Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 243: Change

From the beginning of life, life is stepping toward destruction, and then it begins to regenerate in destruction.

The loop is repeated without stopping - my knife, too!

Seeking flaws in the enemy's attack, giving the enemy a fatal blow and giving a continuation of their lives...

Between life and death is a complete reincarnation, and all I need is to stand on the side of life and push the enemy into the side of death.

A problem that seems to be superficial but not always thought by Ye Qi, after seeing the flower in his friend's hand that can spur the flame, began to appear in his mind, and began to deepen.

Or, I was standing on the side of death, the enemy was on the side of life, but the cycle of deep thoughts was repeated, but we could swap our positions - just like the skills I created [barriers] and [sharp spears]. Isn't it a way to cycle between life and death?

Or is it...

The beginning of the thinking was sudden, and the timing of the end was sudden. When the system prompts, the Ye Qi suddenly wakes up.

[Cold weapon (Master) + 2]

[Sense +1]

Looking at the prompts given by the system, Ye Qi closed his eyes again, and his mind began to recall those thoughts before, and then he stood up.

The increase in [perception] is not beyond his expectations. After all, the perception of the 'glass wall' has been invisible since the recent period of time [nameless] has been used to sense the existence of the 'glass wall'; The increase of the cold weapon (master) is beyond the expectation of Ye Qi.

In Ye Qi’s estimation, the increase of [cold weapon (master)] requires what he broke after the 'glass wall'; after all, the 'glass wall' that represents the bottleneck is in his induction. It is so indestructible; but from now on, indestructibility does not mean that there is no way forward.

When [No Name Skills] passed through the 'glass wall' again, Ye Qi clearly felt that the 'glass wall' became thinner, from the original feeling of the wall corner to a single wall; Although it is still a city wall. But the degree of solidity and thickness is greatly different.

I need a suitable opponent now...

Looking back at the adjustments in the mind about [barriers] and [sharp spears], Ye Qi thought very naturally; then, his gaze began to look for his own friends; however, a huge flower was printed in one turn. I have a look.

"Oh, great flower!"

Looking at the sudden presence of two tall flowers, Ye Qi sighed; the enlarged figure and the same color. Let Ye Qi know very well. This is the little flower in the hands of his good friend in the morning. Immediately he expressed surprise at this growth: "Is it less than two hours? This growth is really unimaginable. !"

"It's not a long cycle. It's only about fifteen hours from the end of growth to the end, and then it will wither; so the growth is also a feature; otherwise, even if the flowers are not mature, they will wither, 岂It’s not too pitiful!” Ava carefully took care of him as the first plant of the Druid Avenger, and asked his friend, “How, what is the harvest?”

"Great harvest. Thanks to the revelation of your flower!"

Ye Qi extended his hand and gently patted the flower's flower path when his friend indicated that there was no threat. Then, watching the huge flower swing up and down, like a nod, especially through Special expertise [Nature's Aid] received the clear message from the other party and could not help but say: "I think it is more like an animal than a plant!"

At the same time, Ye Qi asked: "Is there any kind of plant that is endless and thick and fleshy?"

"This is a characteristic of the Druid Avenger!" After Ava confirmed Ye Qi's point of view, this thought for a moment, said: "Snake vine is the most powerful of all my plants, and it is very difficult to get hurt. However, the extreme fear of the flame, even a flame of the degree of a torch does not dare to approach! If it is not because of this shortcoming, even if it is the existence of the Japanese glory, it has encountered the snake vine. It also has to die delamination!"

"I have some ideas and may need the help of your plant!"

I heard a friend talking about the characteristics of the snake vine, Ye Qi could not help but shine.

"Of course, no problem!"

Ava nodded, and then handed a letter to Ye Qi: "This is the news about the Lanting Fort just sent by Datong; Oh, our little guys are really not allowed. !"

As he said, Ava laughed on one side, and when Ye Qi opened the letter, he understood that his friend would reveal the source of such a smile - the content recorded on the letter is not much, roughly divided into three points; 1. On the premise of no death, his female disciple has killed a Japanese-level presence; 2. The existence of this Japanese-level glory should come from the dark area; 3. The dark creatures in the Hailin area have begun to Randenburg, launched a tentative offensive.

"Good job!"

After reading the letter, Ye Qi said this way - Ye Qi has already had some guesses about how his own female disciple killed the Japanese Yao class; after all, [the choice of fate] but he handed it over to him. His own female disciple; and, Ye Qi knows deeply, after this time, how precious it is for his female disciple.

The best way to say that the day is not clear, the best way is to experience it for yourself.

With this experience, it is much easier to promote the Rizhao class later in the future!

Congratulations on the frank road of his female disciple in the heart, Ye Qi raised his head with a smile - even if Ye Qi is a less qualified teacher, he hopes that his disciples can have a good growth. And get good results; it doesn't matter if the teacher is qualified, but just simple humanity.

"Of course, done a good job!"

Ava nodded her head and said, "When they are fully grown up, we can enjoy a rare leisure time!"

"I think that the arrival of leisure time still needs a long way; at the very least, you can't see it in ten years!" Yaki's answer meant something, but Ava obviously didn't think there, he only thought it It’s a good friend’s estimate of the growth of young people. In fact, he also has such an estimate.

"The words of the Rhines. Now it is already independent; the singer and Tiger can still take a year or two, others are almost a little, although Tom is hard, but lacks the basic training before, three more than others. It’s not surprising that it’s five years; plus the current state of war... Ten years, it’s not too much to put on the little guy!”

Ava explained his estimation to his friends; and Ye Qi did not clearly indicate what the deadline for that decade was. Regarding Ava’s statement, he did not make a right, and he did not object to it and nodded: “In the war, although you can achieve unimaginable growth, at the very least, you must survive!”

"With Amanda and Gran Hill, the safety of the little guys is not to worry!"

Ava talked about the bartenders at the bar and the wheelchairs that control most of the underground forces in Langburg. I can't help but feel very confident. They are all people who speak with their own abilities. They are not like another guy. Although they are also very smart, they are more eloquent when they talk about it. When they think of this person, Ava can’t help. A frown, then, could not help but sigh. Slightly smiled and said to a friend: "Mori's guy finally got out of his room!"

"Hey, is he successful?"

After Ye Qi’s slight glimpse, some uncertain questions asked: The black market merchants had vowed in front of all of them that if they did not become a wizard, they would never step out of the room; and the original people bet that this It is absolutely impossible for a guy to stay in the room for more than ten hours; after all, except for the necessary sleep and occasional solitude, the black market businessman can definitely be a free person, that is, the kind of casino. Even if you don't have Kimpton, you have to join in the fun guys.

Such people, including Ye Qi, do not think that the other party can stay in a room for a long time, but, contrary to his and everyone's expectations, the week has passed, the other party actually did not step out of the room, if not perception The fluctuations to the other side exist. And if it is healthy, Ye Qi will think that the other person is missing.

In this regard, Ye Qi and his party finally understood that the black market businessman is playing really; however. Even if it is really fun, this speed is too fast, right?

It’s possible to be a wizard apprentice in a year. It’s already a genius, and in less than a year, it’s a genius, it’s not a genius, but a enchanting!

According to Ye Qi, to become a true wizard apprentice, it takes about three to five years from contact magic, and it is not impossible to extend it to ten years longer; after all, the wizard The huge knowledge system, even if it is a love-reading Ye Qi, is also frowning - from basic alchemy, to the cultivation of magical pets, the identification of medicinal materials, the recognition of astrology, and the spell reading of several schools... ...

Just the basic alchemy, you need to recite books about three feet thick, and that is the kind of books that are about the size of a coffee table.

In this regard, Ye Qi feels powerless, and very direct choice to retreat - reading is a hobby, not a job; if the hobby is done as a job, then the removal of the forced, can only be said to be abused; of course, Both the former and the latter are boring in the eyes of most people.

The existence of books, for all people who are used to fast-paced, the biggest role is to help sleep.

Therefore, unless it is partial, otherwise, if you want to systematically complete the wizard apprenticeship course, Ye Qi does not think that it can be completed in less than a year, let alone become a wizard.

"How do you say that if you follow the standards of strength, Morrie is really successful... but..."

Ava replied, but it was a bit difficult to say. In the end, he could only say with a smile: "I think you still have to ask about Datong. If you like snake vine, I will choose to plant it here not far away." It takes about three hours to ripen with my special natural power!"

"Lunch, what do I need to bring to you?"

I glanced at the sun that had been hung in the east and kept moving toward the center of the sky. Ye Qi asked.

“Some vegetables and cheese salad!”

When Ava reported a vegetarian menu, Ye Qi and his friends bowed to each other for a moment, shouting at Ted, who was not far away, and rushed to the small Tucheng behind him; passing by As a new sacred knight of the guards, he nodded with a smile and the head of the Anwar Knights; the latter was solemnly returned.

Even during the day, dark creatures are unlikely to attack, but the prepared defense is still indispensable; Ye Qi will appear here to see the defensive tower that is about to be built, and there is also this reason, and the new Holy Knights The same is true; and. Compared with Ye Qi, the new sacred knights of more than a thousand people are even brighter and brighter – with a neat square array, the sword is unsheathed and the military uniform is neat.

When faced with a target, the original enemy will cooperate better, because the enemy knows the most; not to mention. The enemy now has become a comrade-in-arms with no shackles. Ye Qi is very clear about his god's partner.

On the newly built wall, there is a thickness of fifteen feet. Under the hands of many hunting devils, a patrol path has been formed. Each female wall is also neatly built by many people; What has not changed is the wall itself. It is still the kind of wall built by the rock in the outer soil without any decoration.

There is no such thing as a city gate on this wall. If you want to enter it, you need to go through the rope ladders on the reef highlands on both sides and enter vertically.

"Shack's Dragon, good morning!"

A team at the junction of this huge city wall and the reef highlands, the patrolling demon hunter greeted Ye Qi. After Ye Qi nodded and returned, he jumped straight from the reef highland and entered the outer city of Xiaotucheng lightly and silently. However, Groning, who was not far away, immediately ran over Ye Qi’s chest. A small man who was holding a drawing and looking at it was also coming over.

"How, my chief engineer. Is there any specific arrangement for the reef highlands?"

Ye Qi touched Gronin's forehead while teasing his friends, while the little man, with both hands spread, showed a bitter smile: "There is only a less clear clue, I think I have to find Heather. Find someone to help. The problem is left to the experts to solve, is not the truth we have been pursuing? How now, has become a personal pro?"

"So, you can talk to those dark creatures. Let them attack later, we can find the experts in your mouth!" Ye Qi also learned the appearance of a small man, also revealed a smile; and such an action Immediately let the little man say with no anger: "I think that Norfa is better than me! Instead of being a quartermaster!"

"This, you can talk to him and exchange work; I think he may be happy!"

"I think, I still think about the current drawings!"

The little man carefully considered Ye Qi’s proposal. However, when he thought of the need to worry about the supply of food, weapons, medicines, etc. of more than 6,000 people, he felt that the drawings in his hand were more realistic; after all, this is only the beginning. More people will arrive later; at the very least, as far as he knows, the highest government people have already acted.

"Does Morrie really become a wizard?"

In the original Xiaotucheng, the inner city now belongs to the tent of his own group. After Ye Qi just sat down, he couldn’t help but ask curiously; and when he heard this question, the little man was a strange face. Then, I couldn't help but laugh out loud: "If, according to the spell, Morrie is indeed reached!"

"what happened?"

Ye Qi became more and more curious.

"Mori's first spell model was constructed with magic tricks. It took him five months to completely construct it. Then he used this as a basis to turn the changing colors and fireworks into two other spells. ......"

"Oh, that is to say, Morrie has derived two spells based on magic tricks?"

After Ye Qiyi asked, he asked.

“Yes, according to the standards of the wizards, people who can use three spells can indeed be called wizards!”

The little man is full of smiles in such an answer.

"Is this guy not supposed to? He never trades at a loss!"

Compared with the smile of a small man, Ye Qi is puzzled. When he first became a hunter, he often dealt with black market merchants. Although the other party is not like a profiteer, the fox is covered with human skin. But the degree of traitor is only slightly inferior to a profiteer.

How can such a sinister person make a loss-making business?

Although not a wizard, Ye Qi also knows that every wizard can use only a limited number of spells. All the spell models are created with great care. The black market merchants are not savvy. May not understand the truth.

This guy, what the hell?

Ye Qi could not help but frown.

"Morrie is a smart guy who will take care of himself!"

The little man converges on the smile, and officially said that although the two people do not deal with it, they are not the enemy, and the fights are enough to make the little one understand the other's advantages; otherwise, it is impossible to teach the other party at the beginning. Flying knives are used to defend themselves; small people also guess what the other side has to do, but they are far from the rapids and cannot be known.

"I hope so!"

Ye Qi sighed helplessly and asked again: "Is there any news?"

"of course!"

The little man nodded immediately.

PS first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued...)

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