Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 262: Entangled

Actually from Quanshuicheng? !

Ye Qiwei looked at the tattoo with his eyes, and after confirming that he was the same as the badge of the Hart brother in his mind, he couldn’t help but laugh. According to the law of the Hart Brothers, Hortel was also a member of the Spring Water City. And it is a very respected person, but now there is an assassin who has assassinated the other 'heritor'.レm♠思♥路♣客レ: Look at small

Doubt, there are some tricks that are not known to outsiders.

Is it because of the power? Or because of wealth?

Or, is it someone posing?

Before there is no exact information, Ye Qi can only guess like this; however, in the three guesses, the probability of the last moment is the smallest - after all, according to the law of the Hart brothers, even the small organization such as Quanshuicheng The combination is only about 2,000 people, and this is already the organization with the largest number of bridges on the other side; for organizations like the shackles of the meditation, the number of people adds up to a hundred.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find out the imposter.

Therefore, Ye Qi guessed that the other party was really from Quanshuicheng, and that it was to assassinate him. Before the murderous murderousness of the other party, Ye Qi did not perceive the mistake; however, it is obvious that the other party actually performed such a task. Suspicion is to hold the determination to die, although the paragraph is not very good, but the identity of the dead can be admitted.

The seemingly empty but firm eyes have already made it clear.

For such a person, I want to know some information, but it takes a long time to spend, and Ye Qi suspects that the other party knows exactly how much - the slain, only need to know the target of the assassination or the task to be completed, as for the reason Will not ask, and they are loyal people?

There are really too many ways to cover up myself - making a mask is not too difficult, isn't it?

As soon as it is lifted, the black mist in the negative electrode area will cover the other side. The shadow warriors who want to change, rushing in—if they are not dark creatures, with pure negative energy, there are still some things that are attracting these shadow warriors.

I should ask some Hart brothers again!

This kind of thought appeared in Ye Qi's mind, but he was very out of his mind - it was obvious to the Hart brothers that there were some things hiding him, but. The excuse of the other party is also the "rules of the bridge of the other shore" or the "rules of the spring city". If the bridge is really the other side, the excuse of the other party is perfect.

At this time, he must be the law to leave!

This should be a temptation!

Looking at the scattered shadow warrior, leaving only the body wrapped in the negative field, Ye Qi thought so; then. Ye Qi quickly dealt with the other's body; in such a cave, it was a very simple way to dig a pit; then, his eyes were placed on those shadow warriors - the uninvited guest did not let Any shadow warrior turned into a yīn servant, but the shadow warrior who had joined the attack before, it seems to have a touch of vitality. It’s like a person who has become a **** from the shackles.

Positive energy neutralizes negative energy?

Or is the negative energy stimulated by positive energy?

Ye Qi, who was observing, began to speculate; however, it was clear that the process of such a change was somewhat unexpected, and it was not over after twenty minutes, as if it had just begun. Looking at the sun that just rose to the sky, 叶 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 y 叶 叶 叶 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Rì wakes him up an hour before falling.


"Is it finished?"

In the underground hall of the bar, young people headed by the Rhines looked at the young witches coming from the depths of the corridor. Not asking by nervousness.


In the voice of joy, the young witch extended to the left, and an astronomical planet was suspended in the palm of the hand, turning slightly; everyone who saw this scene grew a sigh of relief. It is clear that they have promised to change their sè dragons, to do it; not to lie.

"It’s more closely tied than the previous one, and no spells are affected!"

The young witch is demonstrating to the partners.


The Rhines first cheered, then Gefa and Tiger, and other young people; the bartender who stood by the side showed a smile and sneaked away, though he It has been respected by young people, but if he is next to these young people, doubts will affect such a hilarious atmosphere.

"Captain, how is the injury?"

Gran Hill was in a wheelchair and looked at the bartender who came up from the underground hall, and both eyes began to look up and down - as a member of the former special team, Gran Hill even served The position of the staff, but many times will also be a guest of some military doctors.

"do not have much left!"

The bartender is very simple and has his own injury.

“A lot of blood loss, the wound needs to be changed in time, or it will cause inflammation!”

It is clear that Gran Hilga is good at using one's own observations to explain one thing.

"This is my best anti-inflammatory drug!"

On one side, the bartender poured out a high-concentration vodka for himself, and poured it on his neck. As a soldier, there are very few people who don’t drink alcohol. In the original special warfare group, Amanda is Because of drinking and exercising a very ingenious bartending activity, it is enough to see that the wine is attractive to the bartender.

Of course, when there is a task, the bartender will never drink, and this is one of the team rules of the entire remnant.

"I think the captain, you are showing off to us!"

Unlike the injured, the bartender who can rest, as the vice captain's lame, is still responsible for the guards and patrols. Therefore, the bartender who saw the big mouth drinking couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. At the end, it was simply Twisted over and looked at Gran Hill, directly following the news I just got: "Your family is destroyed, what do you think?"

"It’s a pity that I am not automatic."

Gran Hill, who was in a wheelchair, answered his companion so much, and the serious appearance was obviously not a joke—even after a kind of life-like treatment, even a kind person. There is also the right to revenge, not to mention that Gran Hill is not a good person; from his training of the black. The helper can see that the man who lost his legs is very suitable as a godfather. And how can someone who can be a godfather have goodness.

"Do not worry, the guy who is mainly for you is not dead!"

The lame gave the teammate a message that was easy to make a toast, though. Obeying the rules of the team, he can only be patient: "The guy is really a man who can see the wind and rudder. When he sees the situation is wrong, he will surrender first; he is now being held in the black of the suburb of Dude. Inside the prison!"

"Oh, that's it!"

Gran Hill’s eyes are sharp and sharp, even with the occlusion of glasses. It also blocks such gaze.

"I sent the one-eyed one. He stared at him. When it was over, we needed to have it, and the gentleman counted the general ledger! I can help you with a detailed plan!"

Procrastination is proposed; however, it is clear that such a thing. Gran Hill can not fake others. He leans in a wheelchair and puts on a blanket of pure wool that dares to be in the lower body. He slowly said: "I have a good plan. After all, I am the staff of the plan. You are only responsible for the attack!"

"Okay, okay, everything is yours!"

The lame did not argue with the teammates. He turned his body and leaned on the bar, looking at the outside: "It’s a **** dark creature, and our business has been reduced a lot!"

Although the highest zhèngfǔ is still concealed, but the feeling of the wind and the sound, can be felt by anyone - the person, itself is a sensitive creature. Although most of the time, they are wrapped in a dull year; but when life is at risk, that sensitivity is enough to make it the right choice.

"My business there is good! It is estimated that during the Midwinter Festival, you can relieve the boss of the financial burden."

When it comes to business, Gran Hill can't help laughing.

"The black market arms trade must be controlled!"

The bartenders who were drinking at the side suddenly interjected, and the lame legs nodded very solemnly - they knew what their teammates are doing now; if they were in the past, such people, doubts are their mission goals, But now, they have done this kind of thing, and they have done a lot of things; after all, the person who knows you the most, must be your enemy.

As for the burden in my heart?

When abandoned, the burden has long since ceased to exist.

However, in order to consider their homes at the moment, some things still need to be done. Once they are exceeded, it is not a good phenomenon for them.

"Don't worry, anyone in my account that exceeds that bottom line will disappear!"

Gran Hill answered with a smile. He didn't care about the lives of those people. If it wasn't for a 'stable market,' those guys had long been beaten by him, squeezed out the last dollar and took the reclamation.

"That's good!"

The bartender nodded, and did not care. The former battlefield butcher, the name is the real thing, except for the people who care, the only difference between the other people in the eyes of Amanda and the mustard is that one will move, one will not It will move.

"It’s a cold guy..."

He rubbed his head and sighed, but he could move first if he needed it; and his eyes didn't leave the direction he was looking at, so it was natural to see the closeness of several figures.

"Hey, we have a guest!"

"Which party is it?"

Obviously confident in the vision of his deputy captain, the bartender asked straight.


The answer to the lame gave Glen Hill his eyes. His lightly placed on the wheelchair, slowly said: "The relationship between us and the wizard is not too close? The boss, there is no Special instructions! Need to entertain them?"

"No, let them come in, the boss is not there, we can't shame the boss!"

The bartender put down the bottle and pressed the bottle back and walked straight toward the door.


"Hey, let me in, I am looking for a melody!"

Looking at the three weird guys blocking the road in front of him, Filza couldn't help but screaming loudly; and the Vauban on the side, quickly said: "Three lords. We are not malicious, just to find the singer of the Northder family. Young master; my companion and him have a misunderstanding!"

"Looking for a song?"

After squatting, and then began to look up and down the wizard girl in front of him, after a moment, he snorted with a disdain, muttering: "The singer, who looks very smart, is not very good." I have a chest and no chest. I have no **** in my butt, it is a bean sprout!"

In fact, the law of lameness still has certain mistakes. After all, from the age of Filsa, there is still room for development, not to mention even now. Feelsa's face can also be regarded as a beautiful embryo; for this, Feelsa is quite confident; therefore, after hearing such a name, the wizard girl who was in a bad mood was directly angry -

"Beans, bean sprouts!!"

Repeating such words, the voices are shaking with anger, and the wizard girl subconsciously throws out the staff. However, the speed of the lame leg is increased, even if one leg is paralyzed, but the lame leg has two complete ones - two complete ones, you can make a fist punch, you can also kill with a weapon, and just happen, the lame is A shotgun. And it's still a gun in the gun.

call out!

The presence of the silencer allowed the gunshots to be lowered to the lowest level, and the child wiped the cheeks of the witch girl, and the burning sensation made her immediately stagnate.

"A moment before you recite the curse, I promise to make your head bloom! If you have confidence in your spell defense, I think we can give it a try!" The sorcerer looked at the wizard girl in front of him. And his two empty ones, but the son and the slight gunshots made it clear that there should be a gun.

"If you feel that one is not sure, you four can try it together!"

The smirk's squinting eyes glanced back and forth at the four young wizards, his white teeth. Divided into the infiltration, it is like the wild wolf who is eating, and the gaze is with a thick and undisguised killing. After scanning the circle, he slightly raised his head and looked at it. A place that is a little empty in the distance.

call out!

It was another shot, and then it was a sigh, and a middle-aged sorcerer showed his physique from the invisible state.

"Or are you five together?"

I looked at the middle-aged wizard who had just appeared, looking at the hole in the other's shoulder: "Don't play tricks on our site, this time is jǐng, the next time, I will directly blow your head off. !"

"who are you?"

The bartender appeared behind the middle-aged sorcerer, and the huge palm grabbed the other's head's celestial cover, so he smashed the other side, his eyes looked up and down, and then looked at it. The wizard girl and his party asked: "Are you a group with him?"

The reason why this is asked is that the bartender found something different from these half-sized young people in this middle-aged wizard--killing, or adding accuracy is a malicious murderous, and the target is They are the people in the bar; and no matter which one, he will not let the other party pass.

The concept of the military is very simple, obey orders, distinguish between friends and foes, kill enemies, and protect friends.

Of course, when you kill an enemy, the necessary information still needs to be tortured.

"no no!"

The oldest Vauban of the group immediately took the lead of three companions and stood up and shouted loudly - as a superior wizard, his perception is not weak, the kind of red and naked killing has been Covered in him, he does not think that the other party is joking; at this time, he does not want his friends to continue this joke to the life of others.

"We have nothing to do with this gentleman!"

Vauban is very sure.

"give it to you!"

On the slightest effort, the middle-aged wizard who wanted to do some life, immediately turned his eyes and fainted; then, he threw it straight to the side of the lame; it was like a sack that caught the middle-aged wizard, 瘸The legs went straight to the bar; it is clear that the next torture is common to the public.

"If you are looking for a melody, please wait inside for a moment!"

After the bartender finished, he threw the task of hosting the four and a half wizards to Gran Hill, and he himself went to the second floor - although he was the captain, Amanda was obviously not good at dealing with strangers. Use the exception to twist the other's neck or tear the other's throat.

"Don't mind, my friend is not malicious, but the recent tension has made his nerves nervous!"

Gran Hill turned the wheelchair to the front of the four and a half wizards. made a request; the Vauban among the four immediately showed a bitter smile, if they could leave, He definitely chose to leave; he didn't think that the previous killing that made the skin stinging was just a joke.

Uller and Beyt’s face was slightly white, apparently a little scared.

Only Feelsa kept a look that didn't care, even if she had just been rubbed on her cheek.

Ps second ~~

A month of protection that is smashed and smashed by the land~~ All kinds of protection must be ah~~

Thanks to the wave of the starting point of the 200-year-old wave, the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the reward of Wang Xiucai 100, the starting point of the ~~~ decadence, thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an. Vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Please go to an. Read.)

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