Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 266: Ambition - under the 'artificial god'


After hearing the description of the Lich, Ye Qi subconsciously thought of the martyrdom of the smuggling word - perhaps the Holy See was created because of the information of the sorcerers, and then created such a 'weapon'; after all The original victims need to be based on considerable strength, but now it is only necessary to carry out an unknown transformation.レm♠思♥路♣客レ High quality update

"It's not just a self-destruction, but a burst of power from the whole body. It's simple, that is, their bodies can't withstand that huge force, and then explode!" The Lich continues, the soul in his eyes The fire rushed a few times: "However, before the blew, they have been tortured by such power, attacking everything that is seen without any difference; whether it is alive or dead; they are torn by them. Broken, of course, including themselves!"

"Which step did your leader go?"

Ye Qi frowned and asked - although it is still not certain whether the other party is true or not, but Ye Qi can be sure that if the other party is true, then they are likely to have a big trouble; whether it is the kind of crazy The situation, or the final self-destruction, Ye Qike does not think that ordinary victims can compare.

Even if it is according to the original tower of the sacred object, the self-destruction of a martyr who can smear a town, then the self-destruction of a superb legendary powerhouse can definitely make the entire rapids strait 'Maybe some of them will survive, but the vast majority will definitely die; among them, it is likely to include his friends; and this is what Ye Qi absolutely does not want to see.

So, you can stop the other party's words. Be sure to stop!

"It seems. We have reached a certain intention!"

The Lich did not answer directly. But smiled; however, in the skinny smile, even if people do not have such an idea, in the eyes of outsiders, they are full of malice.

"If the alliance of such alliances is not enough for you, I think we can sign a contract! Of course, this contract is completely drafted by you. The end of the period can be set, I get the soul. That moment!" In such a fascinating smile, the lich suddenly proposed.

Promise it!

Didn't wait for Ye Qi to answer, the strange wolf drilled out from the seal land, directly to Ye Qidao - although I don't know what the wolf needs a lich, but Ye Qi has certainty, if the other party really Signed a contract from a strange wolf, then even taking back your own soul is just another constraint.

The devil's contract is full of temptations and is unstoppable.

And the contract of the gods. The same is true, after all. In terms of quality, the only difference between the two is that it is just propaganda - just like his contract companion. In the era when the other party is active, it is worshipped as a true god, priest, but after it is sealed, it is undoubtedly It has fallen to the point of the devil; sometimes, it is a creature that is completely mixed as a demon.

I will give you a benefit!

The wizard's crown is still very hungry now?

There are countless dark creatures around, need me to debug it for you, change its taste?

The wolf apparently knew what way to achieve his goal; almost after the words fell, Ye Qi nodded. High quality updates are in

"I don't know how to contract, can you wait?"

After Ye Qi indulged for a long while, he gave such an answer and did not make the lich angry. On the contrary, in the lich’s view, this is the result of Ye Qi’s serious consideration; I don’t want to be more trustworthy. After all, its ally is not the kind of impulsive person. The promiseless response is obviously only a trap; although, at this moment, there is still such danger, but , but there are more considerations.

Everything is changing, in the long river of that time!

The lich who has always regarded this sentence as a famous saying, after his second meeting, may be successful and feel happy; for this, it does not mind revealing more news.

"Tonight, under the constraints of my leader, I will not attack; my leader is a fairly good performer. He took the majority of the darkness on the grounds of disrupting your layout. Creature - and tonight he will begin the first link in his plan; after all, yesterday, I promised you the blessings and sent him so many bodies!"

After the lich was finished, it seemed to be calculating the time. Then, it began to say goodbye to Ye Qi.

"The time I have come out is enough. If I stayed, my leader will doubt it. I look forward to seeing you next time. If you can, please come to this place at this time tomorrow. That kind of gathering place; I like our two separate conversations more!"

As the last word fell, the phantom's illusion disappeared immediately in a rapid dither and distortion.

Standing in the original Ye Qi, until I confirmed that the other party really left, this began to talk to the strange wolf still waiting in the heart -

"What do you want for a lich?"

Ye Qi took the lead in asking a question that pointed to the root.

"This lich has a good talent. Don't you think it is a good candidate to be my warden?"

The wolf did not answer with a covert.

"I never knew when the warden was part-time and the madman of the experimental madman!"

The inexplicable Ye Qi thought of the prison governor of the sacred prison. The feelings of the two are always similar, and they are uncomfortable. Even in some cases, the lich is more uncomfortable. Adaptation - I thought of the robes with black hoods and hoods, and stood in the door of the prison. Ye Qi would like to give each other a long-handed sickle. This qualification is not a guest of death. It is really a waste.

"My warden is not the guy's Styx ferry!"

Ye Qi’s idea did not have any concealment, so it was easily perceived by the wolf; immediately. The blame wolf began to refute: "The kind of cockroaches that even the soul does not have. Only the guy's perverted hobby will like it; but the "Book of Death" is a very good thing!"

"Only the guy who wants to be a beggar will like the book!" Even Ye Qi, who is doing the book, snorted coldly, and then asked another doubt in his mind: "You know in the dark In the age of the wizard, did the wizard become a 'spiritual' way of transformation?"

"of course I know!"

The wolf's answer brought a trace of memories: "You have to have the creativity that we don't have; when I sit in the clouds, I look at the interesting ideas and can't help but applaud them; but high. The idea of ​​quality update is very good, but it is too difficult to complete it; it is difficult, even the point we all want to give up!"

"Give up? You don't seem to give up easily!"

Even if his own contractor is what Ye Qi, after a faint sentence, he will wait for the next one.

"That is of course! It is like crossing the crystal wall. It is not necessary to raise the strength to the extent of hard hit. It is okay to find a defect to sneak into it!" After that, it began to be positive: "Besides the wizard's crown, transforming the body. Even transforming the soul is the way the wizards think of; however, it seems to me whether it is for my body or the soul. An external item is undoubtedly More secure!"

"At the very least, after the failure, there is a chance to focus on it once! Instead, like the little lich, the straight body exploded and died!" The wolf finally came to the end, and the tone clearly showed a hint of contempt. Among them - the wolf has this feeling for any existence that easily gives up his body and soul; although it is tempting someone to sign a contract, he can't wait for the other person to open everything to himself.

"Is there a chance of success?"

Completely out of curiosity, Ye Qi asked again.

"If you want to do that, I think you might as well choose "The Book of Death"!" The wolf is full of disdain: "Because, then your body can become a part of immortality!"

"The gods can't be immortal, eternal!"

Ye Qi subconsciously refuted.

"That's just because they are not true gods, at most only half-god!"

The wolf does not mind explaining to the contractor in his own identity, whether it is for the consideration of the contract of the two parties, or for some extremely private purposes - no one does not want to have a contractor who respects himself.

"The true God like you is not as good as those half gods from a certain angle; after all, when they die, it represents the end of everything, and here, you are a more painful start!" The sarcasm of the habit of xìng did not stop; however, in the end, he still had the most real thought in his heart: "However, if you can come again, I think this is also a good choice, even if it needs to go through all kinds of hardships. !"

"The tribulation will only make you grow! Remember, find me a piece of parchment!"

In this way, with a hint of philosophical meaning, as a concluding remark, the wolf drilled back into the land of the seal; Ye Qi turned and walked quickly toward the direction of the small Tucheng - there was no piece of parchment in the defensive tower, where there There are only countless weapons and ammunition.


"Is it true that he is?"

The bartender took the confession and looked at his deputy. After completing his task, he pulled out a bottle of rum behind his captain. The big mouth and the mouth made the wine in the bottle drop. After about two-thirds, this was a sigh of relief. "I have done my best, and with the performance of that guy, I don't think the other person will lie."

"The other party will not lie, it does not mean that the other party knows it is true!"

Gran Hill took the confession and read it carefully. He frowned.

"You are, the other side is a smoke bomb, specifically to disturb our sight?"

Leaving the bottle down, I looked at the staff of the team.

"I can't be sure, but this mouth gives me the feeling... Isn't it that you don't think that some of the things inside are too clever?" After the meal, Gran Hill looked up and looked at the two. A teammate, he subconsciously pushed his eyes. Slowly speaking to himself: "An ordinary wizard has a message about our life and death. And it is just that the thing that solves the problem of life and death is so simple!"

"It's still tempting!"

I couldn’t help but add a sentence; then. He began to squint and stepped in front of the bar. He was limping, and the strong man had already passed all the previous tortures in his mind. Finally, he shook his head and said: "That The guy shouldn't lie! However, about the guy behind the guy, he is biting his mouth and not mouthing. It should be something like a contract that doesn't allow secrets!"

"We can find out his origins from other directions. I don't believe that no one in Newenburg has seen this guy!"

The lame leg is finally a tooth.

"My people can help!"

Gran Hill smiled at the obviously slightly angry squat, but the kind of smother hidden in the smile made this sly smile cold - no one would have any good mood for the uninvited guest. In particular, they have lost their homes like them, and then they have established a home. In the face of any threat to the existence of a new home, such killing is absolutely not to be underestimated. Especially when such a killing can be put into action.

"If I am everyone, I will keep jǐng惕!"

A sudden utterance of words, let the squatting legs and Gran Hill just about to leave, watching the sè dragon coming out of the second floor of the secret passage and standing in the back of the sè dragons and Merlin, the remnants After the three men glanced at each other, Gran Hill was the representative and said: "Good evening, Ms. Taylor; can you understand?"

"The guy you caught today is a bait!"


At the same time, the three groups of the remnants of the soldiers, the bartender looked at the sè dragon and asked: "Ms. Taylor, please explain in detail!"

"These guys should be something you haven't encountered. They are similar in shape to humans, but they are dark-skinned and believe in a spider lady. They...hey, they should be right, women's status has an absolute advantage. Mr. Amanda, no doubt, the one you met was one of them; and, obviously, according to what I just learned, they came more than one!"

Changed the side of the dragon slightly, let the Rhines and Merlin come to the front, she smiled and looked at the two girls: "However, obviously, the performance of our two young people yesterday broke some of their expectations. So that they had to change the plan they wanted to grab and changed to kidnapping hostages!"

"Hey, is that book really special?"

Gran Hill looked at Merlin and asked; the young witch, nodded very seriously, and said with a serious look: "According to the law of Ye Qi, the book's maker is a powerful one that we need to look up to; However, the power in that book is also a bait, and people who open it and recognize it will not become the powerful ones!"

"Evil things!"

After the three men of the remnants looked at each other, they gave a definition.

"Although it is an evil thing, its power is unquestionable, and, more importantly, someone is fascinated by this power; and as the owner of this evil thing, we must ensure that it does not Get it by those who are synonymous with evil - in this world, there are too many guys who have no choice but to choose a piece of power!" Changed to such a dragon, looked at the bartender and asked: "A moment, Can you let me see that guy?"


The bartender nodded.

"That's great. Although my people are very good, I still can't find the nests of those guys. If I don't kill all the guys, I worry that I have to squint even when I sleep!" Sélong with a smile, explaining the special features of the enemies they will face: "They have an agile body by nature, and the talented people have incredible power in their blood, plus their values ​​and outlook on life, sneak attack, Assassination is what they think is the most appropriate segment!"

"Oh, maybe I should let my people expand the number of patrols a little!"

Gran Hill thought about it.

"This is an absolutely commendable suggestion, Mr. Hill!" It is obviously very much in favor of such a proposal, so she does not mind making a contribution, "My person can also be incorporated into your patrol. Although they have not seen such an enemy, it is the best solution!"

"My spells can also help!"

The young witch followed the road - for the trouble she had caused, she would be restless if she did not make any contribution.

"Miss Merlin, your spell is indispensable for the next time! But before that, we need to take a look at the sorcerer who is tempted - I am not malicious, but responsible The wizards of the wizarding city are really too big, even the real enemy has not found out!"

Changed the sè dragon to pat the shoulders of the young witch, and calmed the other side with the Rhines; then, took a look at the Rhines, the young female hunter immediately pulled up the sleeves of his friends ~www you first walked toward the dungeon; after the resignation of the remnants of the trio, the sè dragon followed closely.

"The boss is really in trouble!"

After a full half, Gran Hill suddenly said.

"Yeah, and the trouble is not small!"

The lame nodded and acknowledged the law.

"Woman, it's trouble!"

The bartender was so straightforward.

Ps second more~

Desperate to open the chapter to seek protection... Sure enough, the child who will cry has nǎi to eat? Then, at this moment, the decadent ice and snow are naked and three hundred and sixty degrees are rolling for protection~ seeking shame~~~

Thanks to the reward of the starting point of the fascist 588, the wave of the prodigal wave of the four seas, the starting point of the 200 coins, the reward of the x100 starting currency, and the reward of the starting point of the Wang Shucai 100.~~~ Decadence, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence. ~~~(To be continued.)

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