Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 275: Weird wolf special training

[Cold weapon (Master) +1]

When Ye Qi returned to God from the thoughts of fighting against the inanimate king, the system came forward with such a hint; after glanced at it, feeling the still empty body, Ye Qi could not help but shake his head and smile - compared with strength The strong existence of the battle itself is really the only way to enhance the strength, but the price and the harvest it pays are naturally proportional. High quality update

At this moment, it is less than half an hour from the dawn. It has been four hours since the battle. With the legendary [physique], he has not completely recovered. If it is other people, even the legendary The existence, I am afraid, is also the rhythm of serious injury; after all, he had the "Sorcerer's Crown. Liege" and "Green Leaf" repair, and the treatment of the wizard's emperor, especially the "Sorcerer's Crown. The existence of 】, if there is no such legendary sacred device that has just arrived, even if he does his best, and throws away the help of the blame, he can’t escape.

“About a day of training!”

After the wolf carefully evaluated the injury of his contractor, he gave an accurate answer. It licked his mouth and took a trace of disdain, expressing the thought at the moment: "If you follow my method, that little How could a bat be your opponent?"

"According to your method, I may be able to beat Alcatel, but it will definitely be chased by all the forces in the whole of Lorante... Do you think it is cost-effective to face an Alcatel injury or to be chased by the entire Lorante? Ye Qi refuted the strange wolf, and once again reiterated: "I can't accept all your ideas, and you can't accept all my ideas. We take a step back. Keep our bottom line. Not good? After all, we are very happy to get along!"

"Hey! If it's not someone. This time I almost died there, I will always keep this way of getting along!" The cold wolf screamed after the cold, said: "But now, I need to follow my way! ”

"I said……"

Ye Qi still wants to say something, but just after a mouth, the scenery in front of him began to mutate; the cave that was originally cut out by him turned into a bluestone hall at this moment. Looking at the starry sky above the head and the pillar of fire that carried through the heavens and the earth, Ye Qi was only a glimpse, and he reacted.

This is the land of seals!

For Ye Qi, who is no stranger to this, when he first signed a contract with the strange wolf, he once looked at it here; however, it was far from clear at the moment, especially the strange wolf lying on the opposite side, but gave him a A real sense of existence, not an illusory feeling like before.

"The seal has been unlocked six, and of course I will be a little different!"

The blame wolf yawned after yawning. Explained to the contractor of his own.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Qi took back his gaze and frowned at the strange wolf - this sudden change. For Ye Qi, of course, it is impossible to like it; if he can, he is more inclined to give a warning in advance.

"We are one... Are you dissatisfied with the practice of not giving me notice in advance?" The wolf was about to say his plan, and he saw the look of his contractor’s brow, and he immediately licked his mouth. , said: "If I informed you in advance, will you come?"

"That needs to be based on the actual situation and the risks that may be encountered, and..."

"Stop! Stop!"

Ye Qi replied immediately, but the words were interrupted by the wolf before they finished. High quality update

"It’s because you are like this, I won’t let you know in advance—because, I know that once you are notified, you will think again, consider the proportion of gains and losses and danger...” said the strange wolf once again I yawn, in his eyes, even because the yawn overflows the tears, and after the wolf claws are wiped off the tears, the wolf continues to say: "Cautious is a must, but you are now too cautious, even soon It’s the way to look ahead – although it’s because of your prudence that you can live to the present safely, but I don’t think it would be good for you to be cautious!”

"So, I decided to give you a special training!"

Speaking of this, the strange wolf suddenly revealed an unsatisfactory smile, which made Ye Qi frown again; in fact, since entering the seal land, Ye Qi’s frowning brow has not been loosened, but this The second wrinkle is even tighter.

"What special training?"

Ye Qi asked almost immediately after the words of the wolf had just fallen.

"Life and death training!"

The wolf said this way; then, the situation of the seal land changed again.

This, here is...

Looking at the familiar black reef ground, Ye Qi’s right hand instinctively grasped the handle of the knives, and his heart had a very bad hunch; the next moment, this bad hunch became real. The distant sky, the **** figure from far and near, the inanimate king appeared in front of him like this, and then the claw caught.

The knives have just been squirted in half, and the arm like a ruby ​​has already passed through the chest.

After the scene changed again, once again returned to the seal land, Ye Qi licked his chest, painfully squatting on the ground, the bean's sweat shed from the forehead, dripping on the blue slate floor, and His windbreaker was soaked in his sweat by the first moment.

"You, what are you doing!!"

After a long while, Ye Qi, who recovered a little bit, struggled to look up and looked at the wolf who had not moved in the same position.

"Train you!"

The blame wolf simply said these three words, and began to explain: "That is the illusion I constructed, and the little bat is almost the same, and your opponent is it; but, in order to be fair, remove 阎Outside the magic knife, there will be no saints, magic items and potions on your body. You can only fight it with a knives knife - after all, I don't know what is on the little bat!"

"You can hold on for ten minutes, or kill the other person's words, even if you succeed; if, fail... Hey. You have just experienced it - oh. The heart is pinched. It's really painful! However, rest assured, even if it is pinched ten times, you will not really die; but every pain is real, and in order to give you motivation, I specially adjusted it, every time you fail. The pain will double!"


What Ye Qigang wants to say, the scene changes again, and it is the reef ground. The inanimate king once appeared directly in front of this. High quality update

Then his head was blown up...

In the next fifteen minutes, Ye Qi experienced what it is called killing; but he is the object of being murdered.

The move of heart and headshot is only the most basic and only lasted for less than five minutes. The illusion of the inanimate king began to cut and slit his body, and in the end he cut into meat and diced meat. Until the meat is muddy; and only for these fifteen minutes, Ye Qi realized that life is not as good as death.

In fact, if you change to reality, he has already died thirty times!

After the third time, the wolf changed the way again. There was no change in the illusion and the land of the seal. It was completely in the illusion, and the next time it died, but the pain was still the same as before. The rules are always preserved; and this is why, Ye Qi will 'dead' faster and faster.

Want to maintain the most agile skills, but also endure the fatal pain, even if it is known as the tough Ye Qi, it is not enough.

However, it is clear that Ye Qi, who knows what the wolf wants to do, complained at the beginning because of the sudden attack of the other party, but then quickly adjusted himself and wanted to complete this rare 'special training' - though, Ye Qi can't understand the composition of such a illusion, but he can be sure that he has such a real feeling. It is definitely not an ordinary illusion, especially the illusion of the inanimate king.

A rare opportunity, can not give up!

This is what Ye Qi himself told himself. Similarly, he did the same thing - after the third scene transition, he began to do so, and until the thirty-first time, he seemed to do it.


The knives still have no sheath, but they even blocked the first strike of the illusion with a scabbard. Then, Ye Qi was shocked by any accident, and was shocked into a pile of blood fog in the air; this pain Compared with the previous 30 times, I also felt that Ye Qi felt pain. His cheeks were twitching because of such pain, and even the whole body was shaking; however, his eyes were still firm and looking. To the illusion.

The thirty-second time, start!

This time the illusion of the attack was not blocked by Ye Qi, but under the acceleration of the sudden, penetrated Ye Qi's defense, a straight punch was printed on the chest, and then Ye Qi once again broke the bones.

"It's a guy who looks smart and really stupid!"

The wolf looked at the scene with great exclamation, shaking his head and smiling at the corner of his mouth.

"However, the stupid guy is even more persecuted. Only in this way can he exert his full potential - the memory in his mind is far less real than the memory of the body!"

The wolf is talking to himself, and at the same time, the wolf claws wave slightly.

Immediately, the illusion in the illusion was a bit faster, so that Ye Qi, who could have successfully blocked the opponent's attack for the second time, was beaten into a pile of minced meat in the next moment.


Speed ​​has increased again?

Ye Qi in the illusion just stood up and looked at the illusion of the inanimate king from far and near, his eyes stunned - in this illusion of life and death, there is no time to rest; and the slight adjustment of the physical condition Time, the illusion of the inanimate king, is a little bit farther and farther, in less than a second.

In less than a second, it is undoubtedly extremely short-lived, even a breath can not be completed, but it is the only adjustment time of Ye Qi - in such a time, he needs to bear the pain of previous failure, and Launch defense or attack at the fastest speed.

In the normal state, this time is enough for Ye Qi to swing a few knives, but at this moment, he is very difficult, and he needs to do his best to make a knife - obviously, when he comes to this illusion For the first time, the sudden attack of the illusion of the inanimate king caused him great trouble. It was like snowballing. The more trouble he had with his failure, the bigger it was until now. Being able to passively defend against the scabbard with a sheath.

prior to. Levi, who was attacked by me. I am afraid it is also facing such a situation!

When he was once again blasted by the illusion of the inanimate king, Ye Qi could not think of it like this - but Ye Qi also understood that he was much more fortunate than the leader of the dark wizard, although he suffered tremendous pain, but It doesn't really kill, he is still working hard, and the other side has no chance to work hard.

Fifty-fifth time!

I am thinking of such a number in my heart. Ye Qi’s success once again blocked the attack of the illusion of the inanimate king, and smoothly took out the knives in half; even if the final result remained unchanged, Ye Qi saw his progress.

The fifty-sixth time!

Compared with the last successful block, Ye Qi failed completely this time. The illusion of the inanimate king went straight to his back and tore his head.

The fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth...

The battle of unilateral slaughter continued until the hundredth time, when Ye Qi, who was alert, suddenly found that he had returned to the seal again, and the strange wolf was shaking his head with regret. Dao: "It's worse than I expected, for a hundred times in a row. I didn't even last three seconds!"

"carry on!"

Ye Qi is too lazy to talk nonsense with the wolf, very straightforward.

"I still want to continue? You are not afraid of death, I am terrible to die! Although the damage here will not reflect your body, but your soul is the actual memory - one hundred times a day, is your limit. "The wolf said: "It is already dawn, and we will continue after dark!"

Scene conversion, when the reef cave that was hand-cut by myself appeared in front of him, Ye Qi suddenly felt that not only the body was faint, but his head was also dizzy, as if he had not slept for a month; he was tired like a tide toward him. Invading came; once again, after a shadow knight, Ye Qi leaned against the wall of the cave and fell asleep.

At the same moment, there were the same exhausted little man and Ava, and the two were lying in the rising sun and entering the dream.

As for the big man of the four?

He is still waving his fist at the moment, fighting with the rapids - far more than the physical strength of others' imagination, always inadvertently revealed in this inadvertently.

“Need to wake them up?”

Ted, who was carrying food, looked at the tower of the athletic tower. The latter shook his head with a smile and said: "No, prepare some good beef and white bread, put them in a big pot, they wake up and they will Go eat."

"Know, Master Jerome!"

Ted took the food in his hand and immediately began to prepare. While staying in the place, Enid was curious to look at the little man and Ava, and asked the owner of the tower of the competition: "Are they still practicing?" ”

"Of course, every person chooses a different path, and a different road, naturally has a different way of cultivation!" The owner of the athletic tower explained to Enid that the latter seems to understand the point of understanding. Nodded, then, immediately directed at the tower of the athletic tower, a fist, said: "The road I chose is the battle - we will come back to test!"

"no problem!"

The tower of the athletic tower smiled a little, then, immediately punched with Enid, feeling the opposite of the fist, Enid did not have any tension, fear, on the contrary, the Shak’s fist is With a burst of laughter, they did not sneak up and greeted them; one big and one small, one high and one short and two figures, they were hit in this sunrise.

The original demon-hunters who were only watching this battle, after a while, learned the appearance of the two, each looking for an opponent, fighting in one place - actual combat is the only way to increase experience, even if you choose not the same The road, but going through actual combat, is a hundred miles without any harm to anyone.

Of course, not all of them are involved in such battles. The demon hunters who are responsible for guarding, patrolling and investigating are still fulfilling their duties; especially the Nofa, which is responsible for most of the logistics work, has no Kung Fu participated in it, even the friend Ted was pulled into the tent by him, for further The first batch of the highest government supplies can reach Reef Bay this afternoon; we need to send people to Take over and collect supplies; and the demon hunters in Tallinn can reach Reef Bay at noon; and..."

When Ted Gang was close to Nufa, the hunter-gather who was dubbed the cold-faced man began to scream, and one piece, one piece, and Ted couldn’t help but lick the temple.

"Right, this is the secret letter of Mr. Blanc, remember to hand it to Master Jerome!"

Calculating the food and ammunition needed today, the cold-faced man did not lift the letter and threw a letter to his friend; Ted was only able to take the letter with a smile, and silently recited what the former friend said. Everything, striding toward the tower of the tower of the athletics that has ended the fight and won the full victory.

"Hey, Blanc's secret letter?"

The tower of the athletic tower is curious to take over the secret letter of the tower of the sacred object. Although it takes magical crystals to use the communication matrix, it is definitely faster than such a secret letter. Moreover, the war is Some moments are based on speed; however, when he saw the contents of the letter, he immediately understood why the old friend did this.

Guys in the dark area...

What do you want to do?

The tower of the Tower of Athletics frowned at the subconscious, and then told Ted: "I want to contact Hesel!"

"Understand, adults!"

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued..)

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