Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 268: Night exploration

"Ye, what do you think of the tactics of these dark creatures?"

Facing the tower of the tower of the athletics who asked such a discourse, Ye Qi could not help but smile a little bitterly - it is clear that there is a subtle misunderstanding in front of the strong old man, and if such misunderstanding continues Obviously it is very bad; therefore, Ye Qi is very direct: "Jermond, I think you misunderstood!"

"I am good at fighting alone or with a few close partners, fighting small groups; like this big battle, even the war that has risen to the point of battle, I can't do it; it's not my remark, but Fact - I am a person who cannot calculate the logistics supply in a large-scale campaign. How can I have any opinion?" With a frank look, Ye Qi is honest.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

"As for the previous proposal, I just inferred according to common sense, or seriously - it is from an unknown Xiaozhong!" He continued: "That is a name that I forgot." Small, but one of the stories describing the war I remember is very clear; the protagonist does not have any advantage, the enemy occupies an absolute advantage, in order to make up for such deficiencies, the protagonist begins a very regular sneak attack, sāo disturbing the enemy, After a period of time, even if the protagonist’s army did not come, the place would be suspicious; and when the place confirmed that the protagonist would not come, he actually sneaked the place with the energetic and fascinating troops, and finally got the last Victory!"

"Although this is just a story, some of them, I think it is in line with our current situation!"

Ye Qi came here and shrugged his shoulders; but the tower of the athletic tower did not have the slightest disappointment. The strong old man took a hearty smile and shot Ye Qi’s shoulder: “It can be found from the story of the pastime. This kind of response has been very difficult; you are sure, you don't need to learn some war command with me?"

"I think that Norfolk and Ted are more suitable - they are both natural talents and savvy candidates. And I am still used to playing alone or with small friends for a small team!" Pulling the giant beast and pushing it to the front of the tower of the athletic tower, then, standing in front of the friends, the four people looked at each other and said: "This is suitable for us, isn't it? ”


The tower of the athletic tower looks at Ye Qi, the little man, the big man and the Ava standing together. Can not help but sigh: "You guys are very talented, always do not want to pay more, each one is lazy; when it comes back to Shaker, to complete the task or something, it is necessary to cut the meat pain!"

"There are talents like Nobel and Ted. The headquarters is already powerful enough. If we guys have it, it will be a mess!" The little man on the ammunition box was very serious, and just now he was just listening. When it fell, Ava cooperated with the road: "Yeah, we guys, stay in their own bar, have nothing to drink, brag. It is what we should do!"

"Oh, yes!"

Even the big man who is not good at words is nodding his head.

"A group of people who don't want to be motivated!"

The tower of the athletic tower smiled at a few people, and Ye Qi was the leader. Naturally, the strong and strong old man asked straightforwardly: "Don't you take a lesson from your teacher?"

"My teacher is my learning goal. He starts from the morning blink of an eye. He is in a state of drunkenness, and then he will lie and lie to eat and lie, from time to time in the small field, gambling on one or two, winning enough Our daily or two-day living expenses..." On one side, Ye Qi looked at the dumb tower of the towering tower with a smile, and obviously the other party knew that these were true. It is enough to make him speechless.

"However, that is my goal of seventeen years old; now, I have a new goal - to have my own bar, to be able to break even. I can drink nothing, wake up and the sun is already empty... I am doing it now, I am obviously doing a good job!" Ye Qidao.

"You guy!"

The old man who had heard Ye Qi’s mouth turned, thought that Ye Qi had a 'repentance heart'; but did not expect that it was completely a copy of the other unreliable teacher; although it could not enter a lot, but wanted to rely on If the other side contributes, it is simply unrealistic.

"However, in the face of such a war, of course I can't be alone; so... I decided to check out the movements of those dark creatures!"

Ye Qi deliberately paused, and then continued.

"What? No!"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Ye Qi’s proposal was just exported, and everyone in the room began to oppose it. Even Gronin, who was on the side, shook his head back and forth.

"The guy of Alcatel, but the guy who is the same as your teacher, what you said..."

The words of the tower of the athletic tower are not finished, but the meaning contained in it is self-evident; while others do not directly speak, but the meaning contained in the eyes is generally the same - the strongest of the seven in the world. Power is no secret to those present. It is because of this understanding that they can accurately judge that Ye Qi’s behavior is no different from sending death.

Ye Qi may be really strong, but compared with the inanimate king, there is no doubt that there is still a certain distance to go.

"You can rest assured, I am only exploring, not challenging the inanimate king!"

Ye Qi smiled and said that he had 'real intentions', and he had to guarantee the same way: "Although it is not a good thing, but I will not push myself into a dead end, I am more adept at preparing a battle - - So, rest assured! Even if you are discovered, I want to escape, there is no problem!"

"I am qualified as a hunter, as a guarantee!"

In the last sentence, Ye Qi obtained the permission of the dúlì to explore the dark creature camp in the public's worries; however, he agreed on the agreement of 'will definitely come back before the sun rises'.


"If you can, you'd better make sure that your method works; otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will do anything!" When he left the defensive tower and marched along the reef highlands on the east coast, Ye Qi The wolf in the bottom of my heart, involuntarily coldly snorted.

"Do not worry, everything is me. Naturally no problem!"

Compared with Ye Qi’s bad mood, the wolf is in a good mood. It squats in an unknown tune and gives Ye Qi a credible assurance that it is doubtful: “I want to change the wizard’s crown quickly. Except for the method that the little wizard is experimenting with, the rest will take years; we can't wait that long!"

"Don't be confused and confused. You know that I am not these!"

Ye Qi didn't have a good temper - in the very simple transaction, the wolf proposed the request to transform the wizard's crown, and Ye Qi did not think much about it; but if he knew the crown of the wizard If he is so troublesome, he will never agree to the wolf.

The wizard's crown lacks a core!

This is when I returned to the defensive tower, Ye Qi was eating dinner. A very important question about the wizard's crown mentioned by the wolf--according to the original estimate of the wolf, this core will naturally be born with the help of the Blood Run Rune, but it takes quite a long time; According to the wolf's words, the wizard's crown needs to undergo five such changes, and it is possible to reach the point of producing its own core.

Of course, there is also a simpler way to find some legendary strongmen who are arrogant and extraordinary. The wizard's crown will soon be formed.

For this method, Ye Qi refused if he didn't even think about it; whether it was rì Yao or supernatural, even if he killed the former, it would be easy for him to come. However, under such a large invasion of dark creatures, he could still It's clear; not to mention, the transformation of human blood is far less than making dark creatures a substitute, making people feel comfortable.

therefore. Naturally, Ye Qi raised this question, and then the wolf gave the answer - of course, there is no problem, but there is still a lack of material; and these materials must be there at the lich's leader; after all, the other That thing is essential in the plan to be completed.

after all. After going through the battle last night, the other party who prepared a lot of raw materials, the reason for the truce, is to complete the first step; and that thing is essential for the completion of that step.

Curiosity about that thing. I can't hide the anger of Ye Qi's heart - although until now, I can't understand that he was calculated by the other side, but the practice of doing this every way around the road always makes Ye Qi feel his own efforts. Not in line with hard work.

"Your effort and hard work can definitely be directly proportional! You know, it is the crown of the wizard - one of the final products of the artificial **** plan; others can't get it even if they want it; if they take it out, absolutely Someone will take you ten times the risk to get it!" Obviously, the strange wolf who knows what his contractor thinks again, immediately gave a strange smile, and once again gave the exact guarantee: "As for that Little bat, you don't have to worry, I will help you cover up the breath! What you have to consider is that you are not prepared to kill the wizard leader?"

"Best, as you said!"

In such a sentence, at the end, Ye Qi’s figure in the darkness couldn’t help but count a few points; if it’s not because Gronin’s breath is too sensitive, Ye Qi will definitely ride on Gronin’s back. Going forward at a faster speed than now - the camp of dark creatures is not difficult to find, whether it is the heavy negative energy in midair or the increasingly clear sound of the waves, telling Ye Qi, he wants The goal of finding is coming soon.

About forty-five minutes later, Ye Qi stood in the shadow of a raised reef and looked at the opposite camp. In fact, the camp was not a standard camp at all, except at the beach. At one end, there are a lot of cowhide tents and lit by lights. Most of the dark creatures are squatting on the beach or on the reef floor. The sea breeze at night can't cause a little trouble for these dark creatures.

From their arrogance, from time to time, a roar, or simply tearing together, Ye Qi can confirm the target he is looking for, definitely not near here.

It should be there!

Ye Qi’s gaze looked at the tent area near the beach in the distance—although the dark wizards and the dark creatures were mixed together, but with the tradition they retained, it was clear that they were more in line with their identity and philosophy.

The whole person turned into a yīn shadow, Ye Qi quietly walked through the dark creatures, those big eyes screamed, and sometimes the dark creatures who provoked each other did not find Ye Qi; and the blessings gained +8 Temporary agile, perceptual Ye Qi, hides the figure in the breeze and quickly approaches the target.

At this moment, I received blessing. The radius of the probe is a distance of 550 yards, and this distance makes it easy for Ye Qi to find a familiar wave - the lich who has temporarily booked the covenant, and the distance from the lich. Not too far away: his goal tonight.

However, compared to the previous ones, Ye Qi is more and more cautious at this moment - within him, countless jǐng ringing spells, trap spells. Active fluctuations are being emitted; while the team is led by the wizards, the patrol team formed by us also makes Ye Qi have to slow down and observe the patrol rules of the other party.

Under the shadow of a tent, I have been searching for Ye Qi for more than half an hour, and this has started the action again - if I can. Ye Qi did not want to use it now; although, since the yīn servant has increased dramatically, his post has gradually become richer, but Ye Qi is more inclined to use it in more dangerous times.


A lamp that is completely emitted by the light of the soul illuminates the entire tent, even though it does not require such lighting, but Les Lor is still very comfortable. The fire of the soul in the eyes is completely reduced to the minimum extent, almost sleeping with ordinary people - the previous body was chopped by the sharp sword, although there is a recovery of the soul, but this is not without cost. At the very least, Leslor is 20% worse than the most powerful.

And this requires it to be cultivated by time, or as it is now - to extract the soul of one or two dark creatures as a wick. Give it a therapeutic effect; for such treatment, Les Lor is very satisfied; after all, this is only possible if it is understood.

Although he is treating himself, Leslor is not only silent on the matter of treatment, it is still thinking, its future road - its leader has begun the first step of planning; and such a plan Start. It has already been booked, regardless of whether its leader is a failure or a success, it must have to leave.

In fact, for that crazy idea. Les Lor does not think that there is a possibility of success - this is the sentiment that it has experienced for thousands of years, and the power of the 'God' is not only because they are simply powerful, but also need something else.

Regarding that kind of thing, Les Lor has already touched the clue, but it is hard to get.

after all……

As soon as he thought of his own personality and appearance, Les Lor couldn't help but laugh, and the kind of sly smile was more and more horrible in this orchid.

Maybe, my league player can!

Can not help, Leslor thought of the young and promising allies, the qualifications of the other side is undoubtedly the most suitable for people to choose this path, only a little push, you can complete, especially in such a good premise under.


Unexpectedly, Leslor thought of the young ally of his own ally, and immediately shook his head - the other party is obviously not so fond of being tied, even if there is an eternal chip placed there.


Leslor, who was thinking, touched a movement, and in the cold, there was a staff in the dryness, and the fire of the soul in the eye suddenly became several times larger; however, The next moment, when he looked at the figure coming out of the tent yīn, he couldn't help it.

"Yeki Lord?"

The lich looked at the young man in front of him, obviously with doubts.

"I came for some things!"

Ye Qi took the contract prepared by the wolf while he was out. He explained: "This is just a matter of convenience; but only if you sign this, we can complete the next step!"

"Of course, after all, this is our agreement!"

The lich took over the contract and began to investigate it carefully. Then, the scouting magic appeared in it, and looked at the contract - the magic contract, not something that can be done; that is It is about life and death and zìyóu, and under such premise, any care and caution can't be overstated.

However, it is clear that sometimes it is not prudent and careful to be successful - luck is also a very important part.

However, Les Lor, the lich who has lived for nearly a thousand years, luck is undoubtedly quite bad.

Because, it encountered one of the most supreme existence of the strange wolf who once stood in this world.

Ps second more ~~

Thanks for the reward of the starting currency of sn10000 (really thank the first lord of decadence, arched ~~) the prodigal son of the four seas wandering 200 starting coins, x100 starting currency reward, wife came Oh 100 starting currency reward ~~ ~Deprecated here, thank you all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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