Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 246: Under the branch


Tel Hart asked again—perhaps because of his indifferent personality, the man in a blue robe’s opening is a direct statement of his purpose, or the center of the problem; However, apart from the other brother's brother, I am afraid that no one is willing to walk with him.

It’s boring to get rid of that silent, cold character, and you’re more boring—you should never expect a person with a sullen face, frosty to tell you a joke, and activate the atmosphere; for, for them, Your silence is exactly what they need.

If you can, Ye Qi does not want to entangle in two people, and in the following Anwar's new Holy Knights have begun to deploy, ready to attack; however, Ye Qi does not want to be with these two extraordinary circumstances The legendary powerhouse opened; after all, his current enemies are those dark creatures, not the two in front of them; therefore, Ye Qi took the most direct evidence.


In the sound of a low dragon scream, Long Wei, who has been controlled by Ye Qike, shrouded the two people in front of him.

"Long Wei!"

The Hart brothers whispered at the same time, and then, looking at Ye Qi's gaze, became suspicious - the dragon has long since disappeared; and the blood left by the dragon, on the Lorant, can be found It seems that there is only that Juggernaut; and Ye Qi’s Longwei at this moment undoubtedly shows that he has the blood of the dragon.

Although it is not certain whether such blood is derived from the Juggernaut, one thing is certain - that is, the young man in front of him has a very close relationship with the Juggernaut.

One is the master of Hortelli, and the other is the Juggernaut...

After a short period of thinking, the two have a very clear choice.

"Please say hello to Juggernaut instead of us!"

The Hart brothers said together, then turned and left.

For such a situation, Ye Qi was not surprised - when the other side faced him with the inanimate king and him, he immediately chose him, and he clearly stated the other's position: bullying is hard; or there is some excessive, but In the face of trouble. Two people will definitely retreat.

Obviously, his teacher is a hugely intractable problem - although he is revered as the Juggernaut, Ye Qi does not think that his teacher is really a prestigious predecessor; from the teachers who did his own work that year. Things, and the nature of being exposed with him, are definitely a bad category. He is best at eating, drinking, stealing and stealing.

However, for the first time, I used my teacher’s name to scare people...

It feels pretty good!

With this in mind, when Ye Qi was ready to turn back, the brother of the Hart brothers returned again -

"Don't misunderstand, I don't have any plans to change my mind!"

Turner Hart waved his hand. To signal his kindness, he paused for a moment and said: "I just want to remind you that you may have some troubles because of Hotrell's adult... Hey, but there is Juggernaut in the words. Presumably, it is not a problem!"

Speaking of this, Turner Hart couldn't help but smile bitterly - undoubtedly, after leaving the bridge on the other side, he was doing this with a relaxed and happy mood; one can repay the human condition and can The benefit is good; the famous flashing sword of Hotrell is not so good, and once this person is returned, there will be a good harvest; after all, the flashing sword is very generous.

Especially after the death of oneself, and the unhealed heirs. Even if you think about your own heirs, you will definitely come up with some good things to share; and the legacy of a superb and powerful peak is undoubtedly an enviable wealth.

In this regard, Tenny Hart was originally determined to have the necessary determination, or at least to get about 30% of it; then, take care of the heir that the Flash Sword has not yet grown up, so that you can get It’s too appropriate for the benefits to be able to get people’s buying and selling – perhaps the idea. There are really some markets, but if it is not such a market, how can they survive in the bridge of the other side of the strong like the cloud?

Sometimes, facing the dilemma of survival. Everything will look less important!

Among them, there is the so-called dignity of the strong.

Therefore, when they heard that the Juggernaut was also involved, they chose to give in. In the face of the strong, they must be respected. In the bridge of the other shore, this sentence is undoubtedly the biggest iron.

"The Honor, the enemy, has an enemy?"

Following the other's words, Ye Qi immediately guessed what the other party wanted to say.

"Well, and, a lot! After all, the character of Lord Hortil..."

Turney Hare nodded and then wanted to say something; however, when thinking of Ye Qi’s identity, such a chat was obviously inappropriate, so he immediately stopped; smiled and said: "I said Just some unnecessary words, don't pay too much attention; after all, as a disciple of Juggernaut, everything is guaranteed!"

After that, Turner Hart nodded at Ye Qi and was ready to leave.

"His Lord T. Hart, please wait!"

Ye Qi raised his hand and stopped the other person. Looking at the other person's confused look, he explained: "If you can, I would like to ask you to tell me about the bridge on the other side!"

"Of course there is no problem!"

Tony Hart faced such a problem and immediately nodded with a smile.


Not far from the defensive tower, Ye Qi and the Hart brothers sat face to face on the reef, with a piece of food and tea on the flattened reef in the middle - this is Ted’s representative of the Devil’s Headquarters, The hospitality of the legendary powerhouses of the extraordinary world; although not very rich, most of them are some fruits and ordinary snacks, but in the rapids of the Strait, this is basically a place for reefs is already very good.

Obviously, the Hart brothers are also satisfied with such hospitality. They are flying from the sky, and they are more aware of the distribution of people around them. Facing a place where two or three hundred kilometers are called a no-man's land, The ability to have food such as snacks, even if it is normal, also shows the attitude of the owner.

"Thank you for such kindness!"

Turner Hart said, the colder Tel Hart nodded hard, and then picked up the snack on the wooden plate and put it in his mouth - from some Time to say. A person who can always stay cold is actually a true person; at the very least, it is easier to deal with some people than a knife.

"Thanks to Mr. Turney Hart for your explanation!"

Ye Qi smiled and responded to the other party. Before the tension between the two sides, the other party's retreat became completely devoid of it; Ye Qi took up his own milk tea and gently sipped a bit of heat on it, and took a sip. Towards the words spoken by the other party before, I couldn’t help but ask: “Is the food on the bridge on the other side really lacking to such an extent?”

"Actually, seriously, it is not a scarcity. It can only be considered as a delicious food. After all, the Japanese-style chef is a very rare resource!" Turner Hart said in a joke-like tone. "After all, from the time I was born. I haven't seen any Japanese-level powerhouse with a chef's qualification; at most, it's barbecue..."

When I heard that my brother said the term, Tel Hart couldn’t help but frown. He said coldly: "If you are tired, you will spit!"

Although only a few words, but also profoundly expressed the position of Tel Hart.

"Although there are some bridges on the other side of the 'local residents' will have such an idea, but in the wide-ranging atmosphere like the bridge on the other side. All people are still based on cultivation; and want to find a good cook from the outside, I can't pass that rule... Although some people opened a restaurant at the door of the bridge on the other side of the year, the time of opening the bridge on the other side is specific every year. It is difficult to make a long run in the business; however, every winter season On the day of the dead winter night, there are still a large number of people appearing there, and the aroma of food is always so tempting - the merchant is always so sensitive!"

Undoubtedly, Te Nihat also had a bit of complaint.

"Except for the dead winter nights of the Midwinter Festival. Do you need to enter and exit with a magical array?"

Ye Qi continued to ask.

"Well, there is a magical array of bridges connecting the real shores in the square of the town on the other side of Lorante; everyone needs to spend ten high-level standard magic crystals for transmission!" Tenny Hart followed Ye Qi The words began to talk about some common sense on the other side of the bridge: "In the town of the bridge on the other side of Lorante, those residents are some 'local residents', as long as they reach the qualification of the day, they will be themselves The parents and elders received the real bridge in the other side; therefore, most of the people are mainly based on cultivation!"

"However. If you go there, try not to conflict with people!"

Turner Hart reminds Ye Qi.

"Because there are descendants of the strong who don't know?"

Ye Qi smiled and asked.

"Yeah! You can't know the seemingly inconspicuous person, whether there will be an extraordinary situation in his parents and elders!" Turner Hart said here. Can't help but smile: "However, the security of the bridge on the other side is good. Although there are several organizations, everyone is very restrained. Even if it is to be solved, it will be solved on several half-planes connected with the bridge on the other side. Rather than destroying the roots of the bridge on the other side!"

"Which organizations need to pay attention?"

Ye Qi asked about the key points.

"Saint Dego, this is a force composed entirely of the monks of the Holy See. The number is not the most, but it is definitely the most difficult! You who are living in Lorante, you must understand?"

In the face of such a question, Ye Qi couldn't help but touch the tip of the nose - it was understandable, it was a deep understanding; however, Ye Qi could not tell the people in front of him that he was entangled; he asked his own relationship: "Holy How many Deco's superpowers are there?"

"About five, the most powerful one is the peak of the extraordinary situation; in the first-class organization, almost all of them need such a peak as the leader; otherwise, they can't survive; after all..." Hart made a special meal, and then spread the staller: "There are some things that must be personally entered into the bridge on the other side to know, others can not be revealed! Otherwise, people who talk and listen to people will have trouble! ”

"There are still a few organizations left?"

The other party has already said this level, and Ye Qi will certainly not continue to ask questions and go back to his own problems.

"Blood Alliance Tower, an organization that values ​​the power of blood, if you exist there, you will be welcomed if you go there; there is Quanshui City. This is a very free organization. Most people who enter the bridge on the other side will choose This organization; then, the must-mind of the meditation, they are a group of madmen, killing, **** everywhere, everywhere, is an organization that most people hate!"

Turner Hart said the notable organization. I started to introduce some other organizations.

"Abandoning these organizations that must be paid attention to, there are some very good small organizations, most of which are organizations where friends gather together; perhaps not very strong, but very enjoyable; of course, these small organizations will join the whole Spring Water City will not be broken up. It is still with friends."

Speaking of this, Turner Hart reached out to the chest of his red robes, and immediately a drop-shaped badge appeared there: "This is the symbol of the spring city, and the Hortilel is also a spring. A member of the city is very respected."

St. De Ge, Blood Alliance Tower, Spring Water City, and the meditation of the meditation...

Ye Qimo read these several names that need attention, and then. He asked the doubts in his heart: "At the bridge on the other side, is there an organization for hunting devils?"

"No, except for the Holy See, the forces of Lorante chose to abandon the bridge on the other side under the original agreement; that is to say, if you arrive at the bridge on the other side, you cannot establish an organization in the name of the demon hunter. However, the individual In the name of the word, it is ok!” Turner Hart explained the tricky part: “Although many people opposed it at first, but after more people followed it, it became irrelevant!”

"However, most of the hunters will enter the bridge on the other side, even if they are organized in the name of an individual, they are all empty names; I will still choose to return to Lorante; of course, this More than the highest government - the bureaucrats. Never know what is the truth of the world!"

Tenny Hart apparently has considerable prejudice against the highest government. One mouth is a sardonic tone, which is very rare for a person who is used to smiling. It is enough to prove. What is the festival of the superb and the highest government?

Ye Qi will not delve into these festivals. He continues to ask questions of his own interest: "What is the difference between the bridge on the other side and Lorante?"

"This question is also unanswerable; you can go and see it yourself. After all, your strength is more than enough!" Turner Hart replied, then watched his brother sweep the cakes. After the air, I couldn’t help but laugh: “We will not leave Lorante before the dead winter night, probably near Dude; although the bureaucrats are helpless, the food there is good!”

Obviously, the Hart brothers did not intend to use the departure of the transmission array, but prepared to take advantage of this time to take a rest in the outside world - from the love of the food of Tel Hart, this rest is undoubtedly Very necessary.

"My bar is in Randenburg, the devil doesn't cry; if the war here is over, I will go back there!"

Ye Qi stood up and said goodbye to the two extraordinary brothers.

"If we can, we will definitely go!"

The Hart brothers vacated, until the two figures completely disappeared into the sky, and Ava, who had been standing in the distance, came over: "How do you want to go there and have a look?"

“That is a place where you can quickly improve your strength!”


Ye Qi said a discourse that Ava did not understand - before, the conversation between his good friend and the Hart brothers did not deliberately conceal, so even if you stand in the distance, Ava can hear it clearly; For those places where only the Japanese glory can enter, Ava naturally has considerable interest.

However, it is clear that they are now impossible to travel.

"After the war, I think we can go together!"

Ye Qi did not entangle in the previous topic.

"Well, it will be very happy compared to Datong - among us, he is the most adventurous guy!"

Ava nodded with a smile.

"How is your snake vine ready? I think I need to continue to exercise!"

"Already ready!"


Such an easy conversation, when the sun's afterglow is left, has to end -

"Those dark creatures have moved! A very large number is gathering in the camp of the other side!"

After talking to the seabirds in front of Ava, Awa turned and turned to Ye Qi.

"When we test the results of the day's labor of Ted and Darlan, it is here!"

Ye Qiyi pointed to the defensive tower that had stood on the cliffs of the reef highlands in the setting sun; then, his eyes looked at the head of the new Holy Knights in the distance.

"I will give you the most direct support!"

After aware of Ye Qi’s gaze, the head of Anwar said with certainty.

Under such a commitment, Ye Qi rushed to the back of the people, jumped onto Groning's back, and vacated, floating above the rapids and watching the south.

PS second more~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the starting currency of the x100, and the dedication of all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters~ (to be continued...)

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