, the soil flew, and two huge figures flew to Ye Qi in midair.

Hey! Hey!

Two flashes in the air, gray knife wind. Before and after the combo, it was cut on two huge figures; two rows of Mars, from these two huge figures, but not only did not cause the damage they deserved, even two huge figures, did not slow down The meaning is still pointing directly to Ye Qi.

This result. Naturally, I was surprised by Ye Qi. He subconsciously shot Gronin, who immediately noticed a roundabout and wandered around the two huge figures. Again, the two swords were thrown out - this time it was not out of thin air. The slashing knife is an attack based on [Sword Wind. Teeth].

Sting! Sting!

In the splash of Mars, a liquid with a different smell emerged from these two huge figures. The two huge figures also stopped the attitude of the charge, flashing their wings and turning around, and at this time, Ye Qicai saw the true face of these two huge figures - the gargoyle!

Although there are different changes, there is more flesh-and-blood tissue, and it is far greater than the legendary, but the outline has not changed. There is no difference between the gargoyle in Ye Qi’s memory.

Attached to the gargoyle of the undead school?

In the face of such an unknown enemy, Ye Qi subconsciously opened a certain safe distance - the gargoyle, according to tradition, should belong to the alchemy product; some wizards habitually use these highly defensive alchemy products to guard the gate and act as a guard. ;but. It is obvious that the gargoyle is not the same; not only that type of body, but also the speed.

The average gargoyle is about 12 feet high, and the gargoyles in front of each are no less than thirty feet; of course, compared with the size, the more important is the speed, because of the material, the speed of the gargoyle is not It will be too fast, although it is still unattainable to ordinary people, but it is not a problem for the demon hunter.

The speed at which this huge gargoyle bursts out is not to be said to be a general hunter. Even if the apostles of the Japanese glory come, it is not enough.


Just as Ye Qi observed the gargoyle, a trembling sounded, always beware of the lich of the following lich, and immediately indicated that Groning retired; however, Groning had just moved to be a The ripples that protruded in it are blocked - this ripple has no color, it is a transparent state, but Ye Qi has 'seen seeing' such existence, not like a general spread, but an arrow shape.

It was obvious that Groning could see such a shape and felt extremely dangerous, otherwise he could not stop.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

In the face of this sudden attack, I have not waited for Ye Qi to react. The continuous tremor sounded, and a branch of 'arrow' suddenly appeared, and then began to hover around Ye Qi and two huge gargoyles. Rotating, it is like a fish, but such a fish is undoubtedly dangerous. Even Ye Qi feels the danger. He does not want to touch these 'arrows' instinctively. Otherwise, what will happen absolutely. Good thing.

this is……

Looking at the ‘arrow’ that huddled himself with the two giant gargoyles, Ye Qi couldn’t help but frown, and the next moment, Leslor, sitting in his carriage, re-emerged—

"I am a traditional wizard ~ not good at close combat, so even if you are close to a young man like you, I have only one way to die; therefore, I chose the way I am good at - - This is the way I am enlightened after entering the legendary world and becoming a superpower. The power you are facing now is the small skill that extends from the power of the soul. Of course, so many [Soul Arrows] are still advanced applications. I call them [Souls Arena]!"

Leslor did not mind to say what he could call secret.

"As the name implies, in this [Soul Corner], you have only two choices. The two servants who defeat me can survive. If they lose, they will survive in another form. Of course, if you can directly break through [the soul fight In the case of the field, I am guaranteed by the name of Les Lor, I choose to admit defeat!"

Another form of survival, of course, refers to the undead, and this way of survival, Ye Qi can not agree, therefore, when the voice of the other party has just fallen, the magic knife in the hands of Ye Qi is a rapid wave of exchanges -

Hey, hey, hey!

PS first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued...)

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