Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 272: Legendary sacred

"Don't compare me to those ordinary folks. Even if it is a craftsman, I am a godsman!"

The wolf was very dissatisfied with the definition of his own contractor, and immediately smashed it; however, looking at the logo on the top of the wizard that made him feel uncomfortable, Ye Qi did not let go because of the covenant’s embarrassment. The other party, he slowly said: "What is the difference between this practice and those ordinary folks?"

"What is the difference? You can see it yourself!"

The strange wolf’s answer was very unsatisfactory, and Ye Qi’s subconsciously curiously picked up the crown of the wizard who changed shape, and then –

When Ye Qi picked up the wizard's crown, he immediately got the information of the wizard's crown from the system, no.レm♠思♥路♣客レ should call it. Look at the words marked after it. Ye Qi couldn't help but sigh - when he knew that there was a legend above the rì glory level, he already guessed that there must be a legendary existence in the sacristy; however, the sacristy is a rare existence. The saints above the legend are even rarer.

At the very least, he hasn't seen one before.

The legendary holy device?

With such a sigh, Ye Qi reached out and put it on the index finger of his left hand. This position has no special meaning; just because he wears holy gloves on his right hand.

Ye Qi stood in the same place. Looking at the ring on the index finger of the left hand, although the strange wolf is a very bad sign, he still feels a frown, but the effect is enough to smooth the unhappiness of his heart - obviously, the original subversive used It belongs to the power of the wizard's own crown, but it is the add-on that the wolf said.

After aggregating the fire of the sun, let out a powerful attack?

Ye Qi couldn't help but imagine the scene - the fire of the sun itself has been sharp and unparalleled. Once it is burned, it is only the point of being spiked. So what about the sun golden flame? In the face of the superb legendary powerhouse, I am afraid it will also be the release of a fatal blow?

but. This energy?

Thinking about the power, Ye Qi's gaze saw a piece of energy in the annotation, so that it is represented by numbers, but it has not appeared on other saints; nature is very attractive to Ye Qi's attention.

A complete twelve hour rì photo?

It takes about a day, and it takes nearly two days to get a little more!

Looking at the introduction given by the system, after the slight calculation of Ye Qi, he got a rough answer - unless it is in a special place in the Huangsha District, otherwise in other areas, the maximum of one day is nothing more than It takes about nine to ten hours, and this is already counting the dawn and dusk; if you leave the dawn and dusk, the maximum of seven to eight disappears in one day.

I don’t know what to do if I **** on the body.

Taking into account the speed of such natural accumulation and the time spent, Ye Qi naturally chose the second item. With the consideration of the heart, Ye Qi asked the strange wolf: "Before, so many bodies, if all give it How much energy will there be when charging?"

"Are you sure that you are not related to these guys?"

In the face of Ye Qi’s doubts, the wolf did not answer directly, but instead asked. In the tone, the wolf couldn’t cover his curiosity. It slammed his mouth and said: “What is the blood of your guy? Why is this always the 'unknown prophet'? There is the fire of the sun before... You must never tell me that it was after you cultivated the "wing of the sun" and realized it!"

Of course, there is still a saying in the wolf that does not say it - the reason why it adds a wonderful thing in the refining of the wizard's crown, is to test whether this magical contractor can perceive it; although from the sun With the advent of fire, it has a glimmer of expectation, but such expectations are far from being so real.

This kid actually can understand the Sun Jinyan? !

It is really incredible.

The strange wolf once again licked his mouth and began to wait for the desired answer.

"Everyone has some secrets. Have you ever been a god? Are you not the same?" Ye Qike wouldn’t honestly answer the question that he couldn’t answer. He staggered the topic and re-opened the topic again. Asked: "Before, so many bodies, if all of them are charged, how much energy will there be?"

"With that strength, can there be about two hundred, three hundred? Or a little more?" Obviously, the wolf can not give an accurate answer, not to mention that the heart at the moment is completely out of here; after the pause The wolf gave another suggestion: "Or else, let me tell you this secret, how can I tell you a secret?"

"You haven't got me there yet!"

Ye Qi gave a negative answer with certainty.

"Or else, one for two? This is a great business. If you change two, you will double in a blink of an eye!"

The wolf obviously didn't want to give up like this. It once again increased the bargaining chip; only when it was related to its own fundamental problems. Ye Qi can not give in. He said very directly: "Before there is nothing I am interested in. It is impossible to change two? One for three; of course, if there is something I want to know, the transaction is still counted - one for two, we That `s a deal!"

In order to get rid of the entanglement of the wolf, Ye Qi had to take advantage of the language traps, and even, not forgetting the last reaffirmation - in fact, such things would not happen at all; no matter how long it took; . Obviously, the wolf does not know that when Ye Qi reiterated, it lamented that he was once again deceived by the contractor, giving a trading chip without an upper limit.

Of course, in exchange for the secret that he really wants to know, the wolf feels that it is still very suitable - after all, a guy who thinks it is mixed with the dragon, the blood of the dragon is actually so thick, and can also be white The identification of God xìng. This seems incredible in its eyes.

Is there sometimes a dragon in his ancestors, and a certain god?

The wolf is thinking involuntarily; however. According to its memories, such a thing will not happen. At the very least, in its impression, there is no such existence in the time dragon. The rainbow dragon seems to have one, and one feels helpless. A dumbfounded, very unreliable guy.

And the time dragon that represents time and rigorously guards is obviously not such a guy who is not reliable.

So is it strong?

The strange wolf's thinking naturally develops towards the dark side of yīn; however, the next moment it shakes his head again; aside from the necessary unnecessary problems of aesthetics and body shape; the time dragon is a group of very short-lived existences, if it really happens Such a thing, a group of time dragons have long appeared outside the temple of the daring guy, and flattened there.

In fact, the dragons are very short-sighted, even if they are distant relatives, they also have such a tradition; once in the grassland area at the moment, the dragons that have been racing for hundreds of years can be free for so long, absolutely not It will be because people don't hunt, but they don't dare to smash the horse.

After all, compared to the heavy cavalry charge, tens of thousands of heads and dragons run, it is the real landslide.

Equivalent exchange! Equivalent exchange!

After thinking about it for a long while, I couldn’t think of anything. The wolf could only comfort myself with such reasons. After saying hello to Ye Qi, he drilled back to the seal. After confirming the strange wolf’s departure, Ye Qi Turned and walked outside the cave.

"grown ups!"

The lich looked at Ye Qi who came out and immediately performed a wizarding ceremony, and its soul fire noticed the special ring on Ye Qi’s left hand, although it was in such a dark place because of crystal clearness. It's hard to be discovered; but the clear feeling of worshipping it on it is enough to make the lich understand what to do.

"The body of Levi's body has been processed!"

The lich pointed to the figure and stood up again. He looked at Levi, who was dull, and said to Ye Qi more reverently: "His body has been treated and will not easily rot; if it is strong, it can remain in the stage of new legend. However, Levi's own expertise is the secret technique, even if the strength is reduced by one level, it will not cause too much loss!"

The lich is considered to be a very high-end existence of undead, and this way of using the body is inseparable - a lich may not be that terrible, but if it has three or five in its entourage If there is a level of existence, then anyone who is enemies with it needs to think about the consequences.

However, it is clear that Leslor is more about using the lich's almost endless life to study the knowledge he is most interested in; of course, it may be that under the supervision of the Levi's family, it is impossible to complete the lich. Said the most advantageous means; however, from this moment it has changed, and the legendary wizard who has benefited from this extraordinary situation has begun to change.

“How many available people can you draw in the Dark Wizard?”

Ye Qi looked at Levi, who was initially transformed by the Lich, and asked at the same time.

"Not less than one tenth!"

After thinking about it, the Lich gave a more conservative, but determinable number. It said: "Most of the dark wizards have become accustomed to the rules of the Dark Eyes. They prefer the conquest of life and death. Ambition, status is their main theme, they use their own spells to get what they want!"

“Just like them?”

Ye Qi’s eyes looked at the ten wizard assistants.

"Just like them!"

The lich answered with affirmation.

"So find out who you can confirm, and bring them together to form another force; as for the rest..." Yechton paused. Looked again at Levi. He smiled and said: "Continue to hand over to your leader!"

"Understood. Adult!"

Ye Qi’s voice just fell, and the Lich immediately nodded – perhaps like to study and explore unknown knowledge, but the millennial years are not white; on the contrary, in this millennium, he has experienced several times and betrayed. Les Lor is a veteran, especially after joining the family of Levi's eyes in the Dark Eyes, witnessing the dark arrows again and again, even a kind person. Also know what is called yīn tricks.

Therefore, if Ye Qi’s words are not finished, the Lich knows the meaning of Ye Qi, and there is a very direct plan in the bottom of his heart—to know that its undead troops are very lacking in wizards.

"Can you remotely control your undead army?"

Just as the Lich began to re-arrange the cave and not let others doubt, Ye Qi suddenly asked.

"Yes, adults!"

The lich is telling the truth.

"How big is that range?"

Ye Qi asked again.

"Unless I went to other planes or half-planes like the bridge on the other side, otherwise my undead forces will always be under my control!" The Lich said: "After all, I control their souls." Even if you have any trouble, you can solve it remotely!"


Hearing the lich who said this, Ye Qi couldn't help but brighten his eyes. He immediately poured a pile of high-class standard magic crystals on the ground and took out a diamond-shaped crystal.

"Witch Tower Core!!"

After seeing the diamond-shaped crystal, the lich couldn’t help but exclaimed—as a former wizard, the current lich, the wizard tower is no stranger, even quite familiar; after all, in life The most important crisis in the middle, whether it is, or it is still his time, spent by the wizard tower.

The Witch Tower, also known as the Master Tower, is a place where wizards live and experiment; likewise, it is the most powerful weapon of the wizard, more important than the staff in his hand; if you want to play the full power of the wizard, then stand At the top of your own wizarding tower, the wizard who opens all magical arrays can be called this.

A wizard without a wizard tower is incomplete.

The origin of this sentence is also because of this.

The sorcerer’s tower of the lich had long fallen in the war and then was controlled by the Levi’s family. It could not recreate the wizarding tower at all; in fact, even if it was to be built, it could not be done; after all, the creation of the wizarding tower was important. Several of the arrays and materials have long been lost in the long river of time with the collapse of the wizarding dynasty.

All, the wizards believe that the wizard tower will not appear again, the wizards will never be able to exert their most powerful power; therefore, when you see the core of this wizard tower, the lich's excitement is imaginable.

"This is a 'deputy' key; somewhere in the Thousand Marsh area, there is a tower of my wizard, I hope you bring it back secretly, come here!" Ye Qi explained the source of the wizard tower core, while Commanded the lich; the latter, hands out, and respectfully received: "Yes, adults!"

"At the fastest speed, I think I will need it soon!"

Before leaving, Ye Qi was squatting again.


This time, Ye Qi did not ask the Lich to accompany him. He left the cave in his own way. Although the following is the inverted sea water, it is still part of the cave. The stone clock that hangs down is the hand. The best place; Ye Qi is like a flexible ape climbing in the forest and starting to move forward.

At the entrance to the cave, Ye Qi slightly stopped his body. When the lights on the patrolling ship flashed past, they only turned upside down, turned over the cave, and there was a reef at the foot. At the two guard posts set up in the distance, Ye Qi quietly stepped on the pace of yīn shadow, and easily passed through the two sentries under the inability of the other party to detect.

After leaving the two guard posts for a distance, the front is a safe place, without the sorcerer’s inspection, and the battalion of the dark creatures is quite far away; therefore, Ye Qi immediately rushes in the direction of his defensive tower. Up; for the harvest tonight ~ ~ Ye Qi is quite satisfied, and with such satisfaction, his speed can not help but again a quicker.

It is the best portrayal of Ye Qi's speed at this moment.

Perhaps there is a little difference with Groning's speed that is completely incompatible with the creature, but it is not much worse; therefore, when Ye Qi feels a secret breath quickly approaches himself, and the speed is faster than Groning. When he was still fast, he couldn't help but at the moment of this embarrassment, the secret atmosphere had already entered him, and the familiar fluctuations made Ye Qi smile and stopped.

He turned and looked at the red cloak under the night sky; the inanimate king, with a smile, fell in the air; when he was about a foot high from the ground, he stood up.

Ps second more~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 200 starting points, the sn100 starting point, the x100 starting point, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 starting point, the Wang Xiucai 100 starting point, the reward, the ~~~ decadence, thank you for all the support. Brothers and sisters~~~

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